Sunday, 28 February 2010

Are You Thinking I Am Still In Love With My Ex

Get back with your ex

Perhaps you are thinking I am still in love with my ex but it is hopeless as they don't love me. How do you know that? Perhaps they regret the break up as much as you do. Unfortunately when two people split up, they can let things drift between them rather than trying to reconcile and rediscover their former passion. There are a number of reasons why. They may feel hurt particularly if they were the one who were dumped. They may feel that they will only make a fool of themselves if they try to get their ex back. There are even some people that believe all break ups happen for a reason and therefore the relationship is best left finished.

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Well I am happy to say that most if not all of these beliefs are garbage. It is extremely unusual for two people in a long term relationship to break up and not have any feelings left for the other person. Yes it is natural to be hurt regardless of who was the "guilty" partner. It is also completely reasonable to be scared of making the first move to reconcile. But think about this? Would you rather sleep with your pride or your lover?

Letting someone you love out of your life forever because you cannot bear the thought of him or her rejecting your advances is silly. Life is difficult enough without standing in your own way of happiness. Sure they may knock you back but at least you will know that you gave it everything and not spend the rest of your life wondering what if. Imagine you don't do anything now and you bump into your ex lover in twenty years time. On this future occasion he or she admits that they never stopped loving you and have wanted you back in their life all this time. Wouldn't you just kick yourself? Yet this is exactly the scenario you are risking by not being prepared to make the first move, admit you think you were wrong to break up and that you want to give things another go.

Come on now, what do you stand to lose? Really when it comes down to it do you want to waste time thinking I am still in love with my ex or do you want to grab life with both hands, find your ex partner and tell them how you really feel. If you want some hints and tips on how best to approach them, try reading the Magic Of Making Up. The testimonials on the sales page will tell you how often the hints in this diamond have worked. You have come to a crossroads in your life and the next move is up to you. You alone have to take 100% responsibility for your actions or lack of them and the results. Don't listen to your family or your friends. Think about what you want and how your life will look if you never get your ex back. Now make a decision and go for it. Don't live a life of regret due to misplaced pride or thinking you "know" the answer to how someone else feels.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Saving A Relationship The Easy Way

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If you are interested in saving a relationship go and buy The Magic Of Making Up now. This book is written by a happily married man who gives you cheerful down to earth practical advice on how to save your marriage or partnership. Just have a look at all the testimonials he has had to see that his advice works and fast.

Whether you want to save your marriage or are talking about saving a long distance relationship, you need help. You could try marriage counseling or even doing a course like relationship rescue. But for most of us, we don't want to air our dirty laundry in public; even if it is with someone who has heard it all before or at least something similar.

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We want to cure our relationship woes in private. How do I know? Why would there be shelves full of books on dealing with relationship problems if we were all ready to use counselors. There is a billion dollar industry involved in producing books, DVDs and courses on how to fix your own partnership issues.

This would not exist if there weren't loads of people willing to pay good money for these products. Unfortunately while there are some great books out there some of the material produced will do more harm than good. So you need to be careful what you read and whose advice you listen to.

Men and women are wired differently. It is not just cultural but physical differences in our brain that we are trying to overcome when communicating with members of the opposite sex. On average women have a more developed hearing and language center in their brain which may explain why traditionally they make better communicators.

Men are programmed to fight first and ask questions later. This again is a result of genetics and not a judgment on men. You can perhaps understand why it is difficult to discuss the problems you may be experiencing. But you have to learn how to communicate properly or you will either end up alone or even worse, incredibly lonely while still involved in a relationship.

A great partnership means that you have to share common interests. You have to be able to trust each other and have the facility to discuss how you are feeling without being worried about retribution. You both have to be allowed to be honest even when what you are saying is not what the other person wants to hear. This is not the same as you have the right to hurt one another. Wanting to inflict emotional pain on your partner is not one of the hallmarks of a successful relationship.

The good news is that you can learn how to do all these so long as you have a good teacher and they don't come much better than Mr T W Jackson. Saving a relationship will be easy once you get his book. What are you waiting for?

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Friday, 26 February 2010

Do You Need A Relationship Rescue Service

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Are you wondering if you need a relationship rescue service? Are there warning signs that not all is well in your love life? Perhaps your partner is being evasive or non attentive? Perhaps they are busier than normal and not available to go on dates if you are not yet married or come home early if you are? When you are with them, do you get the feeling they would rather be anywhere else?

Before you panic there could be a million reasons why your partner has gone a little cold on you. He or she could be worried about their job, money or a health issue. They could have a friend going through a rough patch and be trying to help them. It doesn't mean, necessarily, that they don't love you.

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In his book, The Magic Of Making Up, T 'Dub' Jackson talks about being able to communicate properly. This is one area that can be improved in almost all relationships. Did you know that most couples break up not because of infidelity but because of a lack of communication. They simply can't or won't talk to one another.

The problem is that if you do not chat openly about your concerns or worries about your relationship, seeds of doubt are grown and suddenly these seeds become huge bushes. While they were seeds, they would have been relatively easy to work out but now they have grown out of proportion, they become a lot more difficult to deal with.

If you suspect there is an issue in your partnership you need to deal with it as soon as possible. Ask your partner to meet you for a drink or a meal on neutral territory. If you have kids get someone to babysit as this is important. Meeting on neutral ground means you are more likely to have a reasonable discussion than a full blown argument.

Don't attack him or her or accuse them of anything. Simply talk about how you are feeling in general terms trying very hard to keep any blame out of the equation. Give them a chance to talk and explain their feelings. Even if it is your relationship that needs rescuing, they may be very grateful that you have brought the issue out into the open.

Most of the time secrets are not good for relationships. The people who have been together for forty years will tell you that it takes hard work, mutual trust and respect to keep love alive. By trying to keep the lines of communication open between you as a couple, you go some way towards developing the trust and respect that you need to survive.

Stop second guessing yourself today and take some action. You and only you can resolve this and it won't happen by putting your head in the sand. Get a copy of the magic of making up, read it and then speak to your partner. Only by taking action can you prevent a relationship rescue service being required.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Thursday, 25 February 2010

If You Have A Bad Relationship - Self Help Techniques May Not Work

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If you are in a bad relationship self help techniques may not work unless you seek the right type of advice. If you walk into any bookstore you will see shelves of books written on relationships. They will cover all topics and be written by men and women; some of whom will have very impressive credentials.

But how do you know they will work? How do you know that these same writers are themselves happily involved with someone? Quite frankly I believe you have to be in a great relationship before you can help other people with theirs. After all you don't go to a nun for sex help do you? So why ask a single person how a partnership should work?

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You need to use self help books like The Magic Of Making Up i.e. a book written by a real person, who is very happily married and writes to help real people just like you; with similar relationship problems. You want someone who cares whether you and your partner make it or not. Someone who will answer your emails should you wish to ask them a personal question because just sometimes the books don't always cover everything.

Any relationship can be improved. There is no such thing as a 'perfect one' just as no human being is perfect. But you can have a great relationship with your existing partner. They are probably Mr or Ms right for you, just you have hit a couple of hurdles you need some help in getting over.

Self help marriage counseling may be an answer for those of us that don't want to sit down with a stranger; to discuss the intimate details of our relationship. But unless you know where to start and what to look for, you probably aren't going to achieve much more than another argument. The problem is that when you are involved in the situation you often can't see things from the other person's perspective. It is important that you learn as it takes two to tango as the old saying goes.

You will have to deal with painful issues and discussing these will take patience and practice. For example, sex may be causing an issue between you but it is often very difficult to discuss making love. Both of you may feel embarrassed or ashamed or annoyed that this subject is coming up again.

So before you dive into sorting out your relationship, make sure you have done some reading and thread carefully while you apply what you have learned. Take things slowly and don't let your discussions turn into an argument. If things get heated, walk away and cool down. You cannot make the other person speak to you, so if they are not into a chat at that time, then leave it, and wait for a couple of days. Usually you will find that your partner is just as eager as you are to sort things out. Pick your moment before applying the relationship self help approach.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

How To Get Back With Ex - When It Seems Helpless

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Are you wondering how to get back with ex partner? There are many steps you can take with the most important first one being to ask yourself are you sure this is what you want. Sometimes we try to get back with our old partner because quite frankly the dating game is difficult.

The devil you know is easier than the one you haven't yet met. Also if you have children or share a home mortgage breaking up is more difficult than if you have recently met. That being said, most people break up for all the wrong reasons and it is a real pity when they don't get back together. It is difficult to quantify the number of relationships with potential, that don't get a chance to mature and deepen, because of someone's pride and/or a silly argument, so don't let that happen to you.

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So if you want your partner back what can you do? The old theory that absence makes the heart grow fonder isn't always true. You could easily say that out of sight out of mind applies instead. Why? Familiarity has a powerful affect on attractiveness i.e. the more familiar you are the more attractive your partner will find you. This explains why the initial physical attraction between two people often disappears and is replaced by something a lot deeper and longer lasting. After all beauty tends to fade as you get older. So the trick to getting your ex back is to bump into them very often but not to the extent where they think you are stalking them.

When you do meet make sure that you are smiling and look like you are having fun. You want to show your ex that he or she is missing something fantastic and being miserable won't do that. On the other hand if you project an image of happiness they will wonder why they were stupid enough to let you go. Make sure you keep up plenty of eye contact as all the studies say that this can boost your attractiveness factor. But again keep this in perspective and act naturally. You do not want your ex thinking that he has just landed on the set of Fatal Attraction.

Forget about fancy chat up lines and the other games that people play in the dating game. If you want your ex back why not just tell them. Apologize if you were in the wrong and say that you would like to give the relationship another go. Sure they may not want to and your pride may be a little damaged; but surely it is worth taking the chance. If you really want something in life you have to go and get it. As it says in Magic Of Making Up, there is very little that a relationship cannot weather and be improved by experiencing so long as both of you are adult enough to move on. Now you know how to get back with ex, off you go and put this advice into action.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Are You Studying Relationship Psychology

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Are you studying relationship psychology in a bid to discover why you and your partner don't appear to be getting on very well? If so I would suggest you stop before you end up driving yourself nuts.

There are a huge number of relationship philosophy and psychology books out on the market but every one you read appears to contradict the others. In a recent interview, even Dr Phil, the relationship expert,admitted that most therapist and counselors don't know how to fix a partnership. Sure they will give you the theory and the reasons behind some types of behavior, but whether that sorts out your particular problem is more a matter of luck than anything else. Often they come from a background of broken relationships, but you won't know this as your counselor never divulges their personal details to their clients.

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Every partnership is different and while some issues between men and women i.e. who wants more sex, who does the most housework, who earns the most money, who minds the kids more often; can be similar. However at the end of the day the issues you are facing are as a direct result of who you and your partner are.

Does that mean you can't find help? Of course not but you don't need a relationship psychology course to do it. What you need is a great self help book that will help you to communicate and relate to your partner better. Something for both of you to read and share.

I suggest the Magic of Making Up as it is written by a man which is rather unusual to start with. Mr Jackson is very happily married and committed to helping his clients either become that way or remain that way. You only have to read some of the comments from his readers to see what impact the book had on their lives. Perhaps you have come to the end of your partnership, as I am not going to lie and say every relationship can be saved, but at least wait before making your decision until you read this book. Then you will be armed with the knowledge to make the right decision for you, your partner and if appropriate your kids.

It takes guts to admit that there are issues in your partnership that need working on. It is so much easier to put your head in the sand and hope that they will go away. But the sad fact is that most won't disappear for good. They may go away for a little while but they will come back and perhaps even worse than before. Problems have a way of developing a life of their own if they are not dealt with quickly and efficiently.

You and your partner have invested a lot in each other and so you should be willing to take one more step to try to prevent a breakup. So forget about studying relationship psychology and instead concentrate on making each other happy once again.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Monday, 22 February 2010

Sweet Things To Say To Your Boyfriend Can Be Sweet Nothings

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There are several routes to enter your boyfriend's heart of hearts and remain there. But perhaps one of the easiest and most effective route is to whisper "sweet nothings" into his ear. However, when you want to know the sweet things to say to your boyfriend, you should try to find the right and appropriate things that suit his personality. Of course, most men will fall for certain romantic words regardless if they are whispered or not.

By the way it's not necessary to choose a specific time for uttering these sweet things to your boy friend. You can do this at any time and anywhere, regardless of what either of you are doing. Well, on second thought, not if he's in a meeting with his boss. After all discretion is said to be the better part of valor.

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Also you don't have to worry about whispering the sweet nothings to your lover. Very simply because you are in fact relieving his nervousness, that may be the result of his work or other stress of every day life.

When you want to choose the sweet things to say to your signfcant other, the best tools to help you are your true feelings. If a special thought or feeling, whelms over you, take the time to feel it and embed it into your own heart of hearts. Your heart is the storehouse of your love for him. Hence it is the right spring board, from which you can delve deep into the ocean of your emotions, to get various ideas for telling sweet things to your boy friend.

Your boy friend may not admit that he expects you to say such things but he has to admit the fact that your sweet words will make his life more pleasant and enjoyable.

A few examples of sweet things to say to your boyfriend are a bit corny, but hey they work:

- I miss your loving when you aren't with me.

- I love how you love me.

- You are my endless melody.

- How many stars did God steal from the sky when he made your eyes?

- You're so much better than any guy I ever met.

- You are my powerful, hot sunshine.

- Hey, Tiger Toes, where did you get that sweet tone of yours?

- I'm lost, can you keep me?

- If you were cheese, I'd want to be your macaroni.

- Hey Pookey Schmooky, I love your Pookem Schmookems.

- If I could wish for one thing on this planet, I would wish for your lips to touch mine, without a question, without a sound.

- You are my endless love.

- Pucker up, Pumpkin, because I want to be your Pumpkin Spice!

- I adore you, my little Bunny Rabbit!

- I love smelling the scent of you that lingers on my clothes after we part.

- Put your arms around me, because I want to be engulfed by your heat.

- I get goosebumps down my spine, every time your arm wraps around mine.

- When I close my eyes at night, you are all I see.

- I love the way I feel when I am with you.

- I couldn't have dreamed of a better mate.

- Your thoughtfulness touches my heart.

- I thank God for placing you in my life.

These examples will help you get started on a positive note. But whenever you have sweet things to say to your boyfriend, they will be most effective when you are both in a relaxed and romantic mood. By throwing in a bunch of romance and passion, along with the words, and you will definitely keep the home fires burning, hotter and hotter.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Tips On How Can I Tell If My Boyfriend Really Loves Me

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If you have the question of "how can I tell if my boyfriend really loves me" in your mind, there is no doubt you have a tinge of apprehension and uncertainty about his love. Trust me when I tell you; you're not alone with your doubts. Many girls have similar doubts, because the signals they are getting from their boyfriends, just aren't strong enough to really answer the all important question; "Does he really love me?"

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I also want you to realize that it may well not be your fault that these doubts enter into your mind. Simply because your significant other may belong, to that 'herd', of men who have extreme difficulty in showing affection. Even when they are deeply in love, it is almost impossible for them to convey it openly or even overtly to you.

When you are with him, you may have a feeling that everything is all right. But once you are out of his sight, it looks as if he has completely forgotten your existence. But once these "doubts" enter into your thoughts, they can quickly become an obsession and consume you. And the end result can destroy your relationship; with someone who does love you. Therefore it's important for you to learn the skills of reading and interpreting your lovers signs; of his true love for you. The following are a few tips that will enable you to help you to resolve the doubts you have been experiencing

- When you are having a conversation with him, you should maintain eye contact. If he is serious about you and the conversation, he will also look directly into your eyes. You will quickly learn he's not being distracted by the other things going on around you both and it's a sure sign of his true feelings for you.

- If your beau puts your priorities before his, you can pretty well conclude that you are special to him and he cares deeply for you.

- Another sign you can look for if he is willing to discuss his 'personal life' openly with you or even obliquely. This shows that he holds you in very high esteem and he believes you will give your moral support and advice on solving the issues. Yes, he will have his own ideas to sort these issues out, he will respect your thoughts and perhaps implement your suggestions. And when a man does that you can bet, your are more than just a girlfriend.

- As you may know, a great many men have trouble remembering those "special days." A sure sign of true feeling for you is when he will try hard to remember those special days such as your birthday, the anniversary of your first meeting with him, etc. and present you with gifts that are unique. These gifts may be inexpensive but they will speak volumes of his love towards you.

If you observe that the behavior of your boy friend conforms to the above clues, you can conclude that he really loves you, though he is not the type who expresses it openly. These signs provide an answer to your question, "how can I tell if my boyfriend really loves me?".

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

14 Cute Quotes For Your Boyfriend

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You may call it insane but cute quotes for your boyfriend can keep the love fires blazing hot. Cute quotes are not just words, they convey your passion and love to your lover . They are very important because they make the love and romance stronger. If you keep whispering these cute quotes to your true love, he will feel more passionate towards you and adore you for all the love you shower on him.

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What are some of the ways you can use them; let us count the ways:

1. Making up after and argument.
2. Sweet pillow talk. (before and after)
3. Text message in the middle of his day.
4. Leave a voice mail on his cell.
5. Post a sticky on his favorite brew.
6. Paste one on the steering wheel.
7. Stick one on the bathroom mirror.

And the list goes on and on. Just use you imagination.

Whatever may be the stage of your love with him, cute quotes for your boyfriend are sure to work wonders. Sometimes the quotes can be humorous and both of you will get a big laugh out of them.

You can find innumerable cute quotes for your boyfriend on line. And here are just a few

- When I was little I had a teddy bear that kept all my secrets, shared all my adventures and wiped away all my tears. I used to think no one would ever take his place then I found you!

- Every time I hear your voice, I hear another reason to keep you forever.

- Being with you makes me feel like for once in my life I don't have to work so hard on being happy, it just happens.

- I made a wish and *you* came true.

- If kisses were the water I would give you the sea, If hugs were the leaves I would give you a tree, But if love was time, I would give you eternity.

- Before I met you I never knew what it was like; to look at someone and smile for no reason.

- When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams.

- if i has to choose between loving you, and breathing. I would use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU.

- When I saw you I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you.

- I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.

- We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find.

- Some of the greater things in life are unseen that's why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream...

- As we grow older together, As we continue to change with age, There is one thing that will never change. . . I will always keep falling in love with you.

If you express your love through such cute quotes for your boyfriend, your feelings are expressed more effectively. These quotes will improve your relationship in a positive way.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

How To Develop The Basic Skills To Get A Boyfriend Qucikly

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Did you know it takes a little luck and skills to get a boyfriend? If you're like I was, a little shy and a bit of a wallflower, you have felt the hurt and pain because you were ignored by a boy or man you really liked. And chances are your peers, may have laughed a little, just because you didn't have the necessary skills to develop a relationship with this person.

Now here is some good news, it's really not difficult to develop the knowledge to stop being a wallflower and so shy that men don't pay any attention to you. The fact is once you have acquired the basic skills, you will realize how simple it is. A little motivation and a few ideas should be able put you on the right track.

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Now before we get into this discussion in full, please understand I'm not trying to beat you down nor the men that have ignored you. Because there is a good chance you both have to shoulder a little of the blame. You because you haven't taken the time nor the interest to develop your skills and the men because they don't take the time to see you for who you really are.

Your close friends and family really know you are a caring and giving person, underneath your shyness. However, unfortunately many men only go by the first impression, and they often times interpret shyness as you being cold and unapproachable. But with practice you can quickly work around this problem.

Let's take a look at a few things you may need to think about.

* Body language

When meeting or talking with someone do you stand with your arms crossed in front of your chest? If you do chances are you are conveying an "unapproachable" attitude. In other words, 'don't invade my space and I have no interest in you' type of thing. Wow! That is a big turnoff to anyone, much less the man you are interested in.

What you should do when meeting someone is have your arms and hands down by your side or at least if you have them crossed do so below your waist. This indicates to the man or anyone, you are open and interested in them. Making a conscience decision to do this in all conversations and you will soon develop the habit of doing so unconsciously.

* Eye contact

It's well known that most shy people have difficulty in having direct eye contact. A great many men have been taught from when they were young boys, that you should maintain eye contact during conversations. Consequently, if you don't maintain eye contact, they feel you are ignoring them and have little if any interest in them at all. Therefore make a conscience decision to maintain eye contact as much as possible.

Keep doing this until it becomes an unconscious habit for you. Once you have reached the habit stage, it will be a major stepping stone to you being seen as open an approachable.

* Smile

Did you know a sincere smile, that not only shows on your lips, but travels to your eyes, will light up your whole face and body. It's true! When a person is smiling they convey a sense of confidence, trust and openness. And men love a beautiful smile. It always causes them to take a second look.

As you can see, with a little practice, you really can develop the skills to get a boyfriend quickly. Not only will you get the man of your dreams, you will be able to keep him.

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How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

3 Tips On Things To Talk About With Your Boyfriend

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Love can be better explained by the oxymoron, painful pleasure, because sometimes you have to do certain things you don't like doing; choosing things to talk about with your boyfriend may be one of those things. The fact is men get bored with topics in which they don't have a real interest in. Which means the majority of the time it's left up to you, as his significant other, to quickly discover where his true interest lies. But Hey! Let's face it! Sometimes it's extremely difficult to get our lover to open up and tell us what they truly like.

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Think about it this way, your man may be one of the ones, who finds it difficult to share his true feelings. If so you have to knock those naturally raised barriers down and earn his trust. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to talk about what he likes to do. Yes! I know what you're thinking, "Oh my gosh, what if I don't have any interest or knowledge about the topic at all?" Well, guess what girlfriend, if you want to have a protracted conversation, with your beau, you're going to have to suck it up; project some interest and at least a little bit of understanding about the topic being discussed. But it doesn't have to be a complicated process either.

One of the easiest things to talk about with your man is food. Almost everyone enjoys talking about food and beverages. And I'm willing to bet you and your man really enjoy good food and a great drink along with it. Chances are your first date involved having a meal or drink together. Therefore you know right off the bat, food is something you both have interest and perhaps a passion about. The wonderful thing about talking about food is it often opens the door for moving on into talking about another of his interest.

And music happens to be one of those open end conversations, that most men like to talk about. Once again another subject you and he both will very likely have an interest in. Even if you both have a different taste in the type of music, it is really easy to find a common ground about songs you both enjoy. The truth is discussions about music, can often lead into talking about love and romance, which in turn can lead into a more intimate conversation.

Naturally you know where I'm headed with this conversation. Yep! You guessed it; sex or you might prefer bedroom talk. Talk about a way to grab your man's attention and hold it; face it girlfriend you will have his undivided attention. You may have to lose a little bit of your inhibitions, to talk about the more intimate parts of your relationship and sex life, but it will serve you well by doing so.

These are just 3 tips on things to talk about with your boyfriend. There are many more such as reading, movies, world events, politics and hundreds of others. However, it still comes back on you to learn what truly interest your man.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Cheating Boyfriend Test 4 Types of Tests

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Girls who think that their boyfriends are cheating will often turn to Internet websites to find answers to their suspicions. Most will run into a "cheating boyfriend test" that will gauge their situation, and give advice based on the information provided. It is important to take the information you find through these quizzes with a grain of salt. It is also important to be able to differentiate between the four types of tests, and how they can affect your results and your relationship.

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The "Hunch" Test

The first type of test that many will run into can be referred to as the "Hunch" test. This test simply asks you questions that are based on your gut instinct. Questions on these tests will include phrases like 'Do you assume that he's or "If you had to guess, when he goes out with his friends he...". These questions are based on your hunches, and are not based on actual evidence. These tests lead to paranoia, and never manage to prove whether or not your boyfriend is cheating on you.

The "Changes" Test

Another type of test will focus on the irregularities of your relationship. The test will simply ask you about any changes that you may see in your boyfriend, or in your relationship. Questions may ask if he acts toward you like he used to, or if he does simple tasks in the same way that he used to. This test aims to gauge any irregular behavior, but suffers the same fate as the hunch test. This test simply makes you more paranoid, and doesnÕt actually prove anything at all.

The "Professionals" Test

Professional tests are tests that are designed by psychiatrists and behavior specialists. These tests claim to give you a professional opinion on your boyfriend. These questions cause nothing but trouble; most are not actually designed or supported by any professionals. These tests simply pretend to have more clout than they actually have.

The "Personality" Test

The final type of test is the only type of test that may be somewhat legitimate for those who are trying to figure out if their boyfriend is cheating on them. The 'personality' test looks at the personality of your boyfriend. The test will not state whether or not your boyfriend is cheating on you. The answers will simply tell you whether or not their personality type is prone to cheating. This test is the most positive of them all because it gives you hints and tips about the personality of your boyfriend without assuming that he is actually cheating on you.

There are certain types of test that could be considered more reliable than others. It is important to understand, however, that no test can actually tell you whether or not your boyfriend is being unfaithful. You must simply trust that they are being faithful, or confront them about their cheating ways.

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4 Types of Cute Boyfriend Quotes

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Cute quotes can be the perfect way to convey your emotions to the person that you love. These quotes will help people to put their feelings into words when they may not be able to do so themselves. These quotes can be perfect for cards, scrapbooks, gifts, and notes. If you are looking for cute boyfriend quotes, there are four types of cute boyfriend quotes for you to choose from.

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Poetry Quotes

Poetry quotes can be some of the best quotes to use to convey your emotions. Poems are often eloquent, providing the perfect words to describe your emotions. If you are not good at conveying how you feel to your boyfriend, look for poems. Simply look online through different free poem databases to find poems, both old and new, that talk about relationships and love.

Movie Quotes

At first, the idea of using movie quotes for quotes for your boyfriend may seem corny. Most movie quotes are over the top, and may come across as insincere. The more you look into movie quotes, however, the more that you will realize how true they can be. Movies tend to take emotions and word them in a way that is easy to understand.

Song Lyrics

Song lyrics generally revolve around love. Most of these quotes can be directed toward your boyfriend and your relationship. The quotes are often short and simple, making it easy to understand the emotions that are being explained. Use song lyrics from your favorite singers and bands. If you are trying to impress your boyfriend, use song lyrics for their favorite bands and artists.

Comedian Quotes

Emotions can be expressed in different ways. Most will try to aim for the cute and sappy type of boyfriend quotes. Others will take a more humorous approach. If your boyfriend can take a joke, use comedian quotes. These quotes will give your boyfriend a good laugh, but will still convey your emotions fairly well. There are multiple websites online that will bring you to multiple comedian quotes.

If you are looking for humorous quotes, use discretion. While humor can be a fun way to explain your emotions, it can easily go too far. Quotes that are too funny or to insincere may ruin the cute but emotional feel that you are looking for.

These four types of cute boyfriend quotes will work in any situation. If you are giving your boyfriend a gift, include these quotes in the card. If you are making a scrapbook, use these quotes next to your favorite photos. If you want to make your boyfriend's day extra special, use these quotes on post-it notes in random places.

There are tons of quotes out there for you to use. By looking for these four types of quotes, you can be sure that you will find the best quotes for your boyfriend.

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Serious Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

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When you first get into a relationship, you are simply excited about your new love. You will often avoid many important relationship topics and conversations when you first fall in love with someone. With that being said, there are multiple questions and topics that should be covered by these who are in a more relationship. These are some of the serious questions to ask your boyfriend as you relationship continues to get more serious.

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What Do You Think about Kids?

If you find that your relationship is getting more and more serious, you need to start thinking about your future goals. If you are dead-set on having a kid, and your boyfriend is dead-set on not having children, you may have an issue. While it may not be grounds to break up right away, it is something to keep in the back of your mind as you find your relationship to be more serious.

Is This Long Term?

You need to be upfront with your boyfriend about your wants and needs. IF you are looking for a long-term relationship, you need to tell them this. They will then be able to tell you whether or not they are on the same page.

What Are Your Thoughts on Monogamy?

It is important to be on the same page as far as monogamy is concerned. You need to ask this relatively soon. Be clear and firm about your stance on the issue, and make sure that you clearly understand their thoughts on monogamy as well.

Am I a Priority?

Talk to your boyfriend about their priority list. While you should not expect to be first on the list of priorities, you should not be last. Find out where you rank in their life to fully understand how committed they are to you and your relationship.

Do You Love Me?

This simple question may seem pointless, and may not seem serious. This question can actually have a strong purpose. When you ask your boyfriend if they love you, you are reaffirming their feelings. Sometimes, it is simply good to be verbally reassured that they love you and care about you.

Are You Willing to Work for Our Relationship?

Relationships are not easy to maintain. They require work and patience to be successful. You need to talk to your boyfriend about your relationship to understand if they are willing to do the work necessary to maintain a good and healthy relationship.

It is important to space these questions out; do not ask them all at once. While you want to have serious talks, you do not want to bombard your boyfriend with serious questions. IT is also important to keep an understanding tone while talking about these questions. An accusatory tone can ruin your relationship.

You should be asking these questions to understand your boyfriend. You need to think about serious questions to ask your boyfriend to ensure that you are not surprised by something later on in your relationship.

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Monday, 15 February 2010

Does My Boyfriend Still Love Me 4 Positive Signals to Look For

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It is normal to have some doubts about your relationship. Many will feel these doubts as their relationship continues to grow; While they know that their boyfriend is interested, they will question whether or not their boyfriend still loves them. If you find yourself asking 'Does my boyfriend still love me?', there are a few simple signals that you can look for. These 4 positive signals will give you a better idea of your beau's feelings toward you.

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He Cares about your Emotions

Does your boyfriend constantly ask you about your emotions? If you find that our boyfriend asks you if you are ok, or if you are upset, you can know that they still love you. This shows that your boyfriend is interested in your emotions, and your emotional well-being. If they didn't love you, they would not be interested in your emotions or feelings.

He Buys you Gifts

Does your boyfriend surprise you with small gifts? Is he paying attention to the things that you want, or the things that you like, and getting them for you? This can be a clear signal for you, highlighting how your boyfriend feels about you. If your boyfriend is buying you gifts, you can be sure that he still loves you.

He Hates Break-Up Talk

You may be questioning the emotions of your boyfriend because of talks that you may have had. If you and your boyfriend have talked about breaking up, it can be easy to feel as though they do not love you.

You need to look into the nuances of your conversation to understand how you should take the conversation. Does the conversation topic bother your boyfriend? If he doesn't like thinking about the idea of breaking up with you, he still loves you.

He's Planning for the Future

It can be easy to question the strength of your relationship. It is normal to wonder about your boyfriend and whether or not he still loves you. One of the easiest ways to calm these fears is to notice when your boyfriend includes you in his future. If your boyfriend is planning his future and includes you in these future plans, you know that he loves you. He would not think about you and consider you in his future plans if he did not love you.

These 4 signals will all be able to give you a good indication of your significant others emotions. If you want to fully understand these emotions, however, you need to talk to your soul mate. Have a serious talk with them about their feelings and about your relationship. When you find these four positive signals and have a positive talk with your boyfriend, you will feel as good about your relationship as possible.

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Saturday, 13 February 2010

Does My Boyfriend Really Love Me 5 Actions to Look For

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It can be hard to fully understand the emotions of your partner. While you may try to get into their mind, you may still struggle to understand how they feel. You may find yourself asking, 'Does my boyfriend really love me?' Each relationship will have different signs and signals that will answer this question. With that being said, there are five different actions that may show that your boyfriend loves you.

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He Does the Small Things

People tend to focus about the larger aspects of relationships. They often fail to look at the smaller aspects of their relationship. This is unfortunate, as most of the tell-tale signs of love can be found in the small things. Does your boyfriend work to make you smile? Is he extra-corny just to make you laugh? Is he making you dinner, or letting you pick the movie? All of these small things show that your boyfriend is looking out for your feelings and emotions, and that he does have strong emotions for you.

He's Talking about the Future

One of the biggest indicators of love is any talk that discusses the future. If he is talking about future dates, or future actions, you can know that he sees you in his future. Whether it be the immediate future, or a distant future, you can be sure that he loves you or at the very least cares deeply for you.

He's Taking you Out

Does your boyfriend take you out to dinner, or out on the town? If your boyfriend likes to entertain you, he has strong emotions for you that could be love.

He's Showing you Off to Friends

Your boyfriend would not show you off to his friends if he did not love you. Is your boyfriend inviting you to hang out with his friends? Does he constantly talk to his friends about you? These are clear signs that he values your relationship.

He Wants you to Meet the Family

One of the biggest steps in a relationship is the step that introduces you to your boyfriends family. Most men will not introduce a partner to their family unless they see potential in the relationship. If your boyfriend did not see this future, he would not introduce you to parents, brothers, or sisters. If he wants you to meet the family, you can be sure that he loves you.

Your boyfriend may not be the best at verbalizing his love for you. If he does struggle to vocalize his feelings, look at his actions. If you notice that his actions signify a deep emotion, you can know that your boyfriend loves you. If you find yourself asking 'Does my boyfriend really love me?', simply look for these few actions. If you notice one or more of these actions, you can be sure that your boyfriend loves you or cares deeply for you.

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5 Types of Love Letters to Write to a Boyfriend or Girlfriend

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A love letter can be the perfect way to convey your emotions to the person that you care about. Unfortunately, writing this love letter can prove to be a difficult task. While some people can write down their emotions easily, others struggle with the idea of a love letter altogether. If you want to pen a love letter, here are five different types of love letters to write to a boyfriend or girlfriend.

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Things Unsaid

The first type of love letter to consider is the love letter that holds all of the things that you do not say. This is the perfect love letter for those who are shy about your emotions. You can write down all of the positive things you see in your significant other and in your relationship. When you write down the things you never say, you open your lover up to a new side of your emotions. This is a powerful way to show your soul mate how much he means to you.

Things You Always Say

Another love letter to consider is a letter that simply consists of the things that you say on a normal basis. Putting these thoughts and words into a letter will give your sweetheart a simple reminder of your love, commitment and emotion. They can take the letter with them wherever they go, reminding themselves of the things they usually hear from you.


If you are feeling creative, write a poem. You can easily write poems that convey all of the emotions that you feel for your one and only and for your relationship. A poem will show your sweetie that you care enough to take the time to craft something special for them.

Song Lyrics

If you enjoy music, consider writing song lyrics about your lover. You can write lyrics to a song that already exists, or create a brand new song. Either option will show your honey that you are thinking of them and will let them know exactly how you feel about them.

There are some relationships that thrive off of sarcasm and humor. If you have this kind of relationship, consider a humorous love letter. This love letter will still convey your emotions, but will do so in a way that your boyfriend will find enjoyable.

There are multiple approaches that you can take to the love letter-writing process. You simply need to think about the person that you are dating, and the kind of relationship that you have. Certain types of love letters will fit your relationship, while others will not. Take the time to consider what you want to say, and to find the correct way to say it. While it may take a little extra work to take these things into consideration, it will help you to know what love letters to write to a boyfriend or girlfriend.

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Thursday, 11 February 2010

4 Ways to Use Cute Quotes for your Boyfriend

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If you are trying to think of interesting ways to make your boyfriend happy, consider the use of cute quotes. Cute quotes can be placed anywhere and can be used in nearly every situation. These quotes can be a great way to convey feelings and emotions. They can also be a great way to make your normal relationship talks more interesting, and more romantic. Here are 4 ways to use cute quotes for your boyfriend.

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A simple gift card can be the perfect way to use a cute quote. Find some of the best quotes that you can find and write them in the card. These quotes make the card more personalized, and can easily convey your thoughts and emotions.

You can also find cards that already have cute quotes on them. These cards are less personal, but will still be able to explain your feelings and emotions.


Scrapbooks are a simple and easy way to work cute quotes in to a gift. You can easily make a scrapbook for your boyfriend that features these quotes. Simple find quotes that are appropriate for your relationship, and for the pages of the scrapbook that you plan on making. The cute quotes take on a more serious and deeper meaning when they are paired with pictures from some of your favorite memories together.

Cute Notes

If you want to be somewhat spontaneous, grab some note cards or some post-it notes. Gather all of your favorite cute quotes, and write them on these notes. Then, place these notes in random places for your boyfriend to find. Hide them in places in his apartment or home when he is in a different room. These surprise quotes will take your boyfriend off guard, making them more interesting, more thoughtful, and more enjoyable.


A simple way to brighten up your boyfriend's day is to send them cute quotes through emails. You can send them one single email with multiple quotes, or you can send them one email a day with a different quote per day. This will help your boyfriend to think of you every day, but will also help to make each and every day a little more enjoyable. While it may take some effort to keep up with the cute quote emails over time, it will be worth it in the end.

Many people fail to realize that a simple hand-made card can be one of the best gifts that a boyfriend or girlfriend can receive. Personalized scrapbooks, notes, and emails can all make your boyfriend's or girlfriend's day. Take the time to find some of the best cute quotes for your boyfriend or girlfriend. When you find the right quote, and find the right way to deliver that quote, you will have found a strong way to connect with your significant other.

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4 Ways to Say Sorry to Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

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It can be incredibly difficult to tell your sweetheart that you are sorry. For some, it can be difficult because of the embarrassment that they feel from their wrong-doings. For others, it can be difficult because they are simply too stubborn to apologize for something. Either way, it is important to say sorry to someone that you care about when you have done something wrong. If you are struggling with an apology, consider these 4 ways to say sorry to your boyfriend or girlfriend.

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The Simple Apology

Sometimes, all you need to do is give your boyfriend a simple apology. This form of apology is best for those small issues that don't really require serious thought. This can be the hardest apology for those who have issues with their ego, as those that are stubborn often hate apologizing. It is also important to note that the simple apology may not work for bigger issues. If the wrong-doing is somewhat serious, a simple apology will come across as insincere.

The Long Talk

If you have done something wrong, you may need to sit down and have a talk with your lover. Talk to them about how you made them feel, and why they are upset. Apologize, but talk about this apology. Talk to your significant other about what you did, and the steps that you will take to ensure that it never happens again. A long and serious talk is the most heartfelt way to apologize to your soul mate.

Giving Gifts

Gift giving is often seen as a secondary way to apologize for an action. While you have a normal apology, you back the apology up with gifts. The gifts are intended to make up for the problem. While gift giving will not solve your problems, it can help to make your sweet thing feel better. They may be more willing to accept your apology if you are making the extra effort to make them happy.

Going Out

Another way to support your apology is to treat your honey to a night out. Your lover may feel better about the situation if they can enjoy a night with you. While the apology is important, it is also important to remember why you are together. If you enjoy a night together, your apology may be accepted more easily.

You need to think about the action that you are apologizing for before you actually make the apology. There may be some instances that will benefit from a simple apology. There are other issues that may require a more intense apology.

Take the time to fully understand the reason for the apology and the apology method that will be appropriate. While it may seem like a lot of work, you want to make sure that you say sorry to your boyfriend in a way that will mend your relationship.

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4 Reasons to Skip the Is He The Right Boyfriend Quiz

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There are multiple quizzes online that aim to help you understand your relationship. These quizzes aim to evaluate your boyfriend and your relationship, as they want to be able to tell you whether or not your boyfriend is the right person for you. Unfortunately, these quizzes are inaccurate, and should never be relied on. These are 4 reasons to skip the 'Is he the Right Boyfriend' Quiz.

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The Quiz Is Not Personal

The different quizzes that you will find about boyfriends are rarely personal. They do not take into account the personality of your boyfriend. The quizzes are simply generic. You should not be basing your thoughts on your relationship on these generic tests. They could easily miss most of the important things in your relationship, and may not give you a good indication of the worth of your boyfriend.

The Quiz May Miss the Important Factors

The different love tests that you can find online will never bring together all of the important aspects of a relationship. The quiz could easily miss many of the important factors that would define a 'Good boyfriend' to you. If you rely on a test that is not holistic, you run the risk of a trusting a source that does not have all the facts, or all of the answers.

It May Force You to Ignore Your Gut

When you take a love exam, you are looking for reassurance. If the quiz tells you what you want to hear, you will be able to make an easy decision regarding your boyfriend. If the test tells you something that you were not expecting, however, you will run into multiple issues. Many will ignore their gut feeling because of what these quizzes tell them. You do not want to rely on a quiz that will contradict your gut feeling. More often than not, the gut feeling is the right feeling to trust.

The Writer May Not be an Expert

You can see multiple compatible questions online that claim to be written and supported by an expert. Some say that they are psychologists, while others say that they are relationship advisors and counselors.

Never trust these quizzes. You may not be able to tell the difference between a fake and an actual professional. You will be putting sever weight on their answer, as you believe that they are in a position of knowledge. You do not want to base your relationship decisions on a quiz that many to be written by an expert.

Quizzes like these are often found on websites that claim to be able to help you with your relationship. These websites fail to offer any personalization, removing any and all chances that they have of helping you understand your relationship. Talk to your family and friend about your boyfriend to fully understand this relationship. They will be the ones who will be able to help you answer the 'is he the right boyfriend' question.

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Tuesday, 9 February 2010

4 Reasons to Avoid Boyfriend-Girlfriend Quizzes

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There are a lot of quizzes on the Internet that aim to analyze your relationship. They want to tell you how compatible you are with your boyfriend, and they want to tell you how good of a boyfriend or girlfriend you have. Some quizzes even aim to tell you whether or not your significant other is cheating on you. These quizzes cause nothing but problems and issues in relationships, and should be avoided.

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Here are 4 major reasons to avoid boyfriend/girlfriend quizzes.

They're Making you Paranoid

You may not realize it, but these quizzes may actually be making you paranoid, as far as your relationship is concerned. The quizzes will give you advice that could cause you to question the merits of your significant other, and of your relationship. Unfortunately, many of these quizzes make these assertions without any proof. You may start to believe that your relationship isn't as good as it could be simply because of bad advice from an online quiz.

They're Too General

These types of quizzes are far too general. They ask broad, sweeping questions that do not actually indicate anything, positive or negative. Their generalizations could hurt your views of your relationship, and for no good reason.

Relationships are Unique

It is important to understand that each and every relationship is unique. Your connection and interactions with your boyfriend or girlfriend are different than any other connection you will have. Relationships are unique, and should be viewed and analyzed as such. When you rely on a quiz that is full of generalization, you rely on something that is not taking your relationship into account. Your relationship is too unique to be thrown in with simple relationship generalizations.

It Can Lower your Trust

Many will find that online quizzes can actually lower their trust, causing multiple problems in their relationship. If you start to see quizzes that talk about cheating boyfriends or girlfriends, you may begin to question the loyalty in your own relationship. Suddenly, problems that do not even exist are being brought up. You should trust that you understand your boyfriend or girlfriend, and that they are being open and honest with you. If you truly believe these things, you will find little to no need for these types of quizzes or tests.

You may turn to boyfriend/girlfriend quizzes for advice for your relationship. These quizzes should actually be the last place that you would look for relationship advice. It is ok to be confused about your relationship; simply talk to family and friends about your relationship and how you feel about your significant other. The words of advice and encouragement that they can provide will be more thoughtful, personalized, and realistic than any advice you would receive from these types of quizzes.

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Sunday, 7 February 2010

Cheaters How Can I Save Our Relationship

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Cheaters - How Can I Save Our Relationship?

Anytime there are cheaters involved in a relationships, the parties end up asking themselves, "How can I save our relationship?" There are many questions and luckily, just as many answers. All relationships can be saved but, especially when cheating is involved, it takes time. Also, by the time you reach the point that you are ready to save your relationship, you may actually decide that you do not want to save it.

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When a relationship ends there is always pain and sadness. When a relationship ends because of cheating, the biggest hurdle to deal with is the mistrust. Once trust has been broken, it is extremely hard to bring back. It may never be fully restored. Although some individuals can put it behind them, others are so impacted by the loss of trust that they can never forgive.

The first step you need to take is to talk it through. This can take days or even months but you need to do what it necessary to save the relationship. It's important that both of you are completely open and honest about your mistakes and feelings. Discuss what lead up to the affair. Although whoever had the fair may take the brunt of the blame, both partners must be willing to own up to their mistakes. The person who has been cheated on will want to know why and the cheater must be honest about his/her answer. You may be surprised to learn that most people end up having affairs without actually going out and looking for them. Someone may come along at a time that they are feeling empty in the relationship and this other person fills the need that hadn't been met for a long time. If the cheating episode in your partnership resembles this "unintentional" affair, you can definitely work on getting your relationship back. If the affair was intentionally sought out, then you probably want to consider moving on.

Communication is important in any relationship, even if it is relatively healthy, but especially when an affair has taken place. If you can communicate in a rational way without getting too emotional, it is better but this can be hard, especially in the beginning. Try not to accuse, threaten, or be aggressive. If you try to look at your relationship as something that needs fixing, you can work on how to do that.

Getting back to the question of "Cheaters-how can I save our relationship?", there isn't an overnight solution but there are step by step methods that you can follow. And remember, because there is such a lack of trust, especially n the beginning along with other feelings like guilt, betrayal, anger and depression, you need to be very careful in how you communicate with each other. This doesn't mean that you need to be dishonest in order to be "nice" but that you do need to try to put yourself in the other person's shoes as well.

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Thursday, 4 February 2010

Free Advice On How To Get Your Ex Back

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Free Advice on How to Get Your Ex Back

Are you looking for free advice on how to get your ex back? Well, you're in luck because you can definitely find a lot of it out there on the internet. Almost everyone has gone through a damaged relationship at one point or another and many are eager to share what they did to cope or win back their loved ones. Strategies differ from one person to the next and what works for someone else may not work for you. But there are some common factors that many experts agree on.

First of all, when you have broken up, you need to stay broken up for a while. This means as little contact as possible and of course, no begging, pleading and promising to make things better. Take some time off. It is what both of you need. If you do have to see each other because of unavoidable circumstances such as work or the kids, be friendly but do not get involved in any conversations that stray towards your past relationship.

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Next, take this time off to focus on yourself. Stop thinking about your ex and how to win them back. Instead, think about how you can improve yourself both inside and out. If you've let yourself slide because of the relationship stresses, this is the time to put yourself back together. Make sure you are eating right and not drinking too much alcohol or abusing any other substances. You definitely want to be taking time out to exercise. Now that you are single, you have that time. Get involved in certain groups or volunteer programs. And make sure that you get out of the house with some friends every once in a while, even if you don't feel like it. Finally, getting enough sleep is crucial to your health. People who don't get enough tend to eat more and be overweight and look older.

What is the purpose of this type of free advice on how to get your ex back? It is all geared towards getting yourself back first. Chances are you've lost a little bit of that during your relationship struggles. Once you've re-established your self confidence and self esteem, you will be ready to once again approach your ex with the intention of getting back together. How long does it take? This also varies but generally you can tell when you're ready because getting him/her back will suddenly not seem so extremely urgent.

Then and only then should you try to make contact with your ex. Invite him or her for coffee or something that doesn't require too much time or commitment on either side. From here on is where the free advice on how to get your ex back will start to very again. But once you've gotten to this point, you may be able to rely on your own heart and new-found confidence to guide you through.

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Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Can I Get Back With My Ex Lover

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"Can I get back with my ex lover?" Do you find yourself asking yourself this same question over and over again? You're not alone. Thousands of people are going through break-ups every day and asking themselves the same thing. The good news is that you can get back with your ex if you have just one key element.

There really is only one thing that you need in order to bring your ex lover back to you and that is confidence. Chances are that if you're at the point of asking yourself "Can I get back with my ex lover?" then you are pretty low in the confidence ranking scale at the moment. As you go through relationship problems and fear the loss of your lover, your confidence can really take a nose dive, even if you used to be someone who was really sure of yourself.

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Your confidence helps you in many ways. It can help you get hired. It can attract someone to you (if you're not over-confident) and it definitely can help you get your ex back. Confidence will help you in all walks of life and having it will keep your relationship healthy once you are back in your lovers arms.

If you lack confidence, you have low self-esteem which is why you are wondering if you can really get your lover back or not. A confident person would realize that he/she can. Your low self-esteem will tell you that you are not good enough or that your lover can easily find someone better. Once you have this in your head, you either give up or you start doing desperate things to try to get your lover back which, of course, only makes things worse. What usually happens in this case is that your ex will start to feel sorry for you. It is difficult at that stage to change his/her impression. But you can do it.

Rather than sulking and plotting how you are going to win back your ex, start concentrating on yourself. You need a spiritual make-over. Make sure you are eating right, exercising and spending time with friends. Get out even if you don't feel like it. Fake it 'til you make it. And do not contact your ex. This is your time to get your self-esteem back.

Pretty soon, you'll see that you are no longer faking it. You'll enjoy your time on your own and your time out with friends. You'll start to feel better about yourself and you'll be more attractive to others, including your ex lover. At this point you may actually question whether you really want him/her back. But if you do, you will be able to confidently approach him/her, speak about your relationship and work on bringing it back to life.

So, the answer to "Can I get back with my ex lover?" is "YES"!

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Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Can Positive Thinking Get My Boyfriend Back - Positive Thinking Alone Wont

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Are you asking yourself "Can positive thinking get my boyfriend back?" There are many merits to positive thinking. Although the thinking itself can't get your boyfriend back, the effects of you being positive and taking positive action for yourself can definitely help you out.

The reasons that men break up with women vary and all situations are different. But if you do want your boyfriend back, then you are definitely capable of doing so. First of all, start focusing your positive thinking on yourself and not your boyfriend. If you were thinking "He will come back to me" or "He will stop seeing the other person he left me for", those are relatively positive thoughts but they are focused on him. Focus your energy on yourself. Think instead, "I am irresistible," or thoughts like this.

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If you're not feeling particularly irresistible right now (highly likely), it's because you have taken yourself out of the equation by focusing only on your ex boyfriend. It is time to get working on yourself. If you've been missing out on sleep and healthy meals, make sure you get back on track.

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and make sure you're not staying up all night fretting over the situation. Sleep is a huge contributor to your emotional state. If you get enough you are calm and rational. Once you start getting low on sleep you can become hysterical and even distort certain events in your mind. Also, people who don't get enough sleep are hungrier and heavier and they look haggard.

Start exercising if you haven't done that. This can do wonders for those "positive" feelings. Also, whether you feel like it or not, you need to start getting out with the girls or other friends. And, most importantly, in this phase, do not contact your ex boyfriend. While spending time alone right now can be good for you, do not let it become a sulk session. Take this time to do all of those things you never had time to do when you were in the relationship.

Once you start to feel better about yourself, you will start looking better to others around you. Now is when you can start picturing yourself with your boyfriend again and how wonderful it will be. Think of your relationship without all the previous misunderstandings and fights.

Positive thinking towards yourself paired with imagery about your future relationship can go a long way. As time goes on and you feel more confident, you should be able to make gradual contact with your ex and start communication again. Many people at this stage decide that they don't even want to pursue the relationship anymore. But if you do and if you play it right, you can have your ex boyfriend back in your arms again.

So, if you are asking yourself "Can Positive Thinking Get my boyfriend back?" the answer is yes, it can.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Monday, 1 February 2010

Broken Relationship Grief What Stage Are You In

Get back with your ex

There are five stages to dealing with broken relationship grief, just as there are 5 stages to go through any emotional grief. Understanding where you are at and knowing that what you are feeling is all just part of a natural (though painful) process can help you get through your tough time.

The first stage is denial. This is where you convince yourself (or try to convince yourself) that your breakup didn't really occur. This also manifests itself as you waiting for the person to sit down with you at dinner or pick you up at work. In this stage, there are often no tears because the reality hasn't sunk in yet or you are not accepting or even acknowledging your loss.

Click to get your ex back

The next stage is anger. This can be directed towards the world, at God ("Why me?!), at your ex and at yourself. In this stage you often want to get even with your ex or you act out towards others who try to help you.

Then comes the bargaining stage. This can actually come before you split definitively as well. Here is where you try to get him or her back by making deals or begging the person to return. You could also be bargaining with God or some higher power in this stage. . . "If you bring him/her back to me, I promise I'll go to church every Sunday. . ." This phase includes a great deal of pleading, wishing and praying for things to go back to normal.

The next step in dealing with broken relationship grief is depression. In this stage you may feel extremely sad or completely overwhelmed with hopelessness, frustration, bitterness, feeling sorry for yourself, and mourning. Here, any unacknowledged emotions have caught up with you and they're in full force. You see a different future than what you may be used to seeing and feel defenseless and numb.

Finally, and fortunately, you hit the acceptance stage. Here is where you accept the mistakes you have made and the results of those mistakes. Here is where you accept that the person is out of your life, or at least will not play the same role as they have until recently. It's important to note that acceptance is not resignation. You are not giving up in this stage. On the contrary, it is only now that you can start to gradually build your goals for the future and leave your relationship in the past.

Eventually, you will get to the point that you can appreciate what you have learned in this tough period. It's also a good idea to get help or have a good friend that you can confide in regularly. Remember that you are not alone by any means and that you will survive, as have thousands of others when dealing with broken relationship grief.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce