Sunday, 31 January 2010

How to Get a Woman Back If You Really Want Her

Get back with your ex

So you've lost the love of your life and you want her back. Some will say that it's easy to get a woman back. Others will tell you to just let it go. Of course, it all depends on the situation and both of your personalities but in general, with a bit of instruction and dedication, you can have your woman back in your arms again.

There are many reasons why a woman leaves a man but most of the time, it boils down to two main causes. Either the woman doesn't feel appreciated anymore or she is bored. If you've cheated on the woman you want back, of course she doesn't feel appreciated and you have broken (maybe permanently) the trust she once granted you.

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Women can get bored when there is too much predictability in the relationship. This doesn't mean that you have to constantly be going on trips or surprising her with flowers or gifts. It just means that you yourself don't have to do exactly what you've always done. Sometimes when men are aiming to please, they go too far by buying expensive gifts, calling too much or saying the phrase "I love you" constantly. This can actually backfire and scare women off.

Or, it could be the opposite. Maybe you've barely shown any affection at all for the woman in your life and she's had enough. Maybe you've started breaking your promises. Even simple little promises that are broken can start the decay in a relationship. For example, maybe you didn't call when you said you would. Maybe you called off some date that you had with your ex at the very last minute and didn't give a reason. A Woman will not let this type of behavior go on too long - she will leave you. And chances are, she's spoken to you about it already and you just brushed it off.

Before you decide how to get a woman back, you need to take a look at yourself. What are the mistakes that you made? Do you still have feelings left for your woman or do you just want to get back into your old routine?

When a relationship has been broken, you need to take some time to step away from it and look at everything objectively. It might not be what you feel like doing, but it is what you really need to do if you plan on winning her back. Precisely because relationships vary significantly from one to the next, men should take some time to analyze the situation (as most women do).

While doing this, make sure you are taking care of yourself as well. After a while, you will come to some clarification and you will be able to see whether you really want to try "how to get a woman back."

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Five Steps to Get Back Together With Your Ex Without A War

Get back with your ex

After a breakup has taken place, it's very common for at least one of the parties to want to win back the other. It may seem like a difficult task, depending on the circumstances, but in general, you can follow five rules to get back together with your ex.

1. Bring your focus back to yourself. You're probably so consumed with how you can get your ex back, you've forgotten to do one of the most essential things in order to increase your chances. You've got to take care of yourself. Make sure that you are eating right, exercising and getting enough sleep. Take time to go out with friends and family. Join new activities. Do what you need to do to restore your inner balance and to keep your mind off your ex for a while. This will increase your self-confidence and self-esteem and make you more attractive.

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2. Let your "new" self be revealed. If you've done the first step right, you are now feeling better both inside and out. In reality, the "new you" is really probably at least partly the "old you" that was hidden because of the emotional stress you took on during the breakup. It's important to remember that change is a part of life and plays a role in any relationship as well. When you embrace change, rather than fighting it off, you can reach your goals much faster and with fewer obstacles.

3. Be flexible. If you haven't yet learned this, you need to compromise in any relationship and compromising is a key that could determine whether you will get back together with your ex or not. If you don't have a willingness to compromise, you have a tough road ahead of you in any situation.

4. Forgive. Some people find this difficult because they are convinced that the other person is to blame. In relationships, both partners contribute to a break-up. Even when one person cheats on the other, while the person who has been cheated on is not necessarily to blame, there are some reasons that led the other person to cheat. Or if he/she is just unfaithful by nature, then you should not be trying to work out a relationship anyway. Maybe you are the person who did the cheating. In this case, you hope that the other person can forgive you and you also should forgive yourself in order to move on. Because the fact of the matter is, you cannot change the past. Putting the past into perspective when you deal with forgiveness is important. Remember that forgiving is not the same thing as forgetting. Remembering your mistakes can allow you to prevent them from happening in the future.

5. Develop a plan to get back together with your ex. You can do this on your own or with the help of a counselor or friend.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Friday, 29 January 2010

My Ex Wants To Get Back Together Are You Kidding Me

Get back with your ex

My ex wants to get back together? Is this your incredulous reaction when your ex calls you back after months of no contact? Perhaps he/she is the one who broke up with you or maybe you instigated the split. Either way, it might be somewhat of a surprise to have this person show up in your life again. And, if nothing else, it gets you thinking. . . what should you do?

Obviously, it all depends on the situation and circumstances and, especially, what state of mind you are in right now.

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If your ex is the one that broke up with you and you've just finally started to settle into your new life without him/her, you might be temped to just tell him/her to leave you alone. This is perfectly natural and you'll probably feel good about it. Keep in mind that this might induce your ex to try even harder.

If you're still feeling the pain of your split and you still miss your ex, you may be relieved to have him/her asking you back. But be careful and tread slow here. Even if you feel like saying "Yes!" immediately, you might want to just ask him/her to call you back in a couple of days so you can think about it. If he/she does call you back, then they've earned a point. Try asking for a few more days. See how far it gets you and how far you want to take it.

But it's a good way to superficially test the sincerity of your ex. If you were the one who did the breaking up, you've got a whole different attitude and your feelings will probably be more readable; since you most likely went through them in your mind before breaking up.

Chances are that his/her first thought when your ex wants to get back together is that you will forgive him/her for breaking up with you in the first place or for causing you to want to break up. If you do plan to take him/her up on the offer, you need to forgive him/her in order to go on. Then, make sure that you know clearly and precisely what you want out of the relationship. And remember that you now are in the position to ask what you want and to also stipulate what you don't. Talk about it and see how your ex reacts.

Of course when you do decide to give the relationship a try, you also need to give your ex what he/she wants as well. Ask your ex to be specific about what he/she needs from you and then evaluate how well you will be able to fill them. Is there something that you just cannot do? If so, it's probably better to let the relationship go once again. Otherwise, you will be soon headed for your second break-up.

Hopefully this has helped you in your "my ex wants to get back together" situation.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Free Help Getting Back An Ex Boyfriend Can Be Better than What Mom Saide

Get back with your ex

Are you looking for free help getting back an ex boyfriend? Sometimes relying on the advice of family and friends isn't the ideal solution. Although they are often well-meaning, they may not be telling you what you really need to hear. So it can help to get the opinion of someone else who is an expert in relationships or even just someone who is impartial to your personal situation.

You can find a lot of free help getting back an ex boyfriend on the internet. Some of this is in forums or other online venues where girls or women like you share their stories on how they won back their guy. Some can be in the form of more official and professional advice. Either way, you will find that many people will advise you to take a step back from the relationship for a while. Getting back your ex boyfriend can become all-consuming but you shouldn't let it be.

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Why? Well, if for nothing else, because the more obsessed you are with getting your boyfriend back, the more reluctant he will be to come back to you. It's just human nature. If you have made it loud and clear that your only objective is to win him back, you're no longer appealing in his eyes.

Instead, you need to keep busy and do not contact your ex boyfriend. What you need to be doing is trying to improve yourself both on the inside and out. Now that you are single, you have more time to pamper yourself and you may even have more money to spend on yourself.

First of all, make sure that you are eating a healthy, balanced diet which is good for your body, your skin and your overall appearance. If you've slacked off on physical activity because of your current state of mind, it's time to start exercising once again. You may want to get a workout buddy to make sure that you stick to your routine.

Even if you are not in the mood to go out with friends or family, force yourself to do so. But don't get carried away don't stay out too late every night. Your beauty sleep is just as, if not more, important than healthy foods and exercise. When you are well-rested you will tend to see everything in a better light.

This phase may take some time and you will most likely take two steps forward and one step back as you go along. This is normal so don't worry if you have some bad days. But make sure that you maintain your pact with yourself: no contact with your ex.

Once you start to feel and look better, you will even be in a position to ask yourself whether you really want to get your ex back. If so, then you are ready for the next step in this free help getting back an ex boyfriend.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Coping With A Relationship Break Up May Be Easier Than You Think

Get back with your ex

Coping with a relationship break up is one of the hardest things that most people find themselves forced to do but it is also a very common experience so luckily you can find a lot of good advice out there. what works for someone else may not work for you but just seeing other people that have gone through the same pain and survived can be reassuring.

The first thing that you need to do is accept that the relationship has indeed failed. . .at least for now. While there is a possibility of picking up the pieces again later on, for now, you shouldn't be thinking about that. Instead, do not try to contact your ex if at all possible. Many split couples have kids involved so you will have to have some contact for their sake. But keep it to a minimum.

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Once you've accepted the fact that you are really on your own now, you need to make sure that you are focusing on yourself. Take time to do those things that you never had time for while you were together. While it's important to go out with friends or family, you also want to spend some time alone. Reflect on your past relationship and how the break-up evolved. It is really never just the fault of one person in the partnership. Both parties contribute to a split.

Making sure that you take care of yourself is a huge part of coping with a relationship break up. You definitely should be eating the right foods, exercising and getting enough sleep. Try to stick to a balanced diet with lots of fruit, vegetables and fiber. Exercising does not have to be extremely rigorous but many people find that a good workout really helps them get all their stress and anger out. It also increases endorphins in your body which make you feel better. If you dread exercising, just go for a walk every day. Pick some form of activity that you can do consistently. Finally, getting the right amount of sleep is crucial. Well-rested people look better and feel better. Those who lack in sleep look worn out, and feel edgy, hungrier and depressed.

When you are taking care of yourself, your self-esteem increases and you are more attractive to others. Once you are feeling more confident, you can reassess your situation and ask yourself if you think it's worth it to try to mend your relationship. Some people decide that it's not. Others will give it a try and with their new and improved self-esteem, your odds are good although of course, a lot depends on the other person.

Coping with a relationship break up has a lot to do with mending your soul and spirit. If you can stick to a plan and rely on friends and family to help you out, you will find yourself at the end of the tunnel.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

I’m So Happy I Could Cry I Got My Boyfriend Back

Get back with your ex

I have been sitting here at the kitchen table with my best girlfriend, Dee, crying and laughing at the same time. Actually both of us are so darn giddy, it's hilarious. And when we start laughing really, really hard, I almost pee on myself. Oh Gawd! I've started giggling again. Hold on a second, I have to stop laughing and then I'll tell you all about it.

Now let me tell you why we are so giddy. About six months ago my boyfriend dumped me. As you can imagine, I was completely devastated.I thought I was having a heart attack; it hurt so bad. I was so messed up. All I did was cry hour after hour. I couldn’t think, much less try to go to work. You know what I’m saying right?

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About 3 days into the worst event of my life, a thought hit me. It was almost like a white hot electrical shock from a huge lightning bolt coming out of the sky and hitting me. I really, really love this guy and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. And the first question that popped into my mind was, "How do I get him back?"

I had already tried to text and call him, but he just plain ignored me. Then I went over to his house and almost got on my knees begging him to take me back. Karl was very gentle, as he explained what was going on with him and then he asked me to leave. And that’s when I blew my top. I just plain lost it. But I did leave.

After getting home I called Dee, bawling my eyes out again and she rushed over; to comfort me and give some much needed advice.

Dee had gone through the same thing with her boyfriend within the last year, so she knew what she was talking about. As we talked she told me how she had done the same things I had and they didn’t work for her either. “O.K.! Then how did you get Michael back?” I asked.

“Listen,” she said. “Lisa, the first thing you have to do is stop acting like a fool. You’re going to have to take your time and figure out what caused Karl to breakup with you. Once we have that figured out we can layout a battle plan to get him back.” And trust me that‘s precisely what we did.

Dee broke out her copy of the “Magic of Making Up” and began to list the things she had used and I was going to have to do to win my ex back:

* Start looking my best, all the time not just part of the time
* Determine why Karl and I had fallen in love the first time
* Start doing the things that had attracted Karl to me originally
* Stop texting, stop calling, stop going to his house

To make a long story short I followed our battle plan and last night Karl asked me to marry him. Oh Gawd! The ring is beautiful. Now you know why I’m so giddy I could cry.

But I have to tell you without Dee and her tips from the Magic of Making Up I would have lost Karl forever.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Monday, 25 January 2010

5 Tips For Dealing With Unrequited Love

Get back with your ex

Sometimes, when we love someone, they do not love us back. It can be incredibly difficult to deal with this kind of love, as your feelings are strong but unreciprocated. If you are dealing with unrequited love, you must take steps to get over those feelings. If you fail to do so, you can deal with the pain of that heartache for years. These five tips will help you to get over this unrequited love and to regain control of your emotions.

Write About your Feelings

Writing about your feelings is a simple and easy way to deal with love that is not reciprocated. Writing down these feelings is a way for you to express your frustrations and issues. People who deal with unrequited love feel as if the person they love does not listen. By writing these things down, you can feel as though you are getting your point across to someone who is paying attention to your feelings and needs.

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Keep an Open Mind

It is important for you to keep an open mind when dealing with someone who does not love you back. The person may have a change of heart, and may begin to have feelings for you. They may also continue the path that they are on. You need to take both situations into consideration. Either situation is possible. You should not plan for one or the other.

Date New People

While your heart may be somewhere else, you can still date other people. Going on small dates with others may help you to lessen the pain of the unrequited love. You may realize that you feelings for that person are not as strong as you once thought they were.

Get Set Up on Blind Dates

Getting set up on a blind date can be an exciting and exhilarating experience. This is perfect for those who cannot get over an unrequited love. The blind date will not find you the love of your life. It is simply a fun experience that can help to take your mind off of the person you want that does not want you.

Write a List of What You Need in a Relationship

Write down a simple list that lists all of the things that you are looking for in a relationship. Compare the person you love to that list. This will often show you that the person you love is not giving you what you need.

It can be heard to open up about your feelings and emotions. It can hurt to think or even speak about the unrequited love. It is important for you to open up about your feelings, and about your needs. These can be key actions that will help you to get over your issues. By keeping an open mind and meeting new people, you can slowly wash away those feelings. If you are dealing with unrequited love, you need to push yourself to ensure that you are not stuck on that person forever.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How To Save Marriage By Dating Other Women

Sunday, 24 January 2010

5 Tips For Getting Your Exboyfriend Or Exgirlfriend Back

Get back with your ex

It is never easy to get an ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend back. Your ex may have already started to get over you before you even try to win them back. If you are working on getting your exboyfriend or exgirlfriend back, there are some tips to consider. These tips will give you the best possible chance of getting your ex back.

Be Patient

It can be easy to jump the gun and get excited when trying to get an ex back. It is important for you to ignore these feelings and simply take a deep breath, as you need to be patient when trying to get someone back. The process will not be quick, as there are multiple steps involved. You need to let each step run its course to ensure success.

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Give Thoughtful Gifts

The best way to show someone that you care is to buy them small, thoughtful gifts. Expensive gifts may be nice, but they can often be impersonal. Smaller, more thoughtful gifts are personal, and will show your ex that youÕve paid attention to their likes and dislikes. It will also show that you care enough to think about them and purchase a gift for them.

Plan Dinner Date

Dinner dates can often be the start of a new relationship. They can also be the start of a reconciliation between you and your ex. Take your ex on a dinner date as you try to win them back. Asking them out to this dinner can be a great way to rekindle an old flame.

Write Meaningful Letters

Meaningful letters, emails, and texts can be a perfect way to get an ex back. A small combination of these communication mediums can remind your ex about the good in your past relationship. You can show them that you are thinking about them, and that you really do miss having them in your life.

Have A Complete Strategy

The ultimate tip for trying to get an ex back is to have a full strategy. You need to know how you will work to get your ex back. You need to know how you are going to ease into the conversation with your ex. You need to know when you should start buying gifts, and when you should actually bring up the question. This strategy will give you the best chance of success.

You need to work to show your ex boyfriend of ex girlfriend that you care. You need to take the time to show them that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get your relationship back. The easiest way to do so is to be patient and be thoughtful. By giving meaningful gifts and writing meaningful letters, you are showing them that you are willing to put their interests first. Having a strategy that puts their interests first is the best way to approach the situation. Follow these tips when working on getting your exboyfriend or exgirlfriend back. They will help you to be thoughtful, meaningful, and patient.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Saturday, 23 January 2010

5 Ways To Take Your Mind Off Of Your Ex After A Breakup

Get back with your ex

When you break up with someone, you will find that it is hard for you to take your mind off of them. It is always hard to take your mind off of your ex after a breakup. You need to make a conscious effort to focus your mind on other things to stop thinking about them. There are 5 major ways for you to do so.

Have a Girls/Boys Night

Having a night with your friends is the best way to get your mind off of someone. Hanging out with the girls (or boys) will help to bring you into a better mood. It will help you to focus on other activities. You need this distraction to take your mind off of your ex.

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Give Yourself a Trip to the Spa

Spas are incredibly relaxing and peaceful. Going to a spa is an easy way to get your mind off of someone. You can clear your mind of all thoughts when you are at the spa. Simply focus on the treatment that you are receiving, and the relaxation you feel. While it may only be for a short time, the relaxation can be key to your long-term effort to get over your ex.

Cleanse Your Life (get rid of everything that reminds you of them)

You cannot take your mind off of someone if you are constantly reminded of them. You need to get rid of everything that you have that reminds you of them. Some people stow away all of these belongings. Others burn them ceremoniously. Choose the method that will help you to get your mind off of the person as fast as possible.

Go Out!

If you are trying to get your mind off of an ex, you need to get out of the house. If you stay in your house, you will simply wallow in self pity, thinking of the person that you used to be with. Going out, whether it be with friends or by yourself, will keep you from thinking about what couldÕve been.


If you have the money to do so, this is the perfect time to travel. When you travel, you are caught up in the excitement of the new place that you visit. Traveling is an easy and exciting way to take your mind off of someone.

You need to give yourself something to think about when you are trying to take your mind off of your ex after a breakup. You need to do things that will consume your attention and focus. Spa trips, downtown trips, and travel trips can be an easy way to do so. These 5 tips simply give you different ways to take your focus and attention away from your ex.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Friday, 22 January 2010

Top 5 Ways To Get Over A Broken Heart

Get back with your ex

When people get into a relationship, they put their entire heart into the relationship. They put all of their emotions into that relationship. When the relationship ends, they feel stuck. It can be hard to figure out how to deal with the broken heart that comes from the end of that relationship. If you are trying to get over a broken heart, you need to make a conscious effort to heal. While every person will find success with different methods, these 5 tips can help you to get over a broken heart as fast as possible.

Have a Rebound

Some people see a rebound as a small escape from their overall heartbreak. Others see a rebound as an opportunity to be done with their broken heart altogether. This rebound can be a great short-term or long-term way to get over someone who has broken your heart.

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Call Old Flames

Talking to people that you used to be in love with is a great way to mend a broken heart. Talking to people that you used to know will simply help to remind you that you have dealt with heartbreak before, and that you prevailed. It can be a good confidence boost for anyone dealing with a broken heart.

Treat Yourself

If you are dealing with a broken heart, treat yourself to some of your favorite things. Splurging on some of your favorite items, activities, or foods will help to give you some enjoyment during this rough time.

Surround Yourself with Friends

If you are dealing with a broken heart, you need to surround yourself with loved ones. Hang out with friends and family more than usual. Being around people who love you is a great way to slowly get over someone who does not love you anymore.

Talk to a Counselor or Therapist

At first, the idea of talking to a counselor or therapist for a broken hearts seems to be a little much for the situation. In all honesty, these professionals can seriously help those with a broken heart. Therapists simply help you to work out the issues that you have. You can talk openly and freely with these therapists. Many feel as though they open up more to them, as they know that they will not judge them. This back-and-forth conversation with a stranger will help you to deal with your broken heart.

It is important for you to realize that each and every person will find success in a different way. While some may find that a rebound is the best way to get over a broken heart, others will find success when they surround themselves with friends. You need to think about your own personality to choose the best method for your life.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Thursday, 21 January 2010

5 Tips For When Your Ex Wants To Get Back Together

Get back with your ex

Some people end their relationship with a clean break. Both parties agree that they should not be together. Others will simply end the relationship on their terms. While they are done with the relationship, the other person will still want to stay together. This relationship can be difficult, as the person who ended the relationship must deal with the ex who wanted to stay together. There will come a time when your ex wants to get back together. Instead of making an irrational decision, follow these 5 tips. These tips will help you to make the best decision.

Consider Your First Relationship

If your ex wants to get together again, you need to consider the relationship that you had. Why did you break up in the first place? You need to consider the end of your first relationship before you consider another one. If the issue is something that cannot be repaired, you should not even bother with a reconciliation attempt.

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Consider Your Life Now

You need to make sure that you consider your life now when considering getting back together with an ex. You may be willing to give it a shot, but do you have the time? Are you in a place in your life where you can handle a full relationship? The answers to these questions will help you in your final decision making process.

Be Patient and Kind

It is important for you to be patient and kind to your ex. They are dealing with a lot of emotions. You want to make sure that you do not make these emotions stronger. Be patient with them and listen to what they have to say. This conversation may be useful to you, as it may help you to make up your mind.

Talk To your Friends

Talk to your friends about the situation. Talk to them about how your ex feels, how you feel, and all of the different factors that will affect your decision. It will be good for you to say these things out loud to someone, as it can be helpful to talk it through with someone.

Make the Decision On Your Own

In the end, you need to make sure that you are making the decision on your own. You should not make this decision based on your ex, or on your friends. Take yourself and your own feelings into consideration. This should be the basis for your final decision.

You need to make sure that you are looking out for yourself. While you should take the words of your ex and your friends into consideration, you need to make the decision on your own. Think about what is best for you when your ex wants to get back together. When you think about your best interests, you will always make the right decision.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

How To Survive A Breakup Your 4 Tips For Success

Get back with your ex

A break up can be a troubling and tiresome experience. It can be difficult for people to deal with this kind of emotion and pressure. If you are dealing with a break up, you need to make sure that you are keeping those emotions in check. If you want to know how to survive a break up, use these 4 tips for your current situation. These tips will help you to keep your emotions in check while managing to mend your broken heart.

Create Distance

If you want to survive the break up that you have just gone through, you need to create distance between you and your ex. You need to make sure that you are not talking to them. You will want to make sure that you cannot check any social media websites of theirs, and that you do not email them or text them. All communication must be shut off. This shut-off will help you to remove them from your life. The longer you stay in contact with them, the harder the break-up process will be.

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Give Yourself Time

You need to give yourself time to cope. Some people want to get over their relationship as soon as it happens. Others want to drag their heart-break on as long as possible. You need to give yourself the proper time to cope with the emotions that come from that breakup. While you should not ignore these emotions, you should not dwell on them for long. Give yourself enough time to get over the relationship, but be sure to control and check your emotions so that it does not get out of hand.

Get Rid of Objects

If you are trying to get through a breakup, you need to get rid of things that remind you of your ex. Some people choose to burn these belongings. Others choose to simply store them away so that they are out of sight. Either method will work in this situation. You simply need to put away anything that could remind you of your relationship, and of the breakup.

Rely on Friends

Your friends will be your greatest tool when you are trying to get through a breakup. Your friends can help to get your mind off of the breakup. They can also help you to deal with your emotions as you go through the break-up process.

These four tips will help to keep your emotions in check. Your emotions will cause you to constantly think of your ex. These are the emotions that you must control. By creating distance and getting rid of different objects, you are controlling these emotions. The more you can control these emotions, the quicker you will get over your breakup. If you want to know how to survive a breakup, you need to follow these four tips.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

5 Ways To Write Getting Back Together Letters

Get back with your ex

There are a million different ways to try to win back your ex. One of the best methods to getting back with an ex is to write getting back together letters. These letters can help your ex to better understand your emotions. You may be able to talk them into giving your relationship a second chance through these emotions. If you are thinking about writing a letter to your ex, you have a few different options and methods to choose from.

Write Emails

If you are trying to get your point across to your ex as fast as possible, use email messages for your letters. These messages will reach your ex faster than any other method. There is an issue with this method, however, as some exes may see an email as impersonal. Be sure to be sincere and thoughtful in your message, as this will overshadow the impersonal nature of an email.

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Write Hand-Written Notes

If you want to be romantic, write a hand-written note. These notes are seen as incredibly thoughtful and romantic. Your ex may see these as thoughtful and romantic because you took the time to make something for them. Handwritten notes are also seen as more personal. This could be a signal to your ex that you are taking time out of your life to get them back into your life.

Give With Gifts

Some people see gifts as thoughtful and cute. Others see gifts as unnecessary bribes. If your ex is someone who enjoys gifts, consider a gift with the letter. This small gift simply shows your ex that you are thinking about them. It shows that you are interested, and that youÕve paid attention to the things that they would enjoy.

Deliver Without Gifts

It can be easy to throw the kitchen sink at your ex. You want to give them everything, and show them all of your emotions at once. You may want to consider avoiding gifts with the letters. Use the letters as a starting point. If your ex is responding to these letters, gifts may be an important and powerful next step. By starting without gifts, you are getting a feel for their thoughts on the situation as a whole.

Use Song Lyrics

If you want to try something different and unique, compose a letter that is comprised of nothing but song lyrics. This is a time-consuming project that will show your ex that you are taking your tie to be thoughtful and unique as you try to win them back.

You need to take your exÕs personality into consideration when you choose your method. The method should speak to their emotions. While some will see an e-mail as impersonal, others will see it as thoughtful. While some will see a gift as a bribe, others will see it as a nice gesture. Choose the method that is the best communication method for you and your ex. If you are going to write getting back together letters, you will want to make sure that they hear your message loud and clear.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Monday, 18 January 2010

Get Back At Ex By Being Nice 4 Ways To Get Back At Them With Kindness

Get back with your ex

There are different ways for someone to deal with their ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend. Some people want to cause their ex pain or suffering by being rude and vindictive. Others want to get back at ex by being nice. Those who choose to get back at their ex by being a nice person take the high-road, and come across as a better person by doing so. If you want to get back at your ex, there are 4 major ways to get back at them with kindness.

Send them Flowers

Flowers are the ultimate gesture of kindness. We can send someone flowers to tell them that we love them. We can also send flowers to tell someone that they are a good friend. Send your ex flowers that speak to this ÒfriendÓ factor. By giving them yellow roses or less-romantic flowers, you are showing an act of kindness that shows no remorse, and no romance.

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Ask About Their Love Life

Asking your ex about their love life is an awkward but successful way to get back at your ex with kindness. Do not ask in an interrogating or vindictive way. Show concern for their well being and their possible relationships. If you ask about these relationships in a friendly tone, it cannot be misconstrued as evil or vindictive.

Act Happy for Them

If you want to get back at your ex by being nice, act happy for them, their life, and their new achievements. Nothing will confuse an ex more than when you are happy for their new life. Fake happiness can still make them feel awkward. They feel as though you should hate them. The fact that you are happy for them will confuse them, and get them to rethink their emotions.

Introduce Them to New Flings

An interesting way to get back at your ex with kindness is to introduce them to your new interests. It can be easy to make these introductions rude or vindictive. Simply tell your ex that you really want them to meet someone that you are seeing. You want them to get to know you, and vice versa. This could bring jealousy and curiosity out of your ex. This simple and nice gesture can actually make your ex jealous about your new relationship. This jealousy is easily the best way to get back at an ex.

It is important to find the balance between getting back at your ex and keeping your self-respect and reputation. The only way to keep this balance is to get back at someone with kindness. When you get back at ex by being nice, they cannot bad-mouth you. They cannot trash-talk you, and they cannot hate you. By being nice, you are getting back at them without giving them a reason to get over you.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Sunday, 17 January 2010

5 Steps To Exorcising Your Ex How To Get Rid Of The Demons Of Relationships Past

Get back with your ex

It can be difficult to get over your past relationship. Memories of your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend can haunt you for months or years after your relationship. You need to work on getting over this relationship. Follow the 5 steps to exorcising your ex. "How to get rid of the demons of relationships" is a difficult topic to fully understand. These 5 steps can help to show you the way to success.

Stop Any and All Contact

The first step that you must take is to stop any and all contact with your ex. You may have an ex that likes to call you or text you. You may actually be the one calling and texting your ex. This line of communication needs to stop in order for you to get over your ex. This communication will simply be a reminder of a broken relationship, and will lead to nothing but heartache.

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Build a Support Group

The next step that you must take is to build a support group. Talk to your family and friends about your situation. They will be able to help you stick with your goal and steps as you work on your own emotions. These friends and family members will be able to be there for you when you feel weak and vulnerable. Use their support to stay strong as you get over your ex.

Acknowledge your Feelings

The third step to this process is to acknowledge your feelings. You cannot ignore what happened to you. You cannot forget the relationship that you had. You need to cope with the feelings that the end of this relationship has brought on. Talk to your support group about your feelings. When you open up to your support group, you release your emotions. The more you acknowledge these feelings, the faster the entire process will be.

Get Them Out

The final step is to release these emotions. Each person will have a unique way of dealing with these emotions. Some will choose a hard workout or a boxing regimen to deal with their anger. Others will write in a journal to cope with their sadness. Find a way to get your emotions out. You need to get them out in order to get over your ex.

You need to have the willpower to follow these steps. It can be difficult to follow these steps, as some of them completely remove that relationship from your life. It is important to understand that you are only hurting yourself by ignoring these steps. At first, you will have to force yourself to follow the steps to exorcising your ex. How to get rid of the demons of relationships past steps will be worth it in the end.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Coping With A Break Up 4 Steps For Getting Back On Your Feet

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It can be hard to deal with a break up. Many tend to dwell on their ended relationship. They waste time and emotion on something that they simply cannot change. These people need to learn how to deal with a break up. If you are coping with a break up, there are a few things that you can do to make the process as painless as possible. These 4 steps will help you to deal with the end of your relationship.

Let it All Out

The first thing that you need to do is to get all of your emotions out. You need to every single emotion out, whether it be angry, sad, frustrated, or mad. Talk to friends about how you feel. Write down your thoughts in a journal or through an online blog. If you want to get back on your feet, you need to deal with these emotions.

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Hit the Town

If you want to get back on your feet, you need to get out. Go out with friends and enjoy doing activities without your ex. Ask friends to go to the movies or to go to the mall. If you feel up to it, go out to bars and clubs with your friends. You need to get out of your house. Hitting the town with close friends is the best way to do so.

Meet New People

It is important for you to meet new people when you are dealing with a breakup. This is not to say that you should be scoping out someone new to date. You should simply talk to new people and go on a few dates. These pressure-free situations will help you to get a feel for what is out there. Seeing what else is out there is an easy way to get back on your feet after a break up.

Give Yourself Time

The most important step to follow is the last. You need to give yourself time to deal with your breakup. Everyone would love to be able to get over a breakup in a matter of days. This type of turnaround time is simply impossible. Give yourself time to get over the emotions that you feel. The more time you give yourself, the more likely you are to get over your relationship.

Some people try to bottle up their emotions when dealing with a break up. They think that this will help them to cope with the end of that relationship. In reality, bottling these emotions makes the entire situation worse. You need to go out on the town with your friends and meet new people. You need to leave yourself some time to grieve, and some time to be single. If you are coping with a break up, you need to follow these steps.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Friday, 15 January 2010

Use Your Head To Get Your Woman Back Keep It Simple

Get back with your ex

Women are not the most forgiving of creatures so you need to use your head to get a woman back. Women are often compared to elephants, not because they look like them but because they remember things for almost as long as an elephant does. So if you have done something wrong, or she thinks you did something; then be prepared for a battle on your hands.

Your ex will probably only give you one chance to get her back so you need to make sure that you want her back for the right reasons. Often we want what we cannot have. Or worse, if we are the one that was dumped, we think we have to get the other person to fall in love with us again so that we can then dump them so they see how it feels. If either of these reasons are behind your wish to get your ex back, do yourself a favor and don't waste your time.

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However, if you have decided that this woman is the mate you are looking for then you need to put your plan into action. The good news is that you can convince her to come back to you as women are also loyal and once she has fallen in love with you, she will find it difficult to turn off these feelings. You need to strike quickly though as a good woman is very attractive to other men who will be all too willing to step into your shoes.

So what can you do? Forget about sending her a bunch of flowers. That doesn't work as it is very easy to order flowers and your woman will prefer you put more effort into getting her back into your life. Writing her a handwritten letter may help to melt some of the ice around her heart but only if you are sincere.

It really depends on why you two broke up. If she felt taken for granted then you need to work on convincing her that you know this was a mistake and won't happen again. If you were unfaithful then you will have to work that bit harder.

Don't try and rush her into changing her mind. She will need time to get over whatever happened between the two of you but that doesn't mean you should disappear into the sunset. You should stay in contact and let her know that she is very important to you and that you want her back in your life. But that you are willing to take things at her pace. I am not suggesting that you offer to stay friends. Your ex probably has enough friends in her life and this is not the role for you.

You should try reading The Magic of Making up as this is the book that sorted out my relationship problems once and for all. It will help you learn how to get woman back and soon.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Thursday, 14 January 2010

How Do I Get Back Together With My Ex Made Simple

Get back with your ex

If you are asking how do I get back together with my ex, you have obviously decided that it was a mistake for you to break up. Perhaps it wasn't your decision to break off with your partner. Perhaps something huge happened such as an affair or other form of cheating. Or maybe you just grew apart. But now having spent some time away from one another you have decided that they are the person for you.

The good news is that thousands of couples get back together every day so it is not some impossible fantasy that you are contemplating. It is easier to rekindle feelings with an ex-partner than to meet a new Mr or Ms Right. Now that doesn't mean you should get back together with your ex because you can't be bothered getting to know someone new and feel that your ex girlfriend or boyfriend is easier bet. You should only be getting back together if you feel that you two have something really special and worth saving.

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The mistake most people make is that they try and push the other person too hard into taking them back. While I agree that you should be persuasive, you should take a subtle approach. You need to see things from your ex's point of view and try and work out how you are going to convince them that you and your relationship are worth giving another shot.

I am not saying it is going to be easy. It would be a lot easier if you don't try to do this alone. You can chose to have relationship counselling but not everyone feels comfortable discussing intimate details with a stranger. Another option is to try reading a couple of self help books. Some people find these very effective but others wish they could contact someone to ask them a question if they needed to. The good news is that there are some courses that offer you this facility as well and you can use email i.e. you do not need to meet the person who is going to help you.

Love is a very powerful emotion and sometimes it can cause us to do silly things. Now is not the time to let your jealousy or anger take over. You need to deal with these negative emotions and concentrate on the positive ones. Do not contact your ex until you are 100% sure that you can remain in control of your feelings and can be the person they want to be with. Nobody wants a jealous, angry partner. They want someone who loves them, who is confident and secure in themselves and eager to carve out a happy life together.

Show them you can be this person and you won't be asking how do I get back together with my ex for much longer. You will be celebrating your return to the happy world of couples. Go on you can do this. Start today.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

How To Get Back An Ex and Make It Stick

Get back with your ex

When wondering how to get back an ex, we often forget that we are working from a position of strength. If you are trying to convince a new potential partner to notice you, you may have to try various different tricks to gain their attention. You don't know them so you don't know which buttons to press.

But when dealing with your ex, you know exactly what they like and don't like. You know which clothes they prefer you to wear, what scent or cologne, where they hang out and what they like doing in their spare time. You know her favorite flowers or what team he supports. You know this person intimately and you can use this knowledge to your advantage. OK, you also have the disadvantage of the fact that you have already broken up once but that is not the end of the world. We all make mistakes and thankfully most can be rectified.

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So don't despair, you have a lot of things going for you. Millions of couples the world over break up and get back together again and so can you. You just need to know how to approach your ex-partner and convince them that you deserve another chance. Honest communication is the best policy. Don't be tempted to play games, you are not a child and this is not the playground. Some people will tell you that you should try and make your ex jealous. But trying to hurt anyone doesn't show any respect for that person's feelings never mind those of the person you are using.

Unfortunately how to have a successful relationship is not a subject taught in school. Some of us are lucky to have parents who are still together and have shown us by their example, what a happy partnership is. But all too often this is not enough. Go into any bookshop and you will see shelves of books on relationships. How to make them better, how to make them work, how to meet the right man or woman, how to keep them once you meet them etc. You think of any question you may have had about your relationship and there is a probably a book written to answer it.

But reading loads of books won't turn you into a relationship expert overnight. You need to read the right material. You need to know that other people have found these books useful and been successful in attracting their ex back into their lives.

You want a course that doesn't promise the earth but will help you to resolve your differences with your ex and enable you to become a happy couple once again. Sometimes these books will claim to make you totally irresistible to the other sex. But this isn't what you want. There is only one person you are interested in getting back. So, it really is up to you. You can stay home and be miserable wondering how to get back an ex or you can be constructive and take positive steps and hopefully soon you will be back in the arms of your lover once more.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

How To Win Back Lost Love and Then Keep It

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Are you missing your partner? How to win back lost love is a question we all ask at some point in our lives. The good news is that if you use a good source of material like the "Magic of Making Up", it is a question you will be able to answer.

People fall out of love for all sorts of reasons but the funny thing is that it is rarely the big items, like an affair, which causes partners to fall out. It is more likely to happen because they got bored or felt taken for granted, neglected or ignored. Sometimes someone else comes along who has the time to flatter them and before you know it an affair has taken place.

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We can all be guilty of leaving our partners out of our lives. We expect them to put up with whatever we dish out; as they love us right? Well they may love us but if we continually put the world and it's mother before them they will get fed up of us being selfish and may decide to look elsewhere.

You have to be sensitive to your partners needs. He or she is entitled to expect to come way up high on your priority list as they are supposed to be the special someone in your life. If your ex has left you to be with someone else you need to understand why. what did this person offer that you didn't? It could be something as simple as paying her some compliments or attention.

Women crave certain behavior and if their current partners don't provide it on a consistent basis, they will look elsewhere. You need to know these secrets to a successful relationship and reading books such as the magic of making up will help you to become a better partner and lover. Sex is a small word but it creates huge problems. Women often withdraw from making love when they are unhappy with another aspect of their relationship. Men see this withdrawal as an insult and often believe their mate just doesn't fancy them anymore. This can lead them into the arms of another woman.

There are many reasons why communication between a man and a woman gets tangled up and doesn't work as well as it should. Our brains are wired differently and we make assumptions based on past feelings and situations rather than just on the situation we are currently faced with.

We need help when our relationships go wrong but often people are not willing to discuss their relationship with a third party. They fear they may get blamed for things going wrong but that is not the role of the counsellor. Their job is to act as a mediator between the both of you.

If you are determined to win back lost love, first start with reading the magic of making up and see how soon you can convince your ex partner back into your bed and your life.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Monday, 11 January 2010

How Do I Win Ex Back Advice That Works

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When you initially break up with someone you can feel a lot of different emotions but you don't usually wonder how to win ex back until some time has passed. When you realize that the person who shared your life was the one you wanted. You may have broken up because you felt you were missing out on something.

We can all suffer from something known as the grass being greener. This is where we think other people have a better lifestyle and we are missing out. We can take the people we love for granted and decide for whatever reason that there is someone better out there who will make a more perfect partner.

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But the single life is not that attractive and after a while we start to wonder how to win ex back. Thankfully it is not that difficult once you know what you are doing and don't make any stupid mistakes. Too often we think that just because we are missing our ex partners, they are missing us too. We decide that a bunch of flowers and a nice meal is all that is needed to sort it out. But this is real life and not the movies and it will often take a lot more than this to end up back together.

Love is such a powerful emotion. It can cause huge happiness but it can also cause a lot of sadness. When someone trusts you with their love, they expect to be treated with respect. They do not expect you to betray them or hurt them. Even if you have not had an affair, the very fact you broke up will have hurt the other person. It will have dented their confidence and their belief in themselves as well as your relationship.

You need to apply a lot of strategies to convince them to give you another chance. It helps if you can see their point of view. Try to understand how they are feeling and take things gently and at their pace. You may need to convince them that you are not just bored of single life but actually miss them as a person. You will have to remind them of all the reasons why they fell in love with you and why your relationship as a couple is worth salvaging.

You cannot push another person to fall in love with you so don't try. Getting angry or jealous won't work either. You need to show them that you are mature and worth their time. You need to prove that you are 100% committed to achieving happiness as a couple and that you want them in your life forever and not just because you are now lonely.

It is well worth reading a couple of relationship advice books to make sure that you give this chance to win ex back your best shot. We often only get one real chance to convince our ex partners to take us back. Don't ruin it by being unprepared.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Sunday, 10 January 2010

How To Win My Love Back Even If They Cheated

Get back with your ex

How often has one of your friends asked "how to win my love back?" Or perhaps you are asking this question for yourself personally.

The good news is that it is easier to make someone fall in love with you again then it was for the first time. When you have already been partners, you have a shared history. Sure not all of this time will have provided great memories but some of it will. You just need to get working on the good stuff and let the bad dwindle away.

I have assumed that you didn't lose your partner's love and affection by doing something silly like having an affair, emotionally or physically. Having an affair will damage any relationship but it doesn't need to be the end. It can be an automatic reaction i.e. he had an affair so therefore I am leaving. But when you think about it, does the fact he slept with someone else really mean that you should end something that was good for most of the time.

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Of course it will depend on the details. If he had a one night stand and is now full of remorse that is one thing. But if he has been having an affair for a long period of time, that is a completely different ballgame. The one night stand is easy sex, the long term affair is emotional betrayal and lying both of which hurt a lot more. The second option will do a lot more damage to your partnership.

But it still doesn't have to be the end. Affairs happen for all sorts of reasons and so long as it hasn't been a pattern through your whole relationship you can fix things if you want to. But if you were the other woman when you met, and now he has moved onto another person then you are in trouble. That is the problem when the mistress becomes the wife. She often creates a vacancy which must be filled!

So how to win your love back? You need to educate yourself on how to make the most of your relationships. Because people get together every day, we often just assume that this is something we should know how to do. After all they do not teach the secrets of successful relationships at school.

Well they don't teach money management either yet both are very necessary skills for leading a happy life. So get yourself an education. Start reading and listening to all the information you can on how to rekindle past love. How to build successful relationships and have happy marriages. There is no end to the amount of information available. Just be sure you pick a course that has been used by many happy customers who have been so pleased with their results, they have posted testimonials to the effectiveness of the course.

In no time at all you will no longer be asking how to win my love back and will probably find your friends are now looking to you to help them achieve the happiness you have.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Marriage In Crisis Dont Bury Your Head In the Sand

Get back with your ex

Is your marriage in crisis? You need to act now and stop putting your head in the sand. Your problems are likely to become a lot worse if you neglect them. If your relationship is worth saving, putting some effort in now will be worth it in the long run; even if it makes you uncomfortable.

Not sure how to tackle your problems? All marriages go through rough spots but with a little bit of effort, respect and understanding most can be saved. All you need is the know how. How do you find that? Well you could book both of you in for some relationship counseling. But some people cannot talk to strangers so are better off taking advice from an internet dating site or better yet purchasing a course designed to help them save their marriage.

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Is it worth the effort? Well only you can answer that but I am guessing that if you married this person, you loved them once and probably still do. Real life often gets in the way of our relationships. We are so busy running around trying to please our family, our boss and our friends that often our partner gets forgotten. That is a huge mistake. Your other half should always be number one on your priority list. You cannot have a great marriage unless both of you appreciate the other person and show this appreciation on a regular basis.

Often when couples start bickering it is a sign that both of them are frustrated. Making love may have become a distant memory. Sex may be a little word but it is very important to maintain intimate relations in any relationship. It is the glue that will hold both of you together. It may not be the same as it was in the early days when you first met but true intimacy develops over time and with a little patience and practice you can recapture that lost magic.

Communication is vital to make any partnership work but particularly a marriage. It is too easy to assume you know what your other half is doing or thinking. He or she may be under pressure at work or be concerned about the state of the economy and how it will impact on your life. They may be distracted but it doesn't mean that they have fallen out of love with you. It also doesn't mean that they have been unfaithful or are looking to leave your life.

So why not get a sitter for your kids and ask your partner out on a date. Go to a restaurant and sit down and chat. Don't talk about your kids, your finances or your family members. Pretend you have just met and are trying to impress each other. Slowly but surely you can revive that spark between you and working together can resolve any issues that are causing your problems.

Hopefully you will soon realize that rather than having your marriage in crisis, you can have a happy relationship with your current partner.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Friday, 8 January 2010

Things Ive Learned From Women Whove Dumped Me

Get back with your ex

Things I've learned from women whove dumped me, have actually helped me save my current relationship. Why? Well, basically all partnerships are the same in that if you do not have certain components they will fail. It doesn't matter how good looking or how wealthy you are. Your relationship will fall apart.

If I hadn't been educated by my previous girlfriends I wouldn't have learned some valuable lessons. For example, I wouldn't know that I should always tell the truth even when it makes you a little uncomfortable. You see if you are always honest, then she will trust you. Trust is a huge part of a successful partnership.

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I wouldn't know that I have to talk about how I feel. OK, I am not a saint. I cannot be like most women in that I still don't feel comfortable chatting for hours on end about my feelings. But I know that I have to explain how I am feeling and not just expect her to guess. I also need to ask her how she feels about certain things and listen to her response. My job is not to fix her life and it will wind her up if I try. My job is to be there to listen and act as a sounding board and only offer a solution if I have been asked.

Other things I've learned from the women who've dumped me is that if I tidy up around the house, I win brownie points which can be exchanged for sexual favors later. I have also realized that sending one flower a day for seven days is more romantic than a bunch of red roses. Making her breakfast in bed or having dinner on the table when she gets home from work tells her I love her louder than me just saying it.

I have also learned that just because she cuddles up to me when we are in bed doesn't mean that she wants to make love. Sometimes she just wants a cuddle and I need to respect that and not take offense. I have also realized that I can't just think she is the sexier than Beyonce. I need to tell her and not just when I want more than a cuddle!

It is funny how often previous relationships I was in broke up for similar reasons. I thought I was doing everything right but I invariably got dumped for ignoring my girlfriends or not trying to understand them. I would have continued being a failure at relationships if I hadn't invested in a couple of books and courses designed to help me understand what makes a great partnership.

Now I couldn't be happier and so too is my wife. Things I've learned from women who've dumped me helped me - how can they help you?

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Thursday, 7 January 2010

How To Win My Ex Girlfriend Back The Right Way

Get back with your ex

If you are asking your friends the question how to win my ex girlfriend back, you may be surprised at some of their responses. Some of your friends may not want you to get back with your ex partner as they prefer you to be single. Why? Well it means that you have more time for them.

While it is natural to ask your mates for advice on your love life, often they are the worst people to ask. First, they are generally not impartial. They are biased towards you and may not be able to see how you were at fault. Or they may have preconceived ideas of how couples should behave. Look at your friends and see what type of relationships they are in before you seek their advice. If they are always single then perhaps there is a good reason for this and they are the last people who you should rely on to help you get your ex back.

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If you are sure you want your ex girlfriend back for the right reasons as opposed to just wounded pride, you need to tell her. Don't start making a nusiance of yourself but let her know that you are sorry and you want to give your relationship another go. If you broke up for a specific reason, you may need to apologize for that particular behavior. Before you start trying to make up with her, be sure that you are 100% sure this is what you want as you probably won't get two chances to get her back.

Read up on the subject and seek advice from people who have successfully coached other warring partners back together. All is not lost, you fell in love before and you can do so again. But it is very dependent on the techniques you use. You could blow your chances of getting your ex back if you come on too strong. She may feel she is being stalked, threatened or crowded. Or you could make the biggest mistakes people make when trying to get their ex back. They act desperate i.e. they suddenly appear everywhere their ex partner hangs out. They ring constantly or they send flowers all the time. Or even worse, they bombard the family members with the hope that they will influence their ex partner into taking them back.

You don't want to do any of these things. You want to win your ex girlfriend back by making her realise that she just cannot live without you and that you two have such a fantastic future together. You want to show her what she is missing. Dress properly all the time so when you do bump into her you look your best. Be friendly, considerate and caring when you meet. If you behaved badly apologize and move on. Don't go overboard but let her know that you are sorry.

Communication and honesty may just be the answer to your question of "how to win my ex girlfriend back".

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

I Want My Ex Back Now

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I want my ex back now is a common refrain and one that is thankfully easily remedied. Most of us have broken up at some point with our partners over something very silly. Perhaps we lost our temper or we got into a silly argument and now regret it. Thankfully these types of breakups are easy to rectify.

But perhaps you have broken up over something more serious. Perhaps one of you were unfaithful or lied to your partner? These are bigger problems to overcome but they are not necessarily the end of the road. If both of you are happy to make an effort to reconcile, you can get over almost any obstacle. You may need some professional help from a third party. This may take the form of relationship counselling either as a couple or separately. There are some great books on this subject which can be very helpful at putting things into perspective.

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The first thing you should do is to arrange a meeting in a public place. If you meet in private you could let your emotions take over and either end up having a huge argument or in bed making love. Of course the second option might be enjoyable but it will not necessarily sort out getting your ex back.

Meeting to discuss your relationship is a chance for you both to air your grievances. This is not a blame game and if you have the idea that you are going to make your ex partner pay for their behavior then do yourself a favor and walk away now. What you want to do is acknowledge that you two have some issues to work through but you want the relationship to work and would like to give it another go.

Having any sort of partnership with someone of the opposite sex takes work and commitment. We are very different in how we think about things and how we communicate. Sometimes we can blow issues out of all proportion and either our pride or our tempers prevent us from discussing our problems like adults and we behave like kids.

If you want your ex back, you will need to convince them that you have something special and worth fighting for. Be prepared for some reservations depending on the original reasons for breaking up. Don't try to make them take you back by making them jealous or playing any other types of games. Games belong in the school yard. Make an effort to look your best. It helps if you wear an outfit that you know your partner likes and finds attractive. Use their favorite scent and cologne as well.

Keep the conversation civil and talk about the great times you have shared and your dreams for the future. It may take a while and more than one meeting but in time you may be back together and no longer saying I want ex back now!

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Relief For When Your Best Friend Is In A Rebound Relationship With Your Ex

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A relationship breakup can be a devastating experience for anyone. But in some cases, the people in your life make the situation even worse. Sometimes, you will find that your best friend is in a rebound relationship with your ex. It can be incredibly confusing, disheartening, and disappointing. Some people will simply be sad when this happens. Others will become angry and confused. If your best friend in rebound relationship with ex, there are a few things that you need to do.


You need to be able to vent to someone about the issue. You can easily have a rush of emotions when you find that your best friend is dating your ex. If you find this to be the case, you need to tell someone how you feel. Getting all of your anger and frustration out to someone is a necessary step.

If this is something that is making you sad, you need to cry on someones shoulder. Venting will allow you to calm down a little. Venting may help you feel better, and may help you to clear out your head.

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Be Angry and Upset

In general, people will tell you to calm down when you realize that your best friend is dating your ex. It is normal to feel angry and upset, however. Most people want to keep their exes to themselves. While they may not be dating, they want to hold their memories with them close. A friend dating the ex could ruin those memories.

If this happens to you, it is OK to be angry and upset. Find a release that allows you to get all of your anger and frustration out. Go to a gym and work out, or work on your favorite hobby. Do whatever you need to do to allow yourself to be both angry and upset for a while.

Re-Evaluate your Friendship

At some point, you need to re-evaluate your friendship with the person who is now dating your ex. You need to think about the entire situation before you write them off. If you are not careful, you may ruin a good friendship over someone you are not even dating anymore.

You need to think about boundaries. Did you clearly state to them that you do not want them dating your ex? How would they feel about the exact same situation? Understand what they are going through as well before you make any decisions about your friendship.

At first, a friend dating an ex can be an incredibly tough situation. Your heart may still be broken, and you may find that it makes it even worse. It is important to know that it is OK to feel angry and upset. It is OK to vent to someone about the situation. This will help you to make the right decision about your friendship in the end.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Monday, 4 January 2010

Can Positive Thinking Get Me My Boyfriend Back

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There are a lot of people who believe in the power of positive thinking. They work hard to ensure that they remove as many negative thoughts as possible. Some people believe that positive thinking can get my boyfriend back. There are a lot of things to consider when thinking about positive thinking. While it may be able to help you to get your boyfriend back, it may not be the only thing that you need to do.

Benefits of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking can be a big help when you are trying to get someone back. If you want to know if positive thinking get my boyfriend back, think about the good that it can do.

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Positive thinking can completely change your outlook on your old relationship. It will help you to remove the negative thoughts that you may have. You may not think about the negatives of that past relationship. You will also stop thinking negatively in terms of your chances of getting back together. Positive thinking can help you to look at the situation in a new light.

Positive thinking may also give you a new perspective on your life. You may realize that you do not want to get back together with your old boyfriend when you think positively. You may realize that you do not need them after all, and that you are fine on your own. This may not be the case, but it is a possibility to consider. While this is slightly different, it is still a benefit of positive thinking.

Issues With Positive Thinking

Relying completely on positive thinking may not be good for your overall issue. While it is important to think positively, you still need to take action. You still need to asses the situation. You need to understand the steps that you need to take to get your boyfriend back.

If you only try positive thinking, your chances of getting your boyfriend back are slim to none. They will not know that you are thinking of them. They will not know that you are thinking about getting back together with them. Without action, positive thinking is not going to get you back together with your old boyfriend.

Positive thinking is all about you. It helps you to get over your issues, and helps you to think positively. Positive thinking does not do anything to the person that you want to get back together with.

Positive thinking is an important part of this overall process. If you want to make sure that you get our old boyfriend back, however, you must take action. Talk to them. Listen to what they have to say. Buy them small gifts, and try to spend time with them. These are the only ways to actually get your boyfriend back.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Sunday, 3 January 2010

5 Tips For Fixing A Broken Relationship

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Many relationships run into problem areas. At some point, your relationship, no matter how good, will have issues. These issues can be easy to work on. Some relationships can have bigger issues, however. These issues are much more difficult too work around. If you are working on fixing a broken relationship, you need to be sure to be cautious. You want to make sure that you take all of the necessary steps to fix what has been broken.

Identify the Problem

The first tip that will help you to fix your broken relationship is to fully identify the problem. Both of the people in the relationship need to have a complete understanding of the state of the relationship. If there was a specific event that caused the issue, you both should understand how that happened. If it was a series of events, you need to clearly define the issues and what caused them.

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Let Them Know How You Feel

The second tip to fix your broken relationship is to be honest and open about how you feel. A relationship can only work if there is strong communication. You need to be open about how you feel. Be careful with your woods, but do not sugar coat your feelings.

Do not hide any of your feelings. You need to let the other person, in the relationship, know your emotions. Be descriptive. Are you angry? Upset? Sad? Mad? Disappointed? The more descriptive you can be, the more your partner will understand you.

Pay Attention

You need to be sure to pay attention to how they feel as well. Communication goes both ways. Listen to how descriptive they are about their feelings. Ask penetrating and specific questions to better understand how they feel. By doing so you will grasp the root of the primary problem.

Small Gifts

Small gifts can be a perfect way to start to mend a broken relationship. While it will not fix everything, it will show that you care, and that you are thinking of them.

Small Dates

Going on small, inexpensive but fun dates can also be beneficial. Having fun together is the perfect way to start to mend broken hearts and a broken relationship.

You need to make sure that you both fully understand the issue at hand. IF you are working on fixing a broken relationship, you need to be on the same page. From this point, you need to let them know how you feel. Be open about how you feel about the situation, and what you think can help it. Be sure to pay attention to what they have to say as well.

When you are sure that you are both on the same wavelength, you need to pay attention to the small things. Small gifts and small dates, especially gifts and dates with more meaning, are a good way to start to mend the relationship. You need to remind yourselves why you are in the relationship. This will help you to fix your broken relationship.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Dealing With A Relationship Breakup

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It is never easy to deal with a relationship breakup. Whether you are the one who ended it, or the one who was broken up with, it can be tough. Each side has to deal with different emotions. If you are dealing with a relationship breakup, there are certain things that you need to be able to do. By working on these three things, you can be sure that you will deal with the break up as best as you can.

Dealing with your Emotions

Most people will try to suppress their emotions right after a break up. Those who broke up with someone will act happy or in some cases; sad and lonely, while those who are broken up with will try to act as if they are ok. It is ok to feel sad, and it is ok to feel upset.

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You need to deal with your emotions, and understand your emotions. Pushing your emotions to the back of your mind will simply stall the process. You cannot forget your emotions. Because you will simply deal with them at a later time. Ignoring your emotions will keep you from dealing with your break up. Confront how you feel, and allow yourself to feel that way.

Surround Yourself with Friends and Family

You need to surround yourself with friends and family when you are dealing with a break up. Your friends will help to comfort you when you feel sad. They will also help to take your mind off of the situation, when you need to start thinking of other things. Friends and family can be the perfect emotion regulator.

Friends and family will not let yourself get too upset, or too sad. They will still allow you to feel the emotions that you need to feel to get over the situation. They are the perfect people to lean on when you are dealing with a break up.

Work On Getting Over It

It can be easy for people to wallow in their sadness. They do not want to deal with the situation, or with how they feel. You need to avoid this by recognizing the self pity and dwelling in it, to the point of exclusion of all other things and people.You simply need to start thinking about moving on. You need to stat thinking about your situation, and what you may lose out on by dwelling on the break up.

In Summary

You need to confront your emotions, and you need to deal with them. Don't be one of those people who push all their emotions to the backburner. Sure it's nice to avoid the siutuation, for a short while, but the sooner you face it, the more likely you will begin to get a handle on it.

Don't forget your friends and family are there to help you during your emotional difficulty. Rely on them for your foundation of getting over the breakup. It is important for you to work on getting over the break up, as you need to be able to move on.

These three simple, yet difficult to perform steps, will help you to properly deal with your relationship breakup.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

Friday, 1 January 2010

5 Ways To Use Broken Heart Sayings

Get back with your ex

Broken heart sayings can be a great way to speed through the sad portion of getting over a break up. While it is not good to dwell on the negative for too long, you can use broken heart sayings to get over your ex as fast as possible. While there are multiple ways to do so, there are 5 major ways to use broken heart sayings.

As Motivation

Some people like to use sad quotes and broken heart quotes as motivation. They do not like feeling bad for themselves. When they see constant reminders about this sad feeling, they become angry. Use broken heart quotes around your home as motivation. If you do not like seeing them, you can use them to get yourself into a more positive state of mind.

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For Statuses

On line Social Media is all about updating your status. Sometimes, you like to change your status to reflect how you feel. IT can also help others to fully understand how you feel about your situation. You can use broken heart quotes for your multiple social media status.

As Small Reminders

It can be easy to take your mind off of what you are dealing with. If you have a busy day, you may ignore your feelings. While this may make things easier to deal with in the short run, it can make it harder for you in the long run. Use broken heart quotes as small reminders during your day. They may make you sad, but they will force you to deal with what has happened. Eventually, they will help you to get over it.

To Take Up Time

People who have been going through a break up will often have a lot of time on their hands. The first few days should be about feeling sad. You can use broken heart quotes to help you take up time. They will help you to deal with your feelings, and will give you something to do.

Inspiration for Poem Writing

People who enjoy music often use situations like break ups as a reason to write songs. Use broken heart quotes as inspiration for lyrics. Writing is a good outlet for emotions, and these quotes will help you to use that outlet.


It is not good for you to dwell on something like a break up for too long. Taking a few days to use quotes and sayings is good for you. It will help you to get all of the sadness out of your system. You will become tired of being so sad, and will start to get over the break up. You may not want to use all of these different ways to use broken heart quotes. You can use some of these to make your hurting process a little easier to deal with.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you