Saturday, 31 October 2009

Do You Know The 3 Warning Signs Of A Breakup

Get back with your ex

If you know the warning signs of a break up you will be better able to avoid splitting from your lover. All relationships are different but there are usually similar symptoms of trouble to look out for:

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1) Your partner is ignoring you.

Now I don’t mean that they are not talking to you. Ignoring someone, is where you lose interest in that person and never ask them how they are, what they are feeling or even where they were? If you are like two ships that pass in the night, your love life may need a little work.

Stop to think why they could be ignoring you? Have you forgotten their birthday or some other special event? Have you been less than loving lately? Are they feeling neglected? People usually react over something they feel has happened. This could just be their perception but as they are your lover and you should be trying to keep them happy, you need to understand their point of view.

So why not surprise them with a nice meal and sit them down and ask them what is going on? Why are they grumpy, although I would probably phrase that question a little better! It could be that they are preoccupied with a problem totally outside your relationship. Communication between couples is not always what it should be; so try talking. Who knows where it may lead?

2) Your partner doesn’t want to see you or go out with you.

If your lover suddenly becomes unavailable and too busy to see you, the red warning light should go on. There is a reason why they are avoiding you and you need to find out what that is. Don’t be a doormat or perhaps I should say bedmat. There is no excuse, for not facing your boyfriend or girlfriend, to find out why they think it is acceptable to behave like this. Whatever you do, do not ignore these signals or you could find yourself in receipt of a break up letter.

3) Your partner is distant in the bedroom

While sex is only a three letter word, it can cause huge problems. Just ask any couple who has been together a long time. Sometimes your family or life’s issues can get in the way of your lovemaking. It is also a well known fact, that the initial burst of animal attraction usually doesn’t last, so not making love every night is quite normal. What is not normal is not being intimate for months on end. Couples are held together by shared emotions and feelings. So don’t underestimate the power of a cuddle.

You should know when your partner is happy and when he or she isn’t. Sometimes their mood will have nothing to do with your actions; but often it is an indication of trouble brewing. Pay attention and look out for the above warnings signs of a break up. Otherwise you could find yourself newly single and wondering what happened!

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Friday, 30 October 2009

Warning Signs Of A Break Up What You Need To Do NOW

Get back with your ex

If you see warning signs of a break up you need to act quickly to avoid splitting up. It is a lot easier to prevent a split then to try to reconcile after the event.

So what should you be looking out for? The obvious one is if you are both always arguing. I believe it is healthy for couples to argue occasionally as making up is fun! But when you just fight and don’t make friends, you are on dangerous ground.

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Perhaps worse is when you have gone past the stage of fighting and now just ignore one another. There is nothing lonelier than sharing a double bed with someone and having enough room to drive a huge bus between you. Some of the loneliest people are those that are in a broken relationship.

Another sign you could look for is whether your partner prefers to spend time with other people. Now don’t get paranoid on me. No matter how much they love you, we all need some time out with our own friends. It is when your partner is spending more time with the other people, than with you and your family, that you need to worry.

If you see any signs of trouble, you cannot ignore them, but you need to deal with it now. Before you tackle your partner, you need to first decide what you want. Do you see a future with this person? If you do then you need to fight for your happiness; but in a very nice way. Shouting matches or physical violence are not the way forward.

If you have children arrange for a friend to mind them. Ask your other half out for the evening. If you go to a public place like a restaurant, the conversation is less likely to descend into an argument.

Don’t jump into the chat by flinging accusations or telling your spouse how let down/ignored/unhappy you feel. You will only put them on the defensive and that will lead to an argument. Instead, ask them how they are feeling. Are they happy with the current situation? Is there anything they feel could be improved?

Listen to what they say and try to stay calm and non judgemental. It is not going to be easy and you may have to listen to some uncomfortable stuff. But you want your relationship to work out don’t you.

You may not be able to resolve your issues in one evening, however, it could be all it takes to start the process of getting your relationship back on track. There is a solution for every problem and you just need time to find yours. In the meantime, you need to reassure each other that you share a mutual bond of love and respect and that is worth fighting for.

Acknowledging the warning signs of a break up and taking action is the first step on the road to recovery. If you both want it, you can save your relationship and live happily ever after.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Do You Know How To Prevent A Long Term Relationship Breakup

Get back with your ex

All couples experience rough patches from time to time; which could lead to a breakup. Frankly, if you don't, you may find out your missing out on a really meaningful part of your relationship. It's not a question if you are, but when you are going to hit that rough patch in your relationship. The question you need to be asking yourself right now is "Before this happens, I need to know 'how to prevent a long term relationship breakup' from happening to us." The following tips may well help you avoid that heartwrenching breakup.

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We can all take our partners for granted sometimes. Life often gets in the way of your relationship and we are inclined to think our spouse will understand. But that is not always the case. Your significant other may wonder where he/she comes on your list of priorities. He or she may feel neglected and if someone else comes along that pays them some attention and makes them feel desired, who is to say that they won’t be tempted.

Why not surprise your partner and arrange a date night. If you have children, arrange a babysitter. If money is a little tight, then put the kids to bed early and cook your partner a nice dinner. Add some candles and flowers and switch off the TV. Ban all talk about the kids, job, your money issues and of course talking about family members (or suffer the consequences).

The only conversation allowed is the type you would normally have on a date night. Imagine you don’t know each other. Ask your other half to tell you something about themselves, after which you will divulge a secret about yourself. Talk to your partner about their interest, passion and most of all listen to what they say.

When you have been together for a long time, it can get a little dull in the bedroom department. Being intimate is the glue that holds couples together. It isn't all together about having sex (a man would ask "It isn't?"), but holding hands, listening, talking, cuddling, affectionate, being there when needed and perhaps most all trusting one another.

If you have fallen into a rut where the only intimate occasions you see are those on a TV set, you need to sort this out. Don’t ignore it as it can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression and desperation on both sides. But you can't pressure the other person either. So why not make it a game.

Both of you have to make a list of all the nice things you would like to do/have done to each other; you should forget revenge and mayhem (really bad for saving a relationship). Each person gets a turn having one item on their list. She may want you to run her a nice, hot bath and allow her to soak for an hour; with only the candles for company. And guess what that can lead to for the man.

Rediscover the passion that brought you together in the first place. Let’s face it most couples do not get involved due to the fantastic conversation. There has to be the "X" factor as well. But when you have shared what seems to be a lifetime, the roaring flames of desire may now resemble a smouldering ember. However, the good news is, with work by you both, you can fan those "smoldering ember's into an all consuming fire of passion.

Couples that laugh together, share their inner most thoughts and feelings, make time for one another are the most likely to be walking hand in hand; sharing their twilight years. Life isn't a bed of roses, but it's a lot more fun when you share it with someone you love.

These are just a few of the things involved in "how to prevent a long term relationship breakup". Be sure you take the time to implement these things now and stop any further damage to your relationship.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

What Is A Remedy For A Broken Heart

Get back with your ex

Unless you have been lucky, you have probably been badly hurt when a relationship ended. Just what is the remedy for a broken heart?

Your first step is to see if your relationship can be salvaged. Sometimes in the heat of the situation we can do things we later regret. Perhaps you dumped your other half but now think you were too hasty. Why not see will he or she take you back? It is worth apologizing and asking for another chance if you feel this person is your significant other.

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It may be that you both said things that you regret. Often couples can come under severe stress due to financial worries, concerns over children, health not to mention families. See if your relationship is worth saving . You can go to counseling for unbiased help and advice. It is worth a shot, as getting back together with your loved one, is a very good remedy for a broken heart.

Sometimes though a relationship ends and it is final. Yes you will feel like you could never be happy again but with time your feelings will change. Treat the period, after a difficult breakup, exactly like you would if that person had died. Allow yourself time to grieve for what you have lost but then acknowledge it is time to move on.

You need to look after yourself. Why not take that holiday you always wanted or go visit some family and friends. Make changes to your daily routine. Your life will be different now so instead of approaching it with fear, grab this opportunity with both hands. Who knows, something or someone better may just be around that next corner.

I do not believe that we only have one soul mate in life. Sure partners who meet when they are teenagers and are still together in their eighties are great. But there are other twosomes out there who may have made mistakes in their respective pasts but have now found happiness again.

We change as people as we travel through the journey of life. Sometimes our significant other changes as well and as a couple, we adapt and stick together. Often though, we find we want different things and while you may be heartbroken at first, you may ultimately be happier with someone else; or even on your own.

If you find that your heartbreak is overwhelming, please speak to someone. There are plenty of counselors and charities that help those who are suffering from a broken heart. Consider helping others as well. When we go and visit sick people in hospital, help out at a children's school or visit elderly neighbors, we often forget about our own problems.

It is very easy to wallow in feeling of sadness but that will only breed despair. Life is too short to be miserable. You have complete control over your feelings. So get out there and find yourself the best remedy for a broken heart.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

4 Tips And More On Overcoming A Breakup

Get back with your ex

Unless you met the love of your life and stayed with them forever, you must have experienced the ending of a love affair. Here are some tips on overcoming a breakup:

1) Be nice to yourself:

While you may be feeling low and unloved, the end of a relationship doesn’t have to mean you stay on your own forever. Mr or Ms Right could be the next person to walk through the door. In the meantime be nice to yourself. Do all the things you wanted to do but your last lover wasn’t interested in. There are probably some shows and films that you would love to see. Grab some friends and head out for the evening.

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2) Don’t be seen as being desperate:

Desperation is not an attractive emotion in anyone. If you want your ex to take you back, you need to show them what they are missing. They won’t want someone who is miserable all the time. They want the person they originally fell in love with.

So despite how you are feeling you always need to present the best side of you in public. Dress nicely so you look great and above all plaster a smile on your face. Even if you feel like you are going to die from the pain, you never know when you will meet your ex or a mutual friend, so act happy; even if it is the performance of your life. You can cry into your pillow when you are home alone.

3) Don’t let your life stop:

Yes! I said you could cry into your pillow but I didn’t mean all day every day. Feeling miserable after a break up is natural but if you wallow in self pity, you generally end up feeling worse. There is more to life than any partner so get out there and start enjoying yourself. You may have to pretend for a while but soon you will find that you are actually having fun again.

4) Don’t over analyze what went wrong:

Yes we need to learn from our mistakes but the breakup may not have been your fault. It could simply be that the other person got scared of commitment i.e. cold feet. If they get in contact , agree to meet them for a drink and see how things go. Be polite and listen to what they have to say. If they want you back, don’t be too eager, but agree to see how it goes.

If you were the one who finished things, but now realize you made a mistake, tell your ex. They are not mind readers and they won’t know you want to rekindle your love affair unless you tell them.

Men and women often get things wrong as we see life so differently. Sometimes we have to split from our partner to realize what we had was real love. Often a break and a little communication goes a long way to overcoming a breakup and getting back together.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Monday, 26 October 2009

Rebound Relationships How To Improve The Chances Of Success

Get back with your ex

People often say rebound relationships don’t work. I don’t agree as there are plenty of happy couples out there who met shortly after breaking up with someone else.

So what defines a rebound relationship? Usually it is where someone starts going out with another person very soon after leaving or being left by a former lover. If you have met somebody who seems to tick all the boxes you were looking for in a partner, I certainly would not dump them. Yes, they could dump you, but so could anyone new that you meet; so why worry about it. You could just as easily be the person they have been looking for.

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Relationships break down for all sorts of reasons. It is actually more common for two people to grow apart rather than separate due to an affair or similar reason. If your current partner split from his/her ex, they did it for a reason. If they had been together for a long time, they probably grew apart. Or they may have realised that once the initial attraction had worn off, they were not compatible enough to sustain a long term relationship.

If your new lover has just recently rejoined the single scene, you do need to be a little careful. But you would proceed slowly when dating any new person; wouldn’t you? Try to find out why they split with their partner, but for heaven’s sake, don’t make them feel like they are being interrogated. Men in particular are very slow to speak about their feelings. If he doesn’t want to talk about it, do not jump to the conclusion that he doesn’t like you or find you attractive.

I would also advise against asking to see a picture of the former partner. You do not want to start comparing yourself to them and it is difficult not to do this when you know what they look like. If you are part of the same social circle, it could be even harder not to draw comparisons. If you don’t do it yourself, you may find some of your mutual friends do. Try to discourage/ignore these conversations as they are unhelpful. Nobody knows what happened between a couple other than those two people.

If you are the one on the rebound you need to be sure of your motivation for getting involved. Are you looking for a short fling or a long term love affair? Whatever you do, don’t get involved with another man to make your ex jealous or for revenge. It rarely works and it isn’t fair to play with the new persons emotions.

You may find, just like I did, that your rebound relationship never ends and in fact turns into the love affair of the century. We all need some more fun in our life so try to enjoy yourself with your new partner and see where it leads. Whoever says you should avoid rebound relationships is missing out on a whole lot of fun.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Should You Try Getting Over A Relationship Or Put Your Energy Into Getting Your Ex Back

Get back with your ex

When we split from a lover, we can either try getting over a relationship or try getting them back. It obviously depends on whether you still love your ex as to which one you chose.

If you do want your ex back, you need to make every attempt to achieve this. You and only you know whether he or she makes you happy and would make your life complete. Your family and friends may try to advise you but remember that they are not impartial. They love you and hopefully want what is best for you but sometimes people act with their own interests in mind.

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If your friends are all single, they may have been jealous of your love affair and would prefer to keep you single. If they didn’t like your partner, they are not going to encourage you to get him/her back.

Couples, as we know, break up for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes there is no coming back from the split and you have to accept it. Often especially if it was caused by something trivial or a misunderstanding, you could salvage things if only one of you would swallow their pride and initiate contact. Usually this will have to be the man as society still thinks it is the man who should do the chasing. A woman who makes the first move can be seen as being desperate.

Examine your own feelings before you decide which option to choose. Do you want to get back with your ex, to dump them so they know how it feels? These are games for teenagers to play so if that is your motivation, do yourself a favour and move on. But if you really do believe this person to be your soul mate, you need to plan a way to get them back in your life.

Try enlisting the help of their family and friends. Now there is a fine line between asking for help and becoming a stalker so take it slowly. Just happen to be at the places these people hang out i.e. bump into them by accident and see how ms/mr ex is doing. Make sure you are looking good so that the reports back are favourable. If you haven’t slept for days, plaster on the makeup. You do not want it going back to your lover that you looked miserable and suicidal.

You could always try the direct approach and contact your former partner. Ask them out for a friendly drink or meal and see where it goes. You never know they could have been dying to make contact but were afraid that you would not entertain them. People are funny creatures –they will often let fear of the unknown hinder their future happiness.

Whatever you decide, remember that we only get one shot at life. It is not a dress rehearsal. Getting over a relationship or getting back with your ex are both achievable, the question is which one do you want to succeed at?

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Saturday, 24 October 2009

How To Avoid A Long Term Relationship Breakup

Get back with your ex

Every couple experience rough patches but how can you avoid a long term relationship breakup?

We can all take our partners for granted sometimes. Life often gets in the way of your relationship and we are inclined to think our spouse will understand. But that is not always the case. Your significant other may wonder where he/she comes on your list of priorities. He or she may feel neglected and if someone else comes along that pays them some attention and makes them feel desired, who is to say that they won’t be tempted.

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Why not surprise your partner and arrange a date night. If you have children, arrange a babysitter. If money is a little tight, then put the kids to bed early and cook your partner a nice dinner. Add some candles and flowers and switch off the TV. Ban all talk of your offspring, your money issues or your family. The only conversation allowed is the type you would normally have on a date night. Imagine you don’t know each other. Ask your other half to tell you something about themselves, after which you will divulge a secret.

When you have been together for a long time, it can get a little dull in the bedroom department. Being intimate is the glue that holds couples together. It is not all about sex but holding hands, cuddling and being affectionate. If you have fallen into a rut where the only intimate occasions you see are those on a TV set, you need to sort this out.

Don’t ignore it as it can lead to feelings of anxiety and despair on both sides. But you cannot pressure the other person either. So why not make it a game. Both of you have to make a list of all the things you would like to do/have done to each other. Each person gets a turn having one item on their list. She may want you to run her a nice bath and allow her to soak for an hour with only the candles for company. We can probably guess what he would like!

Rediscover the passion that brought you together in the first place. Let’s face it most couples do not get involved due to the fantastic conversation. There has to be the x factor as well. But when you have shared what seems to be a lifetime, the roaring flames of desire may now resemble a smouldering ember. But the good news is that it is easy to relight existing fires, you just need a little practice!

Couple that laugh together, share their inner most thoughts and feelings and make time for one another are the most likely to be walking hand in hand sharing their twilight years. Life is not a bed of roses but it is a lot more fun when you share it with someone you love. You should avoid that long term relationship breakup at all costs.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Friday, 23 October 2009

What Is The Remedy For A Broken Heart

Get back with your ex

Unless you have been lucky, you have probably been badly hurt when a relationship ended. Just what is the remedy for a broken heart?

Your first step is to see if your relationship can be salvaged. Sometimes in the heat of the situation we can do things we later regret. Perhaps you dumped your other half but now think you were too hasty. Why not see will he or she take you back? It is worth apologising and asking for another chance if you feel this person is your significant other.

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It may be that you both said things that you regret. Often couples can come under severe stress due to financial worries, concerns over children, health and not to mention job related stress. Consequently resulting in unfair treatment to one another, which then leads to the possible breakup. Evaluate if this is one of the primary problems and then determine if your relationship is worth saving. If it is you can go to counselling for unbiased help and advice. It is worth a shot as getting back together with your loved one is a very good remedy for a broken heart.

Sometimes though a relationship ends and it is final. Yes, you will feel like you could never be happy again but with time your feelings will change. Treat the period after a difficult breakup exactly like you would if that person had died. Allow yourself time to grieve for what you have lost; but then acknowledge it is time to move on.

You need to look after yourself. Why not take that holiday you always wanted or go visit some family and friends. Make changes to your daily routine. Your life will be different now so instead of approaching it with fear, grab this opportunity with both hands. Who knows, something or someone better may just be around that next corner.

I do not believe that we only have one soul mate in life. Sure partners who meet when they are teenagers and are still together in their eighties are great. But there are other twosomes out there who may have made mistakes in their respective pasts, but have now found happiness again.

We change as people as we travel through the journey of life. Sometimes our significant other changes as well and as a couple we adapt and stick together. Often though, we find we want different things and while you may be heartbroken at first, you may ultimately be happier with someone else or even on your own.

If you find that your heartbreak is overwhelming, please speak to someone. There are plenty of counsellors and charities that help those who are suffering from a broken heart. Consider helping others as well. When we go and visit sick people in hospital, help out at a children’s school or visit elderly neighbours, we often forget about our own problems.

It is very easy to wallow in feelings of sadness, but that will only breed despair. Life is too short to be miserable. You have complete control over your feelings. So get out there and find yourself the best remedy for a broken heart.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Thursday, 22 October 2009

How Do I Get My Wife To Come Back Home

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It can be one of life's most difficult situations: a marriage falling apart. While it is important to try to honestly evaluate the problems in your marriage, and be willing to make reasonable changes to your unacceptable behavior, you still need to answer the question: 'how do i get my wife to come back home?' You can't even work on your relationship until she is home.

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It's helpful if you have a 'game plan' for when your wife returns home. This isn't about manipulation or only paying lip service to making changes, it's about taking stock of the person you are and what areas of your personality and behavior you need to change. Remember you're not just making changes to keep your wife happy, you're making changes that need to be made for you to become a better person and a better husband.

Having given honest consideration to these things before your wife comes home will mean that you don't just repeat the same hurtful and destructive behaviors that caused her to leave in the first place. You don't want to have a relationship that is turbulent where you are constantly fighting about the same things. That type of relationship isn't good for anyone. Now that you have honestly accepted that there are some changes you will need to make, it's time to figure out how to get your wife to come home.

Here are some steps that can help you convince your wife that you still love her and there is hope for your relationship and that she should return home:

1. The first thing is to let her know that you've been honest with yourself and realize that there are things in your behavior that you are willing, and able, to change. Let her know that you are a sincere, mature man who wants to be a better man and a better husband and that you are willing to work on those things. If she has real reason to believe things can be different this time she'll be more likely to return home and give it a try.

2. Don't go into 'bachelor mode' and be a pig. Keep the house clean. Shower, shave, do the laundry, etc. Your wife sure isn't going to want to come home if she feels like she is just going to have to be the maid. No woman wants to have to be a mother to her own husband. Most woman want a friend, a partner, and a lover. Let her see that even though you miss her, you respect her enough to keep up with the housework even when you're on your own.

3. If you're wrong, admit it and apologize. Many men get caught up in the macho idea that apologizing is a sign of weakness. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you screw up and admit it and apologize that is actually a sign of confidence, strength, and maturity.

Admitting when you are wrong and offering a sincere apology not only lets others know that you are a mature, confidant person, it also shows that you have respect for yourself and for them.

The reality is that people who won't apologize are actually very weak and insecure. They are too unsure of themselves to be able to admit they were wrong. When you're confidant enough in yourself to offer a sincere apology it shows that you are a strong, confidant individual...and that is sexy to any woman.

I hope these tips have given you some ideas on how to answer the question: "how do i get my wife to come back home?" The point is that if you truly want your marriage to work you need to be willing to work on your marriage. It takes two.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Cheaters - How Can I Save Our Relationship

Get back with your ex

If you've ever been in a relationship where you or your partner cheated, you may wonder how you can ever move on. The question is for cheaters how can I save our relationship? There are many things you can do to move your relationship forward after one person has been unfaithful, but you have to keep in mind that sometimes a relationship simply cannot be saved.

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If both parties want to try to save the relationship and move on after an affair it will take a lot of time and maturity. It's really tough to trust again after someone has taken your trust and thrown it away. Some people will not be able to get over it and it will not only end their existing relationship but that lack of trust can follow them to relationship after relationship for the rest of their lives.

Because the hurt you can cause another person could literally scar them for life it's really important that you really think it through before you decide to cheat. After all, is a little fun on the side, or a quick ego boost really worth the pain you'll be causing another human being? If you are so insecure that you think it's worth it just so you can feel better about yourself and more desirable you should probably not be in any relationship and spend some time in a therapists office.

One of the biggest things you will need to do to move your relationship forward after an affair is to have both parties be brutally honest about the initial breakdown of the relationship and their part in it. Blame for ruining a relationship is always shared by both parties, not always equally, but there are reasons the relationship fell apart to the point that someone thought they needed to have their needs satisfied by someone else.

Once you can honestly admit what went wrong you can solve the problem if you and your partner can communicate effectively. This means you have to avoid name calling, finger pointing, and accusations. If you can communicate in an adult fashion about the problems in your relationship and what you can do to fix them you might be able to salvage your relationship.

The bottom line is that not all relationships should be saved. If you are involved with someone who has a long history of cheating you should just move on. They are obviously too concerned with their own selfish wants and needs, and they will never change. If, on the other hand, someone just gave into a moment of weakness you might be able to work together to save your relationship. So ask yourself: cheaters, how can I save our relationship?

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Why Men Dont Leave Their Wives

Get back with your ex

If you are unlikely enough to find yourself in a relationship with a married man you have to understand why men don't leave their wives. It's true, married men rarely leave their wives for their mistresses. And to be honest, even if he did, why would you want a man who is a cheater?

Woman are compassionate, loving, forgiving, kind, and sometimes very gullible. You might think he'll leave his wife because she's old, fat, mean, stupid, nuts, controlling, etc. And maybe she is, but the truth is she's probably none of these things, after all why would he have married her if she was? It's much more likely that he's just bored and you're a convenient distraction.

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Few women would knowingly start a relationship with a married man if he started talking about what a sexy and wonderful person his wife was, so as hard as it is to believe married men will often lie so that you can justify having sex with him.

The reasons men cheat usually come down to the fact that their marriage has gotten stale and one or more of his needs (not just sexually) are not being met to his satisfaction. That's the same reason women cheat too.

The problem is that at the end of the day he probably still has feelings for his wife or at least doesn't want to go through the expense of a divorce. You also have to take into consideration the way both sides of his family will react, and if there are kids involved most men are unwilling to hurt their own children.

If you are a women who is involved with a married man and want to know why men don't leave their wives there can be many reasons. The important thing to remember is that it really doesn't matter why he won't leave, it only matters that you know he probably won't leave his wife and he's not much of a prize even if he did.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Do You Want To Be The Women Men Adore And Never Want To Leave

Get back with your ex

Many women dream of becoming the women men adore and never want to leave. But just as many women go about it in the totally wrong way and end up losing one guy after another. What is the secret? I'll show you.

The first thing you have to do is totally change your way of thinking. Our society has done a huge disservice to men and women by creating unrealistic expectations of what men and women should be.

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For example, for most of our history we have been taught that men are overly sexual and that they really only want sex. We've been led to believe that if we give our man enough sex he'll love us forever and never leave. That is complete and utter nonsense!

Yes men like sex, but surprise, so do women! Women have just as high of a sex drive as men but the difference is our society has encouraged men to follow their sex drive while women have been taught that 'good girls' will wait until they're married. The result? Men judge their 'manliness' on the number of conquests they make and women are frustrated and angry that they are forced to put their needs on hold.

So if you want to keep your man happy you need to get over the idea that he needs sex all the time or that he needs it more than you. Men and women really aren't that different in what they need and want from a relationship. One word can describe what they want: connection.

As humans we all need to feel connected to others. If you can remember that and base your relationship on that fact you will have a great chance of making your man love you forever.

A connection can be made emotionally, spiritually, and sexually. The more of these types of connections you and your man have the stronger your relationship will be. If you want to keep him in love with you stay in love with yourself. Don't get sidetracked and put all your desires on hold to accommodate your man. Most men will be flattered with that in the short term but in the long run they'll get bored.

After all, you have to remember who you were when you met, he was attracted to that person so why would you change and become some boring, clingy person now?

The women men adore and never want to leave knows all of theses things. She gives her man the connections he needs while keeping her own identity intact. She doesn't put his needs above hers, but she lets him know that she is his biggest fan and loves and accepts him unconditionally.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Why Men Leave Their Wives

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Today's women can find it challenging sometimes to keep their marriages intact and happy. Many women wonder why men leave their wives and what they can do to make sure it doesn't happen to them.

The truth of the matter is that our society has made it very difficult for men and women to find long term loving relationships. Why? Because the rules our society has adopted are based on inaccurate information.

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One of the most obvious misconception that is pervasive throughout our society is the idea that men only want sex and/or have a much higher sex drive than women. The truth is that men and women have similar sex drives but men have been encouraged, by society, to fulfill their needs while women have been discouraged from having sex until they are married.

This leads to many misunderstandings between men and women and how they approach their relationships. It might mean a man will be more tempted to cheat on his wife because after all, it's in his nature. And it could mean that a women uses sex with the hopes of keeping her husband in love with her so he will stay in the marriage.

If we really got to the bottom of things though we would understand that men and women want basically the same things in a relationship. Both want to feel loved, respected, and desired by their partners. When you break it down like that it doesn't really seem all that hard, does it?

If you want to keep your marriage strong try to meet your husbands needs...all of them, not just sexually. A word of caution here though. Because of the way our society has told us to behave women have the tendency to think that they have to meet their husbands needs even if that means ignoring their own. No! All that will do is make you resentful and bitter and that won't keep a marriage intact.

While it's important to try to meet your husbands needs it can't be done to the detriment of your own. Don't put your wants and needs on hold to satisfy your husband, you'll be unhappy, he'll be unhappy (and bored) and the marriage won't last. For a marriage to thrive both parties need to be happy, healthy, stable, and have their needs being met on a regular basis.

So for any women who wants to know why men leave their wives it's usually because his needs aren't being met, and I don't just mean his sexual needs. I mean on some level he doesn't feel like you love, desire, or respect him and he will try to find someone who will.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Men Who Leave Their Wives

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Many women have had to face the heartbreak of a relationship break up. It's never easy, and most would do just about anything to avoid a break up. Men who leave their wives have many reasons for doing so, but there are some things to keep in mind so you can hopefully avoid finding yourself in that painful situation.

One thing all women need to keep in mind, that might seem to go against everything they've ever heard or believed, is that men and women aren't all that different in what they want from a relationship, they just have different ways of getting it.

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Men want their women to love, respect, and admire them. Most men want to feel like they are meeting all of the needs of their wives and girlfriends and they want their women to show a high level of appreciation. They want to be admired.

It's important for everyone to feel accepted for who they really are and feel like they are appreciated for all they do. Men, and women, will leave a relationship if these basic needs aren't met.

One common misconception is that men leave their wives because they have found another women who they are attracted to. While this may be true to a point, they were most likely already feeling like their needs weren't being met long before the 'other woman' came into the picture.

One of the difficult things for women to deal with is that most men either don't understand why they're feeling the way they are or they are unable, or unwilling, to try to discuss it and come up with a solution. They just know they are unhappy and are sick of feeling that way.

If you want to try to keep your relationship with your husband happy and healthy, it's important that you understand that even though he may express his needs in a different way than you he still has the same basic need to be loved and admired that you do. He wants to feel like he is your prince charming and is the most important person in the world to you. Meeting these needs will help ensure that your husband isn't one of the men who leave their wives.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Friday, 16 October 2009

Why Men Leave Pregnant Women

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If you have wondered, hopefully not from personal experience, why men leave pregnant women there are many reasons. If the woman is his wife than it will probably be completely unexpected; after all he committed to the marriage why bail now?

Other than the unexpectedness of a married man leaving his pregnant wife, it's usually pretty easy to spot the type of 'man' who would leave his pregnant girlfriend. I think all women need to use common sense before they get intimately involved with any man.

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First of all if you are entering into an intimate relationship with a man before you have really gotten to know him you have to be aware that there are many potential dangers besides unexpected pregnancy. If you've been in the relationship for at least a little time there have probably been many signs that this guy is a loser.

Women are too quick to 'forgive' bad behavior in the men they date. They will say things like "he's got a good heart', "that's just the way he was raised", "it's a guy thing", etc. to justify the selfish and inconsiderate things their boyfriends do. If you're this type of woman you really should get counseling so you can understand why you would settle for this type of relationship.

The reality is that some men just don't like women and they get off on treating them badly. For some guys it can be a real ego boost to treat his girlfriend like trash and have her keep coming back for more. If you're in a relationship with that type of guy it's not too much of a stretch to think he might leave you if you got pregnant.

Any man who is verbally, emotionally, and especially physically abusive will more than likely leave you whenever the relationship isn't convenient for him. If your man exhibits any of these traits you should make darn sure that you don't accidentally get pregnant. Even if he doesn't leave, he is already abusive and once you are 'tied down' with a child that abuse is almost guaranteed to increase.

So if you are with a man who doesn't treat you with love, affection, and respect, you shouldn't be surprised to find yourself all on your own if you become pregnant. I'm not sure why men leave pregnant women expect that the term 'man' is probably not a very accurate description of these types of guys.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Why Men Leave Relationships

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If you are a women who is struggling to keep your relationship intact and you want to know why men leave relationships, this is the article for you. As humans, we have the tendency to make things more complicated than they have to be. This is compounded by some misconceptions that are strongly rooted in our society.

Many people have heard the saying: "Men use love to get sex and women use sex to get love". The problem is that doesn't have to be the way it is. While there might be some truth to that it just perpetuates a common flaw in our way of thinking: that men want and need sex more than women and that sex is all men need to be happy.

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That's simply not true. For the most part men and women have similar sex drives but our society, and really throughout history, men have been encouraged to 'sow their wild oats' and women have been told they have to be 'good girls'. So men are used to giving in to their desires and women are used to putting their desires on hold.

No wonder relationships seem like such a challenge! Half the population doesn't feel like they have any control over their urges and the other half feels like their urges are wrong!

For anyone who wants a stable loving relationship you will need to re-think many of the concepts you were brought up to believe. The truth is that anyone, men or women, will leave unfulfilled relationships and all but the most shallow people want to be fulfilled in many ways not just sexually.

In order to really have a loving long term relationship you need to have connections: physical, spiritual, and emotional. These are necessary for the success of any long term relationship. All people want to feel like they are accepted, understood, desired, and loved by their partners.

When one or more of these needs aren't met the relationship will start to fall apart. For any women who wants to know why men leave relationships so they can prevent it from happening to them, just remember to connect with your man on all of these levels, and both of you will be happy, fulfilled, and committed to the relationship forever.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Why Women Leave Men

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If you are worried that your wife or girlfriend is about to leave you, or has already left you, you may want an answer to the question:"why women leave men?" The truth of the matter is that it's probably not what you think, and there can be several reasons.

In any long term relationship things pile up. Little frustrations, hurts, insensitive remarks can all add up over a period of time and each little thing is like a brick in a wall. After a while you will have one very big wall. That's the point where one party will throw their hands up and say 'Enough!" and leave. The important thing is to make sure your relationship never gets to that point.

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One thing you have to do is un-learn much of what you've been told about women and what they want. If you think women are needy, and high maintenance you need to re-evaluate your thinking (of course some women are that way, but not most of them). While this may sound stupid here is something you should try: stop thinking of your woman as a woman, instead think of her as a person. Treat her the same way you like people to treat you.

One of the biggest mistakes men make is they either treat their woman like a whore, a surrogate mommy, or they go to the complete opposite side of the spectrum and put her on a pedestal where they treat her like she's made of porcelain. The best thing to do is treat her like a human being: a unique individual that has her own mind, needs, and wants. Get to know the real woman, not the person you want her to be, or think she should be.

Don't lump all women together. Don't assume your wife or girlfriend likes a certain thing or should act a certain way just because some other woman (or your mom) does. More than likely you have several male friends. Do you treat each one of them the exact same way, or do you modify your behavior (slightly) for each unique relationship you have?

Women leave men because they are unsatisfied in one way or another. Each relationship is different but at the end of the day your wife or girlfriend will leave because she is not getting enough of her needs met, it's as simple as that.

Most women want their husband or boyfriend to be a friend and confidant. They want someone who acts like they actually like them. Many men don't act like they even like their women and they certainly don't treat them like a trusted friend.

Women have sexual needs just like men. Our society has done a huge disservice to men and women because it tells men they have this huge sex drive and that it's ok to pick up women whenever they want to and that women have to be 'good girls' who will only have sex with their husband.

The fact of the matter is that is not true. Women have the same sex drive as men, they are just conditioned to not act on it whenever the whim hits them. What women don't want is to think that their man only wants them for sex. Women will often disconnect from their men physically because even though they like sex they also like non-sexual physical contact and many men think they have to turn every incident of physical contact into a sexual encounter. After a while your woman won't even want you to touch her, and she'll find someone else.

So if you want to avoid having your wife or girlfriend leave and you want to answer the question: "why women leave men?" just follow some of these simple tips and treat your women like someone who you like and love and your relationship should last a long time.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Women Men Love And Women Men Leave

Get back with your ex

There are two types of women in the world, women men love women men leave. Which one are you? It doesn't really matter which side you fall on at this point, if you read and use the information in this article you can become the women men love for the rest of your life.

The first step to make sure your man will love you the way you want to be loved, is to know what it is your man needs in the relationship and then give it to him. This seemingly simple thing is messed up more often than you would believe. Many women will think this means to be completely subservient to their man and do whatever he wants even if she doesn't want to do it.

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Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality no man (unless he's "damaged goods" which you wouldn't want to be in a relationship with anyway) wants a women who is a door mat. A real man will like his women to have a mind of her own, but he also wants her to be his biggest fan.

Women tend to think that if they give their man all the sex he wants, and if they dress up in sexy lingerie they are meeting all their mans needs. Again, if that is truly all your man needs you might want to find a man with a little more depth. It's a misconception that all men want is sex. Yes, sex is an important part of a relationship, for men and women, but it shouldn't be the do all, end all in any relationship, if it is your relationship will fail, it's just a matter of time.

In order to really form a long lasting bond you need to base your relationship on more than just physical intimacy. Whether we like it or not, we will all get older and as we do sex will become more difficult for various physical reasons. If your whole relationship is just based on physical intimacy, how can it survive once that is taken out of the equation?

The women that men leave, believe it or not, are the women who try too hard to be whatever he wants. Your man needs to feel special and loved, admired, and desired, but it won't mean very much to him if it doesn't seem sincere. If he feels like you are just being pliable he will quickly get bored and move on to someone more 'real'.

So for all you women out there, you do have a choice. You can be either type of women: women men love women men leave. It's entirely up to you. It doesn't mean giving up your own identity, it just means trying to understand your man and what he really wants and needs from you.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Monday, 12 October 2009

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back In 5 Simple Steps - Healthy Relationship Advice

Get back with your ex girlfriend

So how can you get your ex-girlfriend back in 5 simple steps? Healthy relationship advice is often difficult to find. There is a lot of rubbish printed about how you should ignore her or worse go out with one of her friends. These techniques will not result in your former lover running into your arms. You are more likely to be ignored.

So what can you do to get back on your ex's good side? Firstly you need to know why the relationship split up? Did you do something wrong? If so, apologise. Even if this doesn't result in a declaration of love, you still need to do it. You need to show this lady that you respect her and can admit when you are wrong. Apologies are old fashioned but they work.

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Once that is out of the way, you need to start to woo her again. Show her what she is missing. Find ways to remind her of the times you enjoyed together. Perhaps you could find some old photographs and get them printed up and send her a copy. Perhaps you could find an album of her favourite songs and mail it to her.

Little gestures that prove you are serious in finding out how you can get your ex girlfriend back will work wonders. You could always try asking her directly what she wants. What would make her take you back? Sometimes the only way you can work things out is to be totally honest with each other. You need to face whatever problems you had as sweeping them under the carpet will not work.

It won't always be easy to get your ex girlfriend back in 5 simple steps. Healthy relationship advice will tell you to have some patience and to take things slowly. You may have hurt this lady a lot and if so it will take her some time to trust you. But with persistence and old fashioned romance you should have a fighting chance. After all, at one point she obviously loved you and you now need to restore those feelings.

Find ways to tell her what you think of her. You could send her flowers or chocolates. Perhaps you could persuade her to come out on a couple of dates with you. Show her a very good time but, what ever you do, don't put any pressure on her to take you back.

Enjoy your time with your ex-girlfriend. Make sure the both of you have fun and she can't help but remember the good times you two had. You need to prove that you are serious and committed to a future with this woman. If you are just trying to get her back to prove a point, shame on you and the horse you rode in on.

Once you follow these tips, you won't be asking how to get your ex-girlfriend back in 5 simple steps. Healthy relationship advice will always help sort out problems of the heart.

6 tips to help your ex girlfriend to fall back in love with you

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Get Your Lover Back - Tips And Advice On How To Get Your Ex Back

Get back with your lover

So you want to get your lover back? Tips and advice on how get your ex back are everywhere these days but how do you know what works and what will send your ex running even further away?

First trust your own instincts. You and you alone know both yourself and this former lover. Why did you break up? Was it just a silly argument or are you really incompatible on some level. Arguments about silly things are often a sign of a more deep rooted problem so dont just ignore it. If you were constantly fighting about the same small things, chances are there is some other issue affecting your relationship. You need to deal with this issue as ignoring it will not make it go away.

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Try asking your family and friends for their opinion on what makes you two a great couple. Also ask them for their insight into why you may have broken up - you may learn something new.

Try talking to your ex-lover. Arrange to meet up on neutral ground, preferably in a park or restaurant where there will be other people close by. Why? So that you both have to remain cool and not let your meeting turn into yet another shouting match.

Do not let your meeting descend into a trading insults session. Sure you may have to listen to some truths, which hit home, but do so gracefully. Your ex is probably only letting off steam. Tell your ex that you still love them and want to give your relationship another go. Ask them if they would be interested in trying again? Perhaps you could go to couple's counselling together.

Apologise for your past behaviour and explain why you want them back in your life. You may have to work hard to convince them, particularly, if hurting them is something you do; on a regular basis. If this is the case, you need to ask yourself if you are sure that your ex is the right person for you. We don't usually hurt the people we love, at least not on a consistent basis. It is difficult enough to keep romance alive in any relationship but if you are always hurting your partner,love dies very quickly.

When you meet your ex, remind them of all the great times you had together as a couple. Tell them that this time apart has given you plenty of time to decide what you want and it is definitely them. You are 100% sure that getting back together is the only result you are interested in. Stroke their ego. Let them know how attractive you find them and how much you want them but don't go overboard. You do not want to scare them or appear desperate, even though that might be the case.

Be prepared for it to take some time to get your lover back. Tips and advice on how to get your ex back are all good and fine. However you are dealing with a human being, who may need time to see that getting back together; is a good plan.

6 tips to help your ex lover to fall back in love with you

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Getting Back With An Ex Boyfriend After A Deployment - Where Do I Start

Get back with your ex boyfriend

Getting back with an ex boyfriend after a deployment can be difficult but often worthwhile. Being away from family and friends tends to make a boy grow into a man, so you will probably find your boyfriend has matured a lot.

Depending on where he has been and how long he has been away, he may have gone through some traumatic experiences; as well. It is very doubtful that he will be the same person who you broke up with. It is best to start again as if you were going out for the first time. Take things slowly and get to know each other all over again.

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You will have both have changed over the time you were apart. These changes may make you more compatible, but then again they may not. Only time will tell. You cannot base a relationship on just shared past memories. You need to find out if you both are the right match for each other now.

Don't rush into things. Enjoy each other's company. Pretend you don't know each other and go on date nights where you can chat for hours. You need to discover each other all over again and that is virtually impossible to do, if you are always surrounded by your friends and family. Go away for a couple of weekends together to see how you get on being alone. Have some fun and some adventures. After serving his tour of duty, I am sure that your boyfriend will appreciate some good old fashioned fun. Take him hang gliding, riding horses, bowling, roller blading or ski-ing. Whatever sport you can find near to you that you both enjoy.

Having a relationship with someone is not all about candle light dinners. It is about getting on together 24 hours a day through the good times and the bad. A successful couple share a deep physical and emotional attachment to each other. It is this bond that will get them through the hurdles; life throws at all of us.

It is worth mentioning that you are choosing a difficult path getting involved with military personnel particularly during these times. You must be prepared for long separations and perhaps for living abroad in military housing. Your man may be posted to dangerous parts of the world.

When you love someone it is very difficult to let them go and do their jobs. You must be prepared from the outset to accept the life they have chosen. It would be unfair to fall in love with a military person and then expect them to leave their carrer for you.

You also need to trust your boyfriend. Given his job, there may be things he cannot share with you either because of military rules or just that they are too painful. You will just have to accept this.

Getting back together with an ex-boyfriend after a deployment may be difficult, however it should also be exciting and perhaps the start of a whole new life together.

6 tips to help your ex boyfriend to fall back in love with you

Friday, 9 October 2009

Getting An Ex Back Who Has A Boyfriend

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Getting an ex back who has a boyfriend is going to be a challenge. New relationships can be very attractive particularly to those that have had their heart broken. A new man is likely to flatter and compliment their woman as well as spoiling her. They have yet to get used to having her around or take her for granted.

So what tricks can you use to get your ex lover back even if she appears to have moved on. Well, you two have history which has yet to happen with her new beau. History means that you will have shared some fantastic times that only you two know about. So why not start reminding her of that?

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Your other advantage is you know this woman. You know how she thinks, what she likes and doesn't like. If she preferred you to dress a certain way, then make sure that is how you are attired every time she sees you. Act happy even if your heart is in pieces. Nobody likes desperation, especially in a man, and begging her to come back to you; as your "life is not worth living without her" only works in bad movies.

Instead be happy and confident and make out your life is wonderful. She is more likely to remember the fun times you both had and may even start to miss them. Let her know that you would love to give your relationship another go but that you understand she has moved on. She will be left confused and wonder if perhaps now you might move on too. Women like to be wanted so the fact you are pretending to accept her new relationship will probably confuse her.

You could try dating other women. There is nothing like jealousy to inspire a woman into taking action. We all want what we cannot have and if you make yourself too available, she is less likely to be interested.

Find reasons to accidently cross her path so that you can remind her what she is missing out on. But don't go stalking her as that is just going to get you into trouble with her perhaps her new man and in the worst case senairo, possibley with the law.

Your ex will listen to her family and friends, so remember to include these people in your wooing process. Remind them why they like you and would prefer her to be with you rather than her new man. If you were with your ex for a long time, you should have good relationships with her friends. Now is the time to capitalise on those contacts. If you treated your ex badly then make sure her friends and family know you genuinely regret it and have apologised for your actions. You do not want all her family telling her to stay away from you, as that will make it even harder to get her back.

Getting an ex back who has a boyfriend may be more difficult but nothing is impossible; if you want it badly enough!

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Thursday, 8 October 2009

How Can I Get My Ex-Girlfriend To Come Back To Me - The Age Old Question

Get back with your ex girlfriend

How can I get my ex girlfriend to come back to me is a question guys often ask after they realise they have made a huge mistake. Guys get bored easily and often believe that the grass is greener elsewhere. They see their single friends having fun every night and feel that they are missing out. So they dump their girlfriend and decide to go off and have some fun.

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But after a couple of weeks or months leading the glorious single lifestyle, they soon come to realise that their friends are lonely and would do anything to find a lovely long term girlfriend. Their friends may even have been jealous of their relationship and that is the reason why they encouraged the break up. It is not uncommon for a guy to find out that his so called friends asked his ex girlfriend out shortly after they broke up.

Is any of this sounding true to you? Have you made the same mistake? Or perhaps you dumped your partner because you were scared of the feelings she was evoking in you. Perhaps this is the first time you have thought of settling down and having children and that made you head for the hills. This is fairly common thing to do, as men are generally not used to speaking out about their feelings. So how do you get your ex-girlfriend to take you back into her life and her bed; if you see yourself in any of the above.

Whether you are successful in getting your ex back will depend on how she feels about you. If you were the love of her life and this is the first time you have broken up, she may forgive you. But if you are in the habit of finishing with her regularly she may not be so forgiving and you will have to work harder to convince her.

Write to your girlfriend and tell her how you feel. Apologise for how you behaved and explain that you want her back. An old fashioned love letter will work ten times better than texting, phoning, flowers or chocolates. Why? Your woman will be amazed that you have taken the effort to do this.

Most people these days have no idea how to write a proper letter. Go out and buy some nice paper and a pen. In the letter, apologise and ask her to go back out with you. Tell her you love her and miss her and remind her of the great times you two shared together.

After you send your letter, ask your ex out on a proper date. Take her to a fancy restaurant and lay on all the trimmings. Flatter her but mean it sincerely. Don't get creepy as that will freak her out.

Take things slowly and at her pace. Lay your feelings on the line and you may no longer have to ask how can I get my ex-girlfriend to come back to me.

6 tips to help your ex girlfriend to fall back in love with you

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Getting Back Together After A Long Time - Can It Work

Get back together with your ex

So you are thinking of getting back together after a long time apart. Can it work? Well that depends really on how much you both want it to and what caused the breakup in the first place. You are more likely to succeed if you have the backing of your friends and family.

Often we break up when we are young, as we are both immature and just don't know what we have; until we lose it. Other times we can kill off a relationship, because we relocate with our jobs or our families. Often the break up has nothing to do with the people involved just the timing or distance is wrong.

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But sometimes there were specfic reasons why we broke up and if these reasons still exist, then you need to work out why you want to get back together. Absence can make the heart grow fonder but be aware that memories get distorted and you could be remembering events that didn't quite happen that way. Experts call this the "rose coloured glasses" effect.

However, if you are thinking of getting back together after a long time apart, there must be a physical and emotional attraction between the two of you. Physical attraction is great and this is what generally brings couples together initially. But unless it is accompanied or followed over time by an emotional connection, the physical stuff just isn't enough to sustain a relationship.

Long term successful partnerships are based on mutual respect, love and commitment. If you miss out any of these three key ingredients your chances of spending your twilight years together diminish. I know that Hollywood films would have you believe that a great romance is based on lust and physical attraction. You can be easily fooled into thinking the man just has to sweep you off your feet and you will live happily ever after.

Unfortunately, real life isn't like that and you will have certain trials to face as a couple. A couple who are deeply committed to each other, on every level, is much more likely to survive the problems; real life throws at them.

Perhaps you two were together for a long time. Maybe you even had a family together before you split up. If this is the case, you need to be sure that you are getting back together for the right reasons and not because your kids want you to. Just as a couple should never stay with each other solely for the sake of their children, nor should they get romantically involved again for this reason.

Getting back together after a long time apart can be an exciting adventure. Just take things slowly and who knows, perhaps a marriage or remarriage may just be over the horizon.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Getting Back Together With Your Ex Husband

Get your ex husband back now

So you are considering getting back together with your ex husband. This is a huge step and one which should not be entered into lightly. There are reasons why you split up in the first place. Unless these have been resolved you do not stand much chance of making a success of your relationship the second time around.

But it could have been a mistake to end your marriage and getting back together may be the right thing for you both. Only time will tell. But a couple of tips that you could follow to help ensure success would be:

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1) Men hate small talk. Well at least most men do. They cannot understand why some women feel the need to talk about every minute detail of a problem. Men just want to see the bigger picture and if you force them to do detail, they will probably pull the shutters down. When this happens it does not lead to good communication between you.

2) When men say they are sorry and mean it they expect to be forgiven. They do not want you to continue sulking or to act like an elephant and remember that tiny incident forever. Most men are straight forward. They are big enough to admit when they make a mistake, apologise and move on. Do yourself a favour and accept they are sorry and let it go. Obviously this would not apply if they were physically or mentally abusive. If this is the case, kick them out and be done with it, because in most cases the man's behaviour will only worsen.

3) Don't assume that your ex husband knows you want him back. Men as a rule are useless at reading signals. They may make better map readers but when it comes to human nature, they often need to be told exactly what you want. This applies just as much inside the bedroom as in the rest of your relationship.

4) Don't expect your man to rescue you from a life of boredom. Too many girls sit back and wait for the man in their life to make it interesting. Often men complain that the only topic of conversation in their house is the plot of some soap opera. Go have a life of your own. Just because you are part of a couple does not mean that you cannot do some things separately. While mutual interests are a great foundation of any relationship, so too is having the ability to have conversations. You cannot talk about life in general if you never leave the house or do anything interesting.

5) If you do succeed in getting back together with your ex husband, don't let the relationship go stale again. Arrange date nights where it is just the two of you. If you cannot afford a sitter, put the kids to bed and then make an effort to dress up. Take the phone off the hook and spend the night absorbed in each others company.

Try the above hints and tips and getting back together with your ex husband may be the best move you ever made.

6 tips to help your ex husband to fall back in love with you

Monday, 5 October 2009

Where Can I Find Help For A Troubled Relationship

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Relationships are difficult at the best of time but sometimes we need additional help. So where can you find help for a troubled relationship?

If you and your partner are still speaking, why not make a date together at your favorite restaurant. A public place is great for a chat about your feelings as you are more likely to keep your temper under control. You cannot let your cosy chat descend into a shouting match or you will disturb the other diners.

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Sometimes a little work and some private chats are all that is needed to sort out the troubles in a relationship. Life gets so busy that it is easy to lose track of our loved ones and to end up ignoring them or causing them to feel neglected. A few "couple only nights" may be all you both need to get back on track.

If you cannot talk alone, why not ask a trusted friend or family member to act as mediator. This can be a difficult step to take and not one that you should enter into lightly. You must pick someone who has the ability to act impartially. This is not the time for any third party to be taking sides.

What you are looking for is someone who can help you and your partner to talk openly about the problems you are having. Someone who has been in a long term relationship, for a long period of time, will probably better understand the difficulties a couple can face. Single people may understand the theory but not having had the practice will find it difficult to dispense advice.

Often it is not possible for you to find a suitable friend or family member so why not try couple counselling? People believe that these services are only available for married couples but that is not the case. There are some services dedicated to those that are married but others are for couples who live together or share time together.

Check your local phone directory to see what services are available. Be careful when choosing your advisor though. If possible, go on a personal recommendation. Your doctor or religious adviser may be able to help. Or ask your counsellor if they have clients who are willing to give them a testimonial.

It is much better if both of you meet the counsellor as it is important you are both comfortable talking to this person. You will be discussing intimate details and this is impossible if you do not like the counsellor. They will probably want to meet you together as a couple and perhaps separately as well. Find out how many meetings you will be expected to attend and when you are likely to see results.

The good news is that if both parties are amenable to seeking help for a troubled relationship, you stand a great chance of sorting out your issues and going back to the happy couple you once were.

6 tips to help your wife to fall back in love with you

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Get Your Wife Back Now - Before It Is Too Late

Get your wife back now

How can you get your wife back now before it is too late? Most people who have been close to leaving a marriage know that the longer you wait, the more you risk not being able to turn back time and rediscover the reasons why you got married in the first place. The more time that goes by after a split, the more room there is for another person to become involved. Your wife may be feeling lonely and unloved and there is always someone waiting in the wings to help her recover her groove.

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Marriages break down for all sorts of reasons but the main one is a lack of communication. Life can just sometimes get in the way. There may not have been an affair or other serious issue. You may just have simply drifted apart. Perhaps you thought your wife and your relationship would always be there.

It is easy to take your significant other for granted without meaning too. We often spend more time worrying about our friends or our kids while believing that our other half is fine. By the time you factor in the time spent on our jobs and our kids, it leaves very little for our Mrs. This can lead to your wife feeling you no longer love her or have time for her.

Love is like a plant. It takes care and nurturing to blossom. Without sunshine (attention), it withers and dies. However just like a plant, love can be revived if your willing too put out the effort.

Try talking to your wife and find out why she left. Is there something in particular that she is unhappy with? Perhaps she believes you are involved with someone else. If you are not, convince her of your innocence. If you are, you need to make a decision as to which person you want to be with. You cannot have two significant others in your life and expect life to go on as before.

Remind your wife of the good times you shared and all the reasons why you fell in love with her. Flatter her but be sincere, remember she knows you perhaps better than you know yourself. Don't get angry or try laying blame at her door. Never threaten her, your kids or imply that you will harm yourself. You will only frighten her or else she will pity you. Neither emotion is the one you are looking for.

Admit that although you both have made mistakes, now is the time to move on and work things out. Perhaps you won't be able to get your wife back but at least you will have tried everything.

Don't be too heavy or too desperate. You want her to find you attractive again and nobody likes a desperate man. Be strong and confident. Show her exactly what you want while at the same time convincing her that you are prepared to do what she wants or at least meet her more than half way.

Go get your wife back now and hopefully you will get to celebrate your golden years together yet.

6 tips to help your wife to fall back in love with you

Saturday, 3 October 2009

He Broke Up With Me - How Do I Get Him Back

Get him back now

He broke up with me, how do I get him back in my life ishim something we have all asked ourselves at some point. Perhaps this is the first time a man has dumped you. Or maybe this is your first relationship break up.

Either way you need to examine why you want this person back. Are you really in love with them and want a relationship with this person or is your ego hurting? We often are not too interested in someone until they make the decision that they no longer like us. Suddenly we find them attractive again or we may decide that if anyone is going to break up we will be the one to do it. So before you waste your time and energy getting this man back into your life, make sure that you really want him. If you are trying to get back at him, forget about it. The only person you will hurt is yourself and that is never a good thing.

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Most adults have been dumped at some point and while it is not a nice feeling, it is not the end of the world. You will kiss many frogs before you find your prince and some of those frogs may finish with you first.

If you are really in love with him, do you know why he finished the relationship? Did you hurt him? Were you unfaithful or mean or ungrateful? If your behaviour was the reason he finished with you, then you need to apologise to him. Tell him you are sorry and ask for another chance.

If you do not know why the relationship brok up and are certain you want this man back, you need to use some female wiles. Dress to impress all the time so that when you bump into him, he will see what he is missing. Go on friendly dates with other men, but don't over do it. It's true we all want what we cannot have and if your ex sees you dating new men, he may get jealous and decide he wants you for himself. However, this particula tatic can back fire on you very easily.

Have fun and enjoy yourself as this will leave a sparkle in your eye. Nobody wants a desperate unhappy person, they are a drag to be around. Act like a bright candle attracting various people around you. Go out and enjoy yourself. Your mutual friends are bound to report back to your ex that you are having a really good time. This will not do much for his ego.

Pretend not to be interested in your ex so that he has to work harder to get you back. If he seems to be interested, you can discretely encourage his attention but do not dwell on his every word. Make him see that you have a life and if he wants to be a part of it again, he needs to make an effort.

He broke up with me, how do I get him back may be quite an easy question to answer - give it a shot today and see.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Friday, 2 October 2009

How Do I Get My Ex Back - Your Answer To The Question

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You might have asked yourself the question “how do I get my ex back?” recently.

If you’ve asked yourself that question, the good news is that you are not alone. All over the country there are people suffering from the same condition that you are. They have been dumped by someone they love and for that reason are finding it hard to let go of that person. You might not think that you are hung up on the person, but you owe it to your own mental well being in order to make sure. There is a thin line between seeking a healthy renewal of a relationship with an ex and obsession. The moment you cross that line, you’ve taken the road to making your life miserable.

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There are actually many ways for you to tell whether you are taking the road to ruin or whether you genuinely do feel that resuming things with the ex would be a healthy way to go forward. If you feel the uncontrollable urge to push the issue every time you think about it, chances are pretty good that you are taking the road to ruin. If you feel like you can bide your time and develop a friendship with your former lover before taking things back to the next level, you are in healthy mentality area. Generally speaking, your mindset and the first strategies that come to your mind will give you away.

This fits in nicely with the strategies that don’t work and the ones that do. The strategies that you’d think of when you were obsessing would mostly be strategies that had no chance of working. The strategies that you’d come up with (like going through friendship) when thinking about building healthy relationships are the ones that really have the chance of working.

Whatever you do, you do not want to rush things with your ex. If they broke up with you, they are going to need to get over the breakup before they can be coaxed back into a relationship. This is true even if you broke up with them since it is hurt rather than distaste that they need to get over. The truth of the matter is that you need to give them a lot of time and space at first, gradually closing both the time and the space as you begin to get your foot back in the door with them. It may not be pretty, but it is definitely going to be the best chance that you have.

At the start of this article, you asked a question. You asked “how do I get my ex back?” The answer is now available to you in the whole truth and nothing but the truth. If you take these methods here and apply them to your own life, you will have a better chance at getting your ex back than you would have from any other strategy you could employ. That is a fact. It is the truth without any sugar-coating.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How To Win Your Ex Back The Right Way

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Truth is there are many ways that you can learn how to win your ex back. Some of them will be ways that have no chance of working. Being overly pushy about it is one way that some people will advocate, but that way is one that is doomed to failure in the overwhelming majority of cases.

There are also some ways that will have some chance of working, but will restart the relationship in a mode that is far too unhealthy for it to actually be able to last. For example, some people have been known to cave in to pressure and verbal abuse on a level far exceeding the pushiness mentioned above. In a very small minority of people, this type of strategy can work in reigniting a relationship. However, those relationships are often abusive in one direction or another. That is not what you want for the person that you want to be the love of your life.

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That leaves the ways that have the best chance of working. In reality, these ways are obvious once you remove the natural instincts that most people have when it comes to this particular topic. Things like honesty, genuine affection for your ex and the ability to leave them alone when they really need space from you are things that are obvious once you drop the ego, pride and stubbornness in order to realize the truth of what is going on here.

The truth of what is going on is this. Your ex dumped you. That means that they voluntarily chose to end their association with you. What you are trying to do is get them to not only voluntarily reverse that decision, but also voluntarily take it all the way back into the relationship they had beforehand. For more people, that takes a huge shift in their thinking. This is why pushiness is not going to work. Slowly turning their opinion by changing the things about yourself that made them break up with you in the first place will work, but you have to do it right.

If you want to know how to win your ex back the right way, this is it. There are two people that you need to look at. The first is the person that you were when your ex fell in love with you. The second is the person that you were when your ex dumped you. If you can figure out what changed between these two people, you will have a recipe for reversal that can get you to look attractive once again to your ex-lover.

Your goal here is to make them look at you with interest once more. Unless they look at you with interest, you are not going to be able to get them to come back to you. They need to be interested and attracted, just like they were the first time they fell in love with you. This strategy has the best chance of making you look like those things to your former partner once again.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you