Tuesday 5 October 2010

Healing A Broken Heart - Doing It Your Way

Get back with your ex

Are you dealing with a broken heart? Do you want to know what can be done to make healing a broken heart faster and less painful? Believe it or not, there are a few things that can be done to speed up the process a little bit, but please understand that some pain is inevitable.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they are trying to move on after a painful breakup is to set a time limit. Often times well meaning friends will tell you to 'snap out of it', or 'it's time to get back out there'. But what do they know? It will take you as long as it takes. If you rush through the process without allowing yourself to grieve and process everything that's happened, you could end up with a lot of nasty baggage that will follow you around for the rest of your life.

Click to get your ex back

So, as odd as it sounds, in order to be able to have healthy relationships in the future, make sure you deal with all the hurt and pain in the present. That doesn't mean, though, that there aren't some things you can do while you're healing a broken heart that will make it a little easier and seem to go by a little quicker.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to live your life. I know, that sounds ridiculously insane to think about when you feel like you can barely breathe, but it's possible and important.

No one is suggesting that you go out and date, you shouldn't. Not until you're fully over the pain and confusion of a breakup and you can be sure that you are ready to date and not just dating because you are lonely. You don't want to get into a rebound relationship. It's not good for you or the person you get involved with.

But, you can and should spend time doing the things you love to do. True, since you are still hurting you probably won't get the same level of happiness when you do them that you used to, but you may just be surprised to find yourself actually laughing and having fun... at least for a little while.

More than likely there are things that you used to love to do that you didn't do with your ex. Your ex simply wasn't interested in doing them and you just wanted to spend time with your ex so you stopped doing them too. That's very common. So, why not do them know? What activity or place did you enjoy before you and your ex got together? What things have you put on the back burner while you were in a relationship? Do those things now. It can make you feel a lot better to remind yourself that you have a great life and you have a lot of options in that life.

Do activities that are positive and that will help you resume your life and move forward. It doesn't have to be anything huge, maybe just paint your living room, but as long as you continue to get out and live while you are healing a broken heart you'll be less focused on your pain and more focused on life... and that can make the healing process go by so much more quickly.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

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