When you initially break up with someone you can feel a lot of different emotions but you don't usually wonder how to win ex back until some time has passed. When you realize that the person who shared your life was the one you wanted. You may have broken up because you felt you were missing out on something.
We can all suffer from something known as the grass being greener. This is where we think other people have a better lifestyle and we are missing out. We can take the people we love for granted and decide for whatever reason that there is someone better out there who will make a more perfect partner.
But the single life is not that attractive and after a while we start to wonder how to win ex back. Thankfully it is not that difficult once you know what you are doing and don't make any stupid mistakes. Too often we think that just because we are missing our ex partners, they are missing us too. We decide that a bunch of flowers and a nice meal is all that is needed to sort it out. But this is real life and not the movies and it will often take a lot more than this to end up back together.
Love is such a powerful emotion. It can cause huge happiness but it can also cause a lot of sadness. When someone trusts you with their love, they expect to be treated with respect. They do not expect you to betray them or hurt them. Even if you have not had an affair, the very fact you broke up will have hurt the other person. It will have dented their confidence and their belief in themselves as well as your relationship.
You need to apply a lot of strategies to convince them to give you another chance. It helps if you can see their point of view. Try to understand how they are feeling and take things gently and at their pace. You may need to convince them that you are not just bored of single life but actually miss them as a person. You will have to remind them of all the reasons why they fell in love with you and why your relationship as a couple is worth salvaging.
You cannot push another person to fall in love with you so don't try. Getting angry or jealous won't work either. You need to show them that you are mature and worth their time. You need to prove that you are 100% committed to achieving happiness as a couple and that you want them in your life forever and not just because you are now lonely.
It is well worth reading a couple of relationship advice books to make sure that you give this chance to win ex back your best shot. We often only get one real chance to convince our ex partners to take us back. Don't ruin it by being unprepared.
6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you
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