Monday, 31 January 2011

Relationship After Cheating - How To Rebuild Your Relationship

Get back with your ex

Have you ever wondered if there is any chance of a relationship after cheating? Well the answer to that question will depend on the two people in the relationship. If both of you are not able to, or willing to, forgive and forget than it is unlikely to work out.

Trust is extremely difficult to rebuild. Whenever you enter into a relationship with someone, you start with a blank slate. The other person still needs to learn to trust you but if you don't already have any negative baggage it's usually easier.

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But, after they let their guard down, let you into their life and trusted you, it is going to be extremely hard to open themselves up to pain after you have shown them that their trust was misplaced.

Even though it will be difficult, that does not mean you should give up. Actually, the last thing you should do is to give up. You need to do everything you can if you want your partner to love and trust you again.

With time, love and patience anything can be rebuilt, but again, it will be imperative that you are both willing to work on it.

Sometimes the best thing to do in this situation is to give your ex some time and space. While you do that you should be spending time figuring out why you did something so self destructive as to cheat on someone you love.

Please don't make the mistake of thinking that infidelity is about sex, it's not. It's about ego, loneliness or insecurity. You need to address what your issues are that you thought would be cured by hooking up with someone else.

Before you can go back to your ex and expect them to take you back, you have to make sure that you know why you cheated before so you don't do it again.

This knowledge will likely take you quite a bit of time to figure out. It will most likely also be painful for you to look at your less than desirable characteristics. But, that is the best chance you have of convincing your ex that they should take you back and that they can trust you.

To complete this step and to figure out what your issues are that you "thought" would get solved by cheating, you might need the help of a therapist. It is not easy to identify your own b.s. most of the time. You will most likely need help and having a therapist gently point out things that you need to change about yourself. It may not be fun but it will help you become a better person, if you let it.

When love is present pretty much anything is possible, even having a relationship after cheating. Whether or not you are successful at keeping your relationship and earning your partners trust again, will take a lot of work and total commitment and honesty. If you don't think you can commit totally it's best if you just let things go.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Catch My Husband Cheating - Common Sense Will Prevail

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Are you asking the question: "How can I catch my husband cheating?" if so, then I'm sorry. Assuming you're just not paranoid and looking for something that isn't there, the fact that you are suspicious likely means that there is something going on. If you really have to know there are many simple things that you can do to find out once and for all.

If you really want to find out quickly you can even hire a private detective. Many people would consider this extreme, and expensive, but you can get the proof you need. One huge advantage of going this route is that you will be notified if their is no sign of an affair too.

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With many of the other ways you may try to find out if your husband is cheating, you will never really have proof that they aren't cheating, only that they are. You may always wonder if they really are cheating but are just really good at covering their tracks. If you hire someone to follow them for a while, than either way you should have proof which can really set your mind at ease.

If hiring a private investigator simply isn't in your budget, you do have some other options. Most of these things are just common sense.

The first thing to look out for is a change in your husbands behavior and patterns. Of course, please do not let your imagination get the better of you. Many of these "signs' can also be totally innocent. Just because you witness one or more of these behaviors it isn't definitive proof of an affair, it just means that you should dig a little deeper to be sure.

So, if your husband is suddenly putting in a lot more time at work, look deeper.

Is your husband suddenly obsessed with improving his appearance? This is another tell tale sign of an affair. If, up until now, your hubby was perfectly happy going out in his sweats and an old t-shirt but suddenly wants to wear nicer clothes, you may want to dig a little deeper.

It could be something innocent, maybe he is just feeling a little unattractive, old or fat and wants to make himself feel better. On the other hand, it could be a sign that he is trying to impress someone else. It's worth a second look.

If your husband suddenly starts being more concerned about working out and / or eating right it could be a sign that he wants to impress someone. Of course, it could also be a sign that he is sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and is just trying to take better care of himself.

Men aren't known for their conversational skills. If your husband is taking more care of himself because someone at his work suddenly keeled over from a heart attack and your husband got scared, he isn't real likely to confess that to you. So as far as you can see, his behavior is out of the blue and suspicious, but in reality he is scared.

So before you ask the question: "How can I catch my husband cheating?" make sure you are ready to deal with whatever you find. Also make sure that you are keeping an open mind so you don't jump to conclusions.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Cheating In A Relationship - Will Destroy Trust

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Nothing is more disheartening to a relationship than finding out that there has been infidelity. It can break your heart and can definitely knock the wind out of your sails. But, the good news is that cheating in a relationship can be overcome with time. Please take the time to focus on your relationship and try to work things out, in many cases you can. Don't give up.

One of the best things you can do is to take plenty of time to try to figure out what happened. Unless one of you is a chronic cheater, the cheating came from somewhere (not that this is an excuse) but to fix things you need to know what happened to create the situation in the first place.

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If you or your partner has been going through some things and maybe that situation has put stress on your marriage or relationship than you may need to start there. But, I know I'm repeating myself but it's that important, that doesn't mean it was ok that either of you turned to another person to feel better about yourself. No matter what situations the two of you are dealing with, it doesn't make it ok to have an affair.

It's important to figure that out and fix the cause. You will also need to get help from a therapist. The hurt and anger that you can feel after someone has cheated can almost take on a life of it's own and it can be very difficult to work past it, especially on your own.

If the two of you understand that the process will take time and it will be painful yet you are still willing to do what needs to be done, than the two of you have a great chance of salvaging your relationship and maybe even making things better than they were before.

Of course, if one or the other of you has a long history of cheating than the problem runs much deeper than just some issue in your relationship. If either of you is like that than the best thing for you to do is for the "cheater" to get some serious counseling to figure out why they are so flawed that they think it's ok to do what they want to do no matter who they hurt and what promises you go back on.

When you make a commitment to someone, that is a promise. Even if you don't come out and say the words "I won't be with another person" once you and your partner enter into a committed relationship that is the same as making a promise.
If you just go about doing whatever you want to do no matter who you hurt, than you have problems. Sorry, if that sounds harsh, but it's the truth.

If this describes you than before you do anything please get yourself the help you need so you don't continue to go through life hurting yourself and anyone who has made the mistake of loving you.

Tough love can be...well, tough. Many of us come to a point in our lives sometimes where we have to face difficult choices and decisions. While it's not always fun and it's never easy, making changes and saving your relationship is possible but you have to start with you. Cheating in a relationship can be overcome, just be willing to put in the time and effort.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Friday, 28 January 2011

Getting Past A Break Up - Move On With Your Life

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Life has a funny way of sneaking up on us when we least expect it. Things are going great, and then we experience a loss, a break up, or some other major change. Those around us may try to help by offering comfort or advice (depending on the circumstances). That may take away some of the sting, but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. Break ups are the perfect example. They not only affect the relationship we were in, but they also have an impact in other areas of our lives.

It seems as though everything you do reminds you of your ex. And if the two of you were together for a while, then even going out can be a problem because you most likely have mutual friends. This makes doing even the most routine tasks more difficult, and--to put it mildly--you're a mess at work. Yes, the break up is taking its toll.

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Right now you have a choice to make: either try to get your ex back, or move on.

If you want to work things out with your ex then there is some good news in that the vast majority of relationships can be saved. It's going to take some work and you will have to follow a good plan, but it is possible if you are willing to do whatever it takes. There are plenty of guides available on how to make up with an ex, so get one and make it happen!

Perhaps you just want to move on. If so, that's great, too! The first thing to do is let go of any guilt you may be feeling because of it. It's your life and you are the only one who can decide what is best for you. If that means going ahead and living your life, then so be it.

We have already mentioned that a break up impacts all areas of our lives, so it makes sense that you would want to get past it. It can take some time, but it can be done.

A good start is to break off all contact with your ex. The less you have to deal with them, the better. If that means not answering the phone or not checking your email for a few days, then don't do those things. It's only temporary, but the positive effects will last much longer. But what if your ex won't leave you alone? Then you have to put your foot down and let them know you want nothing to do with them. If they are stalking you, then get help.

Another thing you must do to get past a break up is to avoid gossiping about your ex. You may want to tell other people how awful your ex was, or how it was their fault you broke up, but don't do it. This only prolongs your mental attachment to them. So, make it a rule to not spread and not to listen to gossip about your ex.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Thursday, 27 January 2011

How To Avoid A Break Up - Step Back And Communicate

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There is no question about it. Going through a break up is never an easy thing to do. Even the best of break ups have there fair share of problems and hurt feelings. And bad break ups, by definition, are that much worse. The pain, anger, confusion, depression and guilt all mix together to make you feel absolutely miserable. In fact, there are times it hurts so much that you wonder how you will even get through the day. But this isn't going to be an article about how to get your ex back after a break up; it will be about how to keep the break up from happening in the first place.

Look at it this way. Would you rather go through all the pain and hassle of a break up, or would you rather put some effort into keeping it from happening? Most people would choose the latter. However, you need to be realistic about it and realize that if your relationship is in trouble then it's going to take some work to hold it together. It may not always be easy, but it can be done.

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The first thing you need to do is ask yourself what kind of shape your relationship is in right now. Maybe it's not as bad as you think, or maybe it's worse. One way to tell is by watching for various signs. Any sudden, major changes in your partner's behavior, good or bad, can indicate something else is going on. Now, it may not mean anything, but it is something you should be aware of. Another common sign of a relationship in trouble is a total loss of affection when there used to be plenty. This doesn't automatically mean your partner doesn't love you, but it definitely means something. The other major sign to watch out for is a change in the amount of physical contact you get from them. This includes both sexual and non-sexual contact.

Of course everybody goes through their ups and downs. Therefore, you need to pay attention to how severe these warning signs are, how long they last, and how often they happen. You know your partner well enough to tell if these signs mean anything or not. If you think there's a problem, then don't be in denial. You are trying to prevent a break up, not live in a fantasy world.

Once you have determined that your relationship needs help, you have to open the lines of communication. In other words, you have to talk to your partner about it. Do your best to stay calm and supportive. Your partner isn't on trial, you are simply trying to find out what's going on. There is a fine line between being curious, and being nosy; make sure you don't cross it. You are only doing this because you love them, and want to be with them for a long, long time. Let them know that, and keep it in mind as the two of you are talking and things will go much better.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

How Can I Stop My Divorce - Thinking It Through

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Ah yes, your wedding day. A day that's supposed to be one of the happiest in your life. The two of you were so happy at first, but then reality set in. You stopped getting along so well, and the arguments seemed to get worse. Or, maybe the problem is that there was no arguing at all. Maybe one of you just didn't care enough to even bother. Whatever the case may be, you are now at the point where you want to know how to stop a divorce. For the record, it won't always be easy, but it can be done if you go about it the right way.

Before you start taking action, you need to be sure a divorce is on the horizon. If you have been served with divorce papers, then you already know the answer. But if it's only a general feeling you have, or one of you blurted out the threat of divorce during a heated argument, then take a closer look before making any assumptions one way or the other.

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Okay, so there is no doubt that a divorce is about to happen, what can you do? the next steps depend if it was you or your spouse who initiated it. If it was you, then you have to start doing some damage control. Explain to your spouse why you wanted a divorce, but then follow that up by explaining why that is no longer the case. Your ex may not react the way you expect, but do your best to remain calm as you give your reasons for calling off the divorce.

If it was your spouse, then you have to use different tactics to stop a divorce. You can start by agreeing that things aren't going well. What normally happens is we try to defend ourselves and explain that things really aren't that bad. But if your spouse has asked for a divorce, then they obviously think things are bad. By agreeing with them on that point, you will be able to start a better conversation. A conversation that will put you on the right track to saving your marriage.

Sometimes a few conversations aren't enough. That's okay, it happens. However, you don;t have to give up yet. Do whatever you can to go see a marriage counselor. Don't be too pushy about it, but do your best to get your spouse to agree to it. If they don't want to go, then try to find out why. Don't be judgmental, you're just trying to find out what their objections are. Once you know those, you can put their mind at ease. A lot of people see marriage counselors. Some wait until they have to stop a divorce, and others go throughout the course of their marriage. Either way, they can work wonders in not only keeping your marriage together, but also making it a happier one.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Simple Steps To Get Your Girl Back

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If you are reading this then it's a safe assumption that you were in a relationship that ended in a break up. Now you feel awful. Anger, guilt, a sense of loss and confusion have all set in to make your life miserable. Yet, deep down, you can't help but thinking of trying to get your girl back. While things may not have been perfect (they never are), you now realize just how much she meant to you, and now you want to see if you can work things out.

The first thing you should know is that well over 90% of all relationships can be patched up. However, you have to follow a good plan, take action, and be willing to do whatever it takes. But if you still love her and want to get your best girl back, then that should be enough motivation to do the work that needs to be done. It won't always be easy, but it is possible.

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It may be painful, but you are going to have to take a look back to uncover what really went wrong. Be careful. It's easy to see the things on the surface and to assume they're the problem. Chances are, the things that you are most aware of are only the symptoms of the real problem. For example, you may think that arguing too much was why you broke up. The truth is that arguments are rarely the cause. Instead, you need to find out what was at the root of those arguments. Perhaps you were jealous or controlling, and that's what led to the constant disagreements. Whatever the case may be, keep digging until you get to the real problem.

Now that you understand the causes of the break up, you can start to work on solutions. If there were things you could have done better, then do what you can to improve yourself. On the other hand, you can't change your ex, so you will have to be ready to forgive them. There is always a chance that they will be improvements of their own, but you shouldn't make any assumptions.

Once you have all of this worked out, you can get in touch with your ex. Your first goal is to set up a time and place to talk to each other face-to-face. It should be noted that this is not a date, so don't treat it like one. Just let your ex know that you would like to talk. Try to use a matter-of-fact tone, be polite, but don't force the issue either.

When the two of you are talking, it's important to be respectful. This is not the time to try to prove you were right, and they were wrong. A good rule of thumb is to not discuss the past unless it is for the purpose of having a happier future together. If you can stick to that simple rule, then you are well on your way to getting your girl back by your side.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Monday, 24 January 2011

Getting Over Your Ex - There Is Hope For You

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Going through a break up or a divorce is a devastating experience. There was a time that you really believed the two of you were in love, but now you find yourself all alone and feeling horrible. You are angry, sad, confused and have even felt a twinge of guilt. To be blunt, it sucks. Regardless of why you are no longer together, you now know that it's to get over your ex. Here are some thoughts that will help you get on with your life, and eventually start feeling better.

Let's start by asking a simple question. Do you still want to get your ex back? While it may or may not happen, the point is that you will never be able to move on if you're holding on to the thought of working things out. That's because you won't get your feelings in check as long as you are dreaming about getting them back. You will also be thinking about them too much, and that's not going to help either. Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't try to get your ex back. But I am saying that you will never get over them as long as you are trying.

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Assuming you have no intentions of getting back together, you can move on to the next step. If you are contacting your ex, or they are contacting you, then you need to make that stop. That means no phone calls, no emails, no texting and no bumping into them "accidentally". If your ex is the one doing these things then you need to make it very clear that they are to stop immediately. You have a right to your privacy, and they need to respect that right.

The next part of the process can be harder, but it is necessary. The idea is to forget about them for a while by erasing as many traces of them as you can; at least temporarily. So, if you have photographs of the two of you, store them away, or give them to a trusted relative for safe keeping. Take their number off your cell phone, delete them from your Facebook account, and anything else you can think of. Again, this doesn't have to be permanent. It's really just a way to reset your life without having constant reminders of your ex gumming up the process. You can get those things back after you are completely over your ex.

If, despite your best efforts, you just can't seem to get over your ex, then you should give serious consideration to seeing a counselor. They have had lots of experience with helping people deal with various things in their lives, and that includes getting over an ex. Some people feel embarrassed about getting professional help, but there is no need to feel that way. After all, if it means you will be able to feel better and live a more well-balanced life, then it will definitely be a smart decision.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Sunday, 23 January 2011

So You Have An Ex Boyfriend To Get Back

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Breaking up is always such a drag. Even the best of break ups come with their fair share of problems and hurt feelings. However it happened, you have now have an ex boyfriend to get back together with. Maybe you have already tried to plead and beg, and have promised to do anything, or maybe even have done something as drastic as splitting up his new relationship in an attempt to win him back. Stop! These things only make you look worse in his eyes and will only push him further away. The good news is that there is a better way to go about it.

The first thing you need to do is be realistic. Assess your real chances of getting back together, then be willing to accept the facts. Now, don't assume you can't work things out. While it can be discouraging at times, the large majority of relationships can be saved when you know how and are willing to do whatever it takes. You also need to be realistic about the effect your current actions are having. The fact that you're reading this suggests that he still hasn't taken you back, and that most likely means that what you're doing isn't working as well as it could.

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Now that you are firmly grounded in reality, it's time to move on to the next step. Okay, you have an ex boyfriend to get back, so you figure you need to let him know how you feel. Be careful here! If you have been calling him every day (or 10 times a day), then you are overdoing it. You will come across as desperate, and that's not an attractive trait. The best thing you can do right now is to cut off all contact with him for a while. That means no phone calls, no emails or texts, and no bumping into them "accidentally" in public places.

The real secret isn't to convince him to get back together with you; it's to make him convince himself that you're the kind of person he wants to be with. Therefore, you need to exercise a bit of psychology in your efforts. The two of you are broken up right now, so the more push, the more he's going to pull away. But what can you do? Keep living your life. Go out with friends and have a good time. Take care of yourself as well.

After you have given him enough time without hearing from you, he will start to wonder what you've been up to. Now, you've been out living your life, and there's a good chance that word of this will get back to him (just make sure you're not the one to tell him). Be patient, and he'll eventually call. When he does, be polite, but don't start pushing the idea of getting back together. Simply arrange a meeting for both of you to talk face-to-face. Remember, you have an ex boyfriend to get, and following these tips are a good start to making that happen.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Saturday, 22 January 2011

How To Stop Divorce And Save Your Relationship

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Getting married is supposed to be one of the happiest days of our lives, and it usually is. However, we often go into marriage thinking that everything is going to be wonderful and that our love for one another will only grow stronger. It may even seem that way at first, but then reality sets in as time goes on. Then...all of sudden you find out your spouse wants a divorce! What happened? Whatever it was, all you want to know right now is how to stop divorce. It won't be easy, but it is possible to patch things up in most cases.

When it comes to stopping a divorce, you have to convince your spouse to give the marriage another chance, right? That only makes sense. But the problem is that such an approach doesn't really work. Your spouse has already made the decision to split up, and the more you push the idea of staying together, the more they will pull away. You obviously don't want that to happen. As you will see, there is a better way.

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The first thing to do is accept the fact that they want a divorce. Don't be in denial, and don't pretend like it will just get better on its own. Be calm and let them know that you don't want a divorce but understand that things are not going as good as they could be. In other words, try to be as understanding of your spouse's feelings as you can and listen to what they have to say. Don't get angry, and don't use your emotions to manipulate them. Your goal is to start an open discussion with your spouse.

Do not try to convince them of anything at this point. If you do, they will only see it as you trying to stop divorce. Yes, that's what you are doing, but your spouse will only become more stubborn about wanting a divorce if they know what you're up to. So, focus on trying to see where your spouse is coming from.

Once you understand their reasons for wanting a divorce, agree with them. Yes, agree with them. This will put them more at ease, and it shows that you are taking their concerns seriously. This is like having your foot in the door. This alone may be enough to make them reconsider. If not, that's okay, there are still some things you can do.

If the divorce papers have not been filed, then you have an even better chance to stop divorce. After the two of you have talked, give your spouse some time to think things over. Don't pester them, and don't ask them, "so do you still want a divorce?" If they still don't want to work things out then you can always propose a trial separation as a last resort. This may not be the best solution, but there is always a chance that your spouse will change their mind once they are on their own.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Friday, 21 January 2011

Im Still In Love But My Ex Is Not

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There was a time when the two of you were so much in love. Everything seemed to be going great, but then you split apart. Maybe both of you were glad to be rid of one another, or maybe you wanted to stay together. Whatever the case may be, all you know is that right now you're saying, "I'm still in love but my ex isn't." If so, then there is no need to feel alone. Lots of people have been in the same situation. And some of those same people worked things out and have figured out ways to make you feel better if you're in the same situation.

You should know that it's okay to want to work things out with your ex, but don't just dive into it head first. Before you do anything else, you need to get to the root of your feelings. Do you really love your ex, or is it just the idea of being in love? How did they make you feel when you were together? Are you trying to change them, or are you willing to love for who they really are? You have to be honest when answering these questions. If you happen to find you don't love your ex as much as you thought, that's okay.

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The other thing you have to try to figure out is if your ex may have any feelings for you at all. While you may be saying, "I'm still in love but my ex isn't" there isn't any way to know that for sure. Even if your ex said they don't love when you broke up, there is always a chance that they have changed their minds. Granted, their feelings may not be as deep as yours, but any hint that they still care can be taken as a positive sign.

On the other hand, the questions you are asking may only strengthen your suspicions. If that's the case, then you have a choice to make. You have to decide if you're willing to do whatever it takes to get your ex to love you again. That may sound like an impossible task, but it can be done if you go about it the right way.

Whatever you do, don't try to convince your ex to love you. for now, you need to give them some time and space to be alone. After all, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder for a reason. Don't contact them for a while; no phone calls, no emails or text messages, and no bumping into them "accidentally". The secret isn't to make them love you, but to let them convince themselves to love you again. Giving them time is only the first step. You should also look into other ways of patching things up. That way "I'm still in love but my ex isn't" will soon turn into "I'm still in love and so is my ex."

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Can I Save My Marriage Before It Ends

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There is an oft-quoted statistic that says more than 50% of marriages end in divorce in the United States. While there is some evidence that that number is actually lower, there is no doubt that divorce is a problem. After all, who gets married with the idea of getting a divorce? No one. But yet it happens far too often. The sad thing isn't so much the economic impact it has, but rather the emotional impact it has on all parties involved. Perhaps that's why the question of "can I save my marriage" is so common when people sense they are headed for trouble.

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The most important thing you should know is that it is quite possible to save all but the most troubled of marriages. You have to be willing to seek good advice, follow through on it, and be willing to whatever it takes to make things work. But just knowing it's possible can you plenty of motivation and inner strength as you go through the process of saving your marriage.

You need to assess just how close you are to really getting a divorce, as that will determine what you need to do. For example, if your spouse has just served you with divorce papers, and you had no idea it was about to happen, then you need to pull out all the stops and go into "emergency mode". On the other hand, if you recently had a heated argument and you feel like things aren't as good as they used to be, then you probably have a bit more time and can take a long view approach.

One thing you should keep in mind is that there is no such thing as a perfect marriage. So don't feel bad if it's not going as well as it could be; that's absolutely normal. There isn't anybody in the world who is perfect, and a marriage is comprised of two imperfect people. Therefore, it only makes sense that there will be some problems.

If things are getting to be more than you can handle alone, then seeking help from a marriage counselor can help a great deal. They can help each of you to see things from a different point of view. Even more importantly, they will be able to give you advice on how to get along better and communicate more effectively.

When you learn how to communicate with each other, you will notice a huge improvement in your relationship. Good communication needs honesty, openness and respect. A spirit of compromise will also go a long way in keeping things running smoothly.

By following these tips you will be able to give a positive answer to the question of "can I save my marriage". Yes, it will take some work and commitment, but most of the good things in life do. These are only the first steps. You need to take action, and it's also a good idea to find more information to help the two of you work things out.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Relationship Counseling Is Powerful Magic

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Relationships can be tricky things. One moment we're as happy as can be, and love each other so much. The next moment we're arguing and wish the other person would be out of our lives for good. This kind of emotional roller coaster can its toll on even the strongest of relationships. A lot of people tend to think of relationship counseling as the last resort; either they get counseling or they will break up. However, there are also some couples who see a counselor even when things seem to be just fine. This makes a lot of sense as it can keep smaller problems from getting blown out of proportion.

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The good news is that seeing a counselor doesn't have the same stigma it used to have. Sure, you may not want to broadcast it to the entire world, but there is no need to be embarrassed about it either. What does it really mean when you seek relationship counseling? It means that you both care enough about each other to get a little professional guidance. It doesn't matter if you have been dating for a year or two, or have been married for 50 years; a counselor can help the two of you get along better. Nothing wrong with that.

While you may be interested in relationship counseling, your partner may not. So, what can you do to help them see the benefits of doing so? You can start by reminding your partner that you love them. Then go on to explain that you think having some help from a counselor would be good for building an even stronger relationship. Whatever you do, don't rattle off a list of things about your partner that drive you nuts. Your partner could surprise you at this point and agree to go.

If they still don't want to go, then you should take the time to find out why. Perhaps they think it will cost too much, have had bad experiences with counselors in the past, are concerned about a breech of confidentiality, are embarrassed, unsure of what to expect, or are worried you and the counselor will team up against them. Whatever reason they give, listen to it without being judgmental. At least they are telling you why they don't want to go, and that's a good start. Then do your best to calmly explain why it's not a problem.

After you have done your best to ease their worries, it is up to them as to whether they agree to go. Remember, you can always get relationship counseling on your own. This way you can learn how to make some changes on your own that will improve your relationship. And, with a bit if luck, your partner will notice those changes and see that counseling isn't as bad as they thought. While you can go alone, it should only be done as a last resort, and with the idea of your partner eventually joining you.

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How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

The Skills You Need To Get A Boyfriend - Strong Tips

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Have you been longing to find the perfect man but just don't have much luck in the boyfriend department? Does it feel like guys are just not interested in you? Are you the only one in your friend group that doesn't have a boyfriend? Perhaps it's time you developed some new skills that might help you to get a date.

It is actually possible to acquire new skills that can help you to overcome the obstacles that you face when trying to find a boyfriend. You can make some mental and physical changes, become more motivated, plus a few more ideas and you will be on your way to having that special man in your life.

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You may be thinking that it's always the boy’s fault that you haven't found the right man, but you also need to consider that it could be something that you are doing. Perhaps you are very shy and find it difficult to approach a man can initiate conversation. When you first meet a guy, he doesn't know the real you and only see's the outer girl, so he may not realize that you are very shy and might mistake your shyness for being a bit snobby or stand offish. This can possibly turn a guy off and he may never get to know the real you. It isn't easy meeting new people, particularly of the opposite sex, if you are a shy person so this may be the first obstacle that you need to overcome.

Look at your body language

You need to consider your body language and behavior as these could give the wrong message to a potential boyfriend. If you are shy and withdrawn, men may see you as not approachable, but if you are outgoing and friendly then it will be reciprocated by any men you meet. Shyness can often be mistaken for pride and coldness, although that isn't who you really are, this is what your body language and behavior may be portraying.

You might be a great person who is friendly and caring and that is fantastic, but a guy needs to know that to be attracted to you. You need to build up your self confidence so that you can show the 'real you' to everyone that you meet, rather than them miss out by not getting to know you better. If you have been rejected a number of times you may be thinking that you aren't good enough or attractive enough, but chances are that you are attractive and a great person and it may just be your body language that is letting you down.

Look at your past

Think about your past and the times when you have received compliments about your beauty, your skills, and your personality and so on. I'm sure if you think about it you will remember occasions when you have received compliments and all of these compliments are proof of your worth. Whenever you are feeling low in confidence and lacking self esteem, think back to a time when someone complimented you and it will give you a boost.

Put in an effort to be extra friendly

Even though you really are a friendly person, your shyness and lack of self confidence may stop you from being outgoing and as friendly as you could be. Put in an effort to be friendly more by doing simple things like smiling at a stranger, greeting people with a 'good morning' or helping someone whenever you have the opportunity. Try to do these little things as often as you can and you will soon become more comfortable talking to strangers. This is a big skill for you to use to meet a nice guy.

You need to develop the skill of initiating a conversation with someone and by saying hello and smiling at a stranger is a good place to start. You can also ask questions about a product you want to buy instead of just picking it up and buying it. By asking questions you are initiating a conversation with the shop assistant and helping to develop your new skill.

It is a matter of practising and developing your social skills to overcome your shyness and be a little more outgoing. Men will soon look at you in a different way and will be more likely to approach you and begin a conversation. You will soon find yourself having more fun, being happier and others will see you happier and they will enjoy your company.

When you develop your social skills you will soon find yourself fighting guys off and will have the pick of the bunch. It isn't always easy to change the way that you are, but with a bit of practise you will soon have those skills you need.

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How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Monday, 17 January 2011

Add Some Romance By Sweet Talking Your Boyfriend

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Women are very lucky in they hold the ultimate weapon - sweet talk. When we use sweet talk combined with our natural grace and style, we can impress a guy and have him hooked. If you don't think you have the skill of sweet talking, don't worry, you can acquire that skill quite easily. Sweet talking a guy is really simple and any woman can do it, you don't need to be well-bred and 'proper' to be able to sweet talk, all you need are your words, some flirtatious body language and you will have that man right where you want him!

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Here are some tips for you to learn the skill of sweet talking:

1. The first thing you need to do is learn to listen when your boyfriend is talking and respond with the right comments at the right time. A man feels comfortable with a girl that is attentive when he speaks and he will also be quite impressed with this. By creating this comfort level you are creating a sound base for your relationship.

2. You need to have the right modulation in your voice when sweet talking a guy. You don't want to say something sexy in a rough or boring tone, rather, when you are sweet talking him you want to use a soft and seductive tone. A soft and seductive voice will have a comforting, calming effect on him. It isn't only the words that you way that are important but also the tone of voice that you say them in.

3. When you have a calming, romantic moment don't ruin it by talking about politics or something completely unrelated to the moment. Once you start talking about something unrelated or even boring you will ruin the romantic mood and the moment will be gone. When you are having a romantic moment your conversation should always stay on romantic talk. You can talk about things like your dreams; ask him about his dreams or fantasies. These romantic moments don't have to be confined to the bedroom either, you can talk romantically while strolling along the beach or having a picnic.

4. When you are using sweet talk on your boyfriend try to use flirtatious body language. You can also add some humor to your sweet talk as long as it is still along romantic lines and not the hurting type.

5. When you talk romance always have passion in your voice, but at the same time if the conversation seems to be going too long then you might want to break the mood and shift the conversation back elsewhere. Sometimes a romantic conversation can go on too long and then become a little boring, so if there is nowhere for the conversation to go then it needs to change.

6. When you are sweet talking your man you need to stay focused on him and don't get distracted by anything going on around you. When you are talking to him, look into his eyes so that you have his full attention also. This will bring a joint romantic conversation where you are both interested in nothing else but each other.

7. Don't be overly proud with your boyfriend or it will show in your talk and could spoil the moment and the relationship.

8. When sweet talking your boyfriend it can be effective to whisper 'sweet nothings' in his ear. This will encourage the romance in him and will bring for a very romantic moment.

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How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Sunday, 16 January 2011

What Should You Talk About With Your Boyfriend

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Love is such a fantastic feeling, but at times you will find yourself doing things that you might not enjoy doing. One thing that can sometimes be difficult in a relationship is knowing what to talk about with your boyfriend. Men aren't always the best communicators and they often don't like to participate in conversation unless it is about something that interests them, but how do you know what might interest him?

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The longer you are in a relationship the more you will get to know your boyfriends interests. When you know what his interests are you should initiate conversations based around his interests. You might even want to do some research about the topics he is interested so that you know what you are talking about when you converse with your boyfriend about the topic. This can become difficult if it is a topic that you yourself are not interested in but sometimes you might have to bite the bullet and discuss his interest just to have a good conversation with him.

Let's take a look at some topics that might possibly be of interest to your boyfriend:

1. Sex. Sex is a topic that all men are interested in and I'm sure your boyfriend isn't any different. You can talk about sex in general or sex between you both. You can share your feelings on how you enjoyed sex with him or even discuss different positions that you like or ask him what he likes. I'm sure your boyfriend will enjoy this conversation and by discussing sex you will also get to know what each other likes and this can keep your sex life strong and exciting.

2. Cars and Motorbikes. There aren't too many men that don't like either cars or motorbikes or both. This might not be a topic that you are particularly interested in but they will surely be impressed if you show interest in the topic. You could talk about cars or motorbikes in general, or your boyfriend might have particular interests with a particularly type of car or motorbike that you can learn more about.

3. Food. You have probably heard the saying 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach', well men love to eat and they enjoy food, so this is one topic that they might be interested in. You may need to find out what particular foods he likes and then he may have interest in the conversation about those foods, cooking and recipes.

4. Travelling. Most people like to travel, both men and women so this could be an interest that you might share. If your boyfriend has travelled or has dreams to travel then this can be a great topic for conversation. You can discuss places that you have travelled to in the past and places that you would like to travel to.

When looking for interests to talk about with your boyfriend, you will want to stay from emotional conversations. Men are never comfortable talking about feeling and emotions so you will soon lose his attention if you talk about them. Although there are occasions when feelings and emotions need to be discussed, you don't want to use them for general conversation topics.

If you are initiating a conversation about an interest he has, but you don't have much knowledge about, just ask him questions. He will be glad that you are showing an interest and that you want to learn more about the topic. It also makes the conversation easier as he will do a lot of the talking when answering your questions.

When you are talking to your boyfriend you want to pay attention and not get distracted because you are bored with the topic. Even if it is a topic that you aren't really interested in, don't make it obvious to him that you really aren't interested. The longer that you are in a relationship, the easier conversation becomes, so just be patient and soon the conversations will flow easily.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Giving Gifts To Keep The Romance Alive

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When you are in love you are living on cloud nine and enjoying every minute of it. To keep that love alive it can be nice to give your boyfriend a gift every now and then. When a relationship is reasonably new it is sometimes difficult to think of gift ideas for your boyfriend as you might not know him well enough yet to know just what he likes. There are so many different types of gifts to choose from but how do you know which type your boyfriend will enjoy?

There are two categories of gifts that you can buy for your boyfriend. Firstly you can buy him something that he would like to have and the second category is gifts that he would find useful. Within both of these categories you are sure to find something that he would love, whether it is something to suit his needs or his wants. You should try to choose a gift that will also suit his personality.

When choosing a gift for your boyfriend you need to change your way of thinking and don't buy a gift that suits your tastes. Your taste of gift might not match his taste so you need to remember that you are buying for him and need to choose a gift that will suit his tastes, even if it is something that you don't particularly like all that much.

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One tip for choosing a gift is to consider his interests. It is much easier to buy a gift if you know his interests as you can then shop for something along those lines. For example, if he is interested in football you could buy him some football gear or even a book or DVD about football. If he is a businessman and is passionate about his business, then perhaps you can buy him something for the office.

If your boyfriend loves the outdoors and is very adventurous then you can maybe buy him some equipment to use for his adventures or perhaps even a ticket for an adventure like hot air ballooning. It really makes it much easier to buy for your boyfriend if you know what he likes to do or what he is passionate about.

If you know his interests but are still unsure about what to buy him, then you can do a search on the internet for his interests and you will find many gift ideas and suggestions. If you don't really know what his interests are then you can always search the internet for the general question 'gift ideas and suggestions for my boyfriend' and you will get some good results. It certainly does make it easier though if you have some idea of what he likes or what he needs. If you buy a gift that is completely unrelated to his interests, needs or personality then that may reflect on how much attention you have shown him.

If you don't know his interests or passions then think about his personality as a person’s personality can also give you lots of ideas for gifts. If you are creative you may even consider making him something which will have sentimental value when he knows that you put the effort into making it.

If you aren't creative, there are places where you can have gifts made. It could be something as simple as having his name engraved on a pen if he is a business man, or a football Guernsey with his favorite player’s number put on the back. Try to combine your creativity with his personality and interests and you have a winning combination.

The main aim of giving your boyfriend a gift is to express your love and affection toward him so it really doesn't need to be anything expensive or too outgoing, something simple is often the best.

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How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Friday, 14 January 2011

Romantic Ideas For Your Boyfriend

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All new romances start off very romantic and exciting, but after a while the romance fizzles a little and you can soon find yourself wondering where the romance went. If you would like to keep your live life alive then start thinking about some romantic ideas for your boyfriend. Although it is nice if your boyfriend is the romantic one, but if you are romantic toward him you will find that he will return the favor and be more romantic with you. You can plan romantic moments or you can be romantic on the spur of the moment and it is often these spontaneous romantic moments that have maximum effect.

When thinking of something romantic try to think outside the box and be a little creative. If you open up your mind to new ideas you are sure to come up with many exciting, romantic ideas. Your boyfriend will love any little romantic gestures that you come up with.

Continuing romance in your life will help your relationship to stay strong and your love life to remain alive and exciting. Your boyfriend will enjoy being romanced and will love you or making the effort to shower him with romance. I'm sure he will soon be showering you with romance and the candle you have for each other will continue to burn brightly.

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When you are bringing romance into a relationship it needs to be done with love, passion and sincerity. If you see being romantic as a chore then it just won't have the same effect as if you are romantic with passion. You don't have to plan a bit three course candlelit meal to be romantic; often it is simple little gestures that bring the most romance to a relationship.

Even if you feel that your boyfriend is romantic enough so you don't need to worry about being romantic, this isn't true. You should also show romance to him and not leave it all up to him. He will love to receive romantic gestures and surprises from you and with you doing this he will likely continue to shower you with romantic gestures. When both parties in a relationship participate in romance it will keep the romance in the relationship alive. If you want to encourage your boyfriend to be more romantic here are some steps that might help:

1. Let your boyfriend know how you feel and that you would like to see some romance from him. Ask him how he really feels about you and then let him know that you would like to hear him tell you from time to time. He can be romantic just by telling you how much he loves you and expressing his feelings. Tell him that you know he loves you but you still like to hear it from him.

2. Encourage your boyfriend to express his feelings in the presence of others as this truly is a romantic gesture that shows you that he truly loves you and is not ashamed of it.

3. Your boyfriend should ask you how your day went or if you enjoyed your meal. Little questions like these that show he is interested in your feelings and comfort are very romantic and make you feel special.

4. Your boyfriend should listen when you have any problems that you want to talk about and he should offer advice and help you through any rough times. This shows that he is concerned about you and your feelings and will always be there for you when you need him.

5. Your boyfriend should be respectful of your likes and dislikes and work around them to some degree. He should be well-dressed and well-mannered to keep you happy and keep your romance alive.

6. You will want to receive lots of hugs and affection from your boyfriend so that you feel loved.

7. He should offer you comforting words at times when you need to hear them. He can't solve all your problems for you but he should be there to comfort you when required.

Not all men are romantic at heart and some need a little encouragement to be romantic. You will find that if you do these things to him he will likely reciprocate and do them back to you. When you both treat each other with affection and romance you will continue to have a happy and healthy relationship for a long, long time.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Sweet Comments Can Spice Up Your Romance

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There are many ways that you can spice up your romance and one great way is by using sweet comments that will make him smile. Little romantic quotes will go a long way to spice up your love life and you will soon find your boyfriend becoming more romantic toward you too.

There doesn't need to be a specific time of day to use sweet talk, you can tell your boyfriend sweet things at any time or any place. In fact, it doesn't always need to be said, but you can also write a note with a sweet quote and leave it somewhere where he will find it when you are not there.

By using sweet quotes in your relationship you can help to relieve any nervousness or anxiety about a new relationship. If you feel nervous saying sweet things, then you shouldn't because it will actually relieve your nervousness in the long term and also his.

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When trying to think of sweet things to say to your boyfriend you should first consider your feelings toward him. Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down your feelings and emotions that you have when you think of him or when you are with him. Your heart will tell you how you feel and these are the things he wants to know so use your own feelings to come up with some sweet comments to give him.

Not many men will admit that they want you to say such sweet things to them, but they do enjoy hearing them and they will bring a smile to his face and his love for you will grow.

Here are a few examples of little sweet comments that you can say to your boyfriend:

- My life is so much better since I met you.

- My world is empty when you aren't with me.

- You are the sunshine of my life.

- It's been said that you only truly fall in love once, but I don't believe it. Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again

- Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice but falling in love with you I had no control over.

- Thank you for your sweet, sweet love. You'll never truly know just how happy that you make me and how much I love you

- Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be

- If I know what love is, it is because of you.

- You are my endless love.

- Before I met you I never knew what it was like; to look at someone and smile for no reason

- You had me at hello

- You make me melt like hot fudge on a sundae

- There must be something wrong with my eyes; I can't take them off you

- You must be from out of space cause I can see the stars in your eyes

- Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?

- I dropped a tear in the ocean, the day I find it is the day I'll stop loving you

- My heart smiled when you kissed my lips. What a sweet surprise

- You are the prince in my fairytale life

- You are so sweet to me, you take the place of icing on my cake.

- Baby you are the whip cream on my hot fudge sundae.

- You are the olive in my martini.

These are just some examples to help you get started, often some quote will just come to you when you aren't expecting it and these are often the best. Otherwise you can search the internet to find many more quotes that you can use. Whenever you want to get your boyfriend in a romantic mood, then try using some of these sweet quotes and you will soon have him relaxed and full of romance.

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How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Bring Fun Into Your Relationship With Funny Questions

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You should feel comfortable enough in a relationship to be able to ask your boyfriend any question, even if your questions or comments are really about sweet nothings, you should both enjoy them. You don't want to spend your whole life together talking about the serious stuff in your relationship or your boyfriend will soon get bored, so you want to keep the relationship light and fun at times. It is good to sometimes just throw in some fun questions that might confuse your boyfriend a little but will also get a laugh from him.

Life is meant to be enjoyed so having a bit of fun within your relationship will make it more enjoyable. You may even find that your boyfriend enjoys the funny questions so much that he will start asking you some.

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Here are some examples of fun questions to throw into your relationship:

- Will you still love me when I'm old and grey?

- What would you do if I punched you in the face right now?

- Do you want 10 children or 15 children?

- What's your favorite thing about our relationship?

- What's the silliest name you'd call a child?

- What is the worst date you ever had?

- What is your favorite movie that you never get bored of watching?

- Do you have a nickname? How did you get it?

- What are the five material possessions you will like to save, if your house is on fire?

- What is the craziest thing that you have ever done?

- What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?

- Is there anything in me that you will like to change?

- If you are given an option to be born as an animal what would it be?

- Who is your favorite superhero?

- If you found a magic lamp, what will be the three wishes that you will ask for?

- Have you ever been attracted to a person of the same sex?

- Do you have a secret sexual fantasy?

- What is important for you in life - money or love?

- Tell me about an experience in your life that you can never forget.

- How will you describe yourself in five words?

- Were you ever attracted to any of your teachers?

- What are your future plans?

- If you are marooned on a deserted island, what one thing would you take with you?

There are just thousands of fun questions that you can ask your boyfriend and have a bit of fun with him.

Having a bit of fun in your relationship will strengthen your relationship and bring you and your boyfriend closer. You can also find out some very interesting things about your boyfriend by asking these fun questions. When you are comfortable asking and answering fun questions then you can be truly happy together knowing that you aren't hiding anything.

A bit of fun and flirting is great for your relationship and will bring you closer and strengthen your love for one another.

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Use Cute Quotes To Express Your Love

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Cute quotes might seem a little corny, but they really are cute and can keep the fire going in a relationship. Cute quotes help to boost the love and affection in a relationship and they can keep the romance and the relationship strong. Telling your boyfriends lovely quotes shows him affection and he will feel love and passion toward you in return.

There are different ways to use cute quotes with your boyfriend, you can write them on notes and put them in his lunch box or under his pillow, or you can text him quotes or say them to him during conversation. When he reads notes or a text it will give him a good feeling and can even lift his spirits if he is otherwise having a bad day. These little messages can mean a lot to him when he reads them.

There are many different quotes that you can use too that may suit different situations and you can even include some humour in them to put a smile on his face. It really doesn't matter what stage of a relationship you are at, you can always use quotes at any time to keep the relationship strong.

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If you look around on the internet you are sure to find various sources for love quotes as there are hundreds available. Here are some quotes below that you might like to use:

- When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you... When I met you, I was afraid to kiss you... When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you... Now that I love you, I'm afraid to lose you.

- Your words are my food, your breath my wine. You are everything to me.

- My heart is ever at your service.

- It's been said that you only truly fall in love once, but I don't believe it. Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again

- Every time I hear your voice, I hear another reason to keep you forever

- If kisses were the water I would give you the sea, if hugs were the leaves I would give you a tree, but if love was time, I would give you eternity

- Come live in my heart, and pay no rent

- Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice but falling in love with you I had no control over

- Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away; and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart

- Hey, are you my sleeping tablets? 'cause every time I see your blue eyes I start dreaming 'bout you and me ;)

- Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one

- Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control

- A kiss is just a kiss till you find the one you love. A hug is just a hug till you find the one you're always thinking of. A dream is just a dream till it comes true. Love was just a word till I heard it from you

Sometimes it can be difficult to put how you are feeling into words. Cute quotes are great for expressing the way that you feel in a way that you might not otherwise be able to do. If you are looking for a great little way to improve your relationship then try giving your boyfriend some cute quotes.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Monday, 10 January 2011

Does Your Boyfriend Really Love You - 4 Tips

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Do you ever have doubts about your relationship and wonder if your boyfriend really loves you? If so, then there is some degree of uncertainty in your relationship. You are not the only girl in the world to wonder this, in fact it is quite common for girls to feel uncertain at some point in a relationship and boys aren't always the best at getting across the right messages.

A lot of girls feel great when they are with their boyfriend and they feel like everything is as it should be, but then when they are apart they begin to worry. If they haven't called you when they said they would then you might take that as a sign that he doesn't really love you, when in actual fact he may have been busy or something came up that prevented him from calling. When you begin to have doubts you can become obsessed with wondering if everything is OK and if your boyfriend really loves you.

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Men and women are very different in the way they show emotions and feelings and sometimes it can be difficult to read a man and know what he is feeling or thinking. So it isn't always easy to answer the question 'does he really love me' by the way he acts. There are signs though that you can look out for that might help you to understand his feelings and love for you.

1. Does he look at you when you are having a conversation? When you are talking to him look into his eyes and see if he is looking back into yours. If he does look at you while you are talking and isn't forever being distracted, then this is a good sign that he is serious about you.

2. Does he make time for you, particularly if you are having any problems or are upset? Will he cancel other plans to be with you if you really need him? If so, then you can be sure that he really cares about you.

3. Does he discuss his personal issues with you? If he is having any problems and feels comfortable enough to talk to you about them then this shows that he respects you and regards you as a moral support person. Even though he will ultimately work his problems out on his own, he will be thankful for your input and suggestions.

4. Does he buy you a gift on your birthday? Does he remember your birthday? Actually, many men don't remember those special days, but if he does then that is a great sign that he really does love you. He doesn't need to buy you expensive gifts, but the fact that he remembers and does something special for you is a sign of his love.

The above signs are great signs for answering that question 'does my boyfriend really love me'. If you have any doubts then take a step back and stop and notice these little things. These signs may be small things but they are the things that matter most.

Remember, not all men are good at expressing their love and if you're boyfriend is one of these men; it doesn't mean that he doesn't love you; it just means he has a hard time expressing it. So try to notice the signs and hopefully they will help to get rid of any doubts you have.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Does Your Ex Boyfriend Still Like You

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It can be devastating when you break up with your boyfriend and you might be asking yourself the questions 'how can I tell if my ex boyfriend still likes me'? If the break up came as a shock it can be even more difficult to get over it. Perhaps you have a fight and in your haste you broke up with him, but deep in your heart you know that the decision was hasty and probably not the right one. It can be difficult to know if the break up is the best decision or if he really does still like you and if it would be worth trying to sort things out. But how do you know if your ex boyfriend still likes you? Here are some tips that might help you to find out.

The first sign that he still likes you is if he calls you and wants to meet up with you. It is possible that he might want to remain friends and is calling you as a friend, but it is more likely to be a positive sign that he is still interested in you. If he wasn't interested he wouldn't be calling you at all so if he asks you to meet him then I suggest you do.

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If you decide to meet him, don't act like you are really desperate to get him back. Try to stay calm and let him do the talking; after all it was him who invited you to meet him. Let him talk and listen carefully so you can find out what his intentions are and decide if he really does still like you. Don't just make an assumption either that he wants to get back together because he asked you out, so don't rush in to anything, wait for him to tell you how he feels.

If you both have a group of friends that you hang out with and meet up with the group you may be able to tell if he still likes you by how much attention he shows you. If he is extra friendly with you then he probably still likes you, but if he avoids you completely then I'm afraid the relationship may be over. If he is friendly then there is some chance that you might be able to get back together.

As with meeting with a group of people, if you bump into him in a store or pub or any public place, you can tell if he still likes you by whether he avoids you or if the is really friendly toward you.

If he says that he wants to be friends then perhaps that is all you will ever be, but not necessarily, there may be a chance that a relationship could blossom again from your friendship. Just don't find yourself being deluded into believing that he still wants a relationship because he wants to be friends. It can be difficult to read his wants when he wants to be friends, it could just be friendship or he could want more, you will need to take him up on his offer of friendship and wait to see if anything more happens.

If you feel that you or he made a hasty decision to break up, then why not call him and ask to meet him. You should talk about what happened to cause the break up and discuss whether it was the right decision. Ask him how he feels and if he still likes you, there is a good chance that if the break up was in haste that he might want to give the relationship another go.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

8 Ways To Get Him To Beg You To Take Him Back

Get back with your ex

The break up happened and now it is time to grieve a little bit for the relationship that everyone thought would be the one for both of you. You may even be thinking of ways to get him back. Well, if you are looking for 8 ways to get him to beg you to take him back, stay tuned. After reading this, you may realize that you know more about getting him back than you originally thought.

Some of these are self-explanatory and some are just plain common sense but all are necessary if you are looking to get back together.

1. There should be an adequate time spent apart. The usual amount of time you should spend apart is one month. This month should be spent soul-searching and figuring out what the heck went wrong in the first place. It does not matter if one of you was more to blame than the other. The only thing that matters is the 8 ways to get him to beg you to take him back.

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2. After the initial month is up. Get in touch with him and say you are sorry for your part in the break up. If you are sincere in your apology then he will see this as a positive step and should return the apology in kind. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

3. If he does not respond in kind, then just keep the faith and keep your chin up. Go out with friends and have some fun. If he sees you out then he may get jealous and if he confronts you then ask him why he is so upset at seeing you having fun. He probably will just stomp off but you will have made him start to think about what he really wants.

4. Make sure that if he might see you you look your absolute best. Looking good projects an air of confidence and you need him to see you looking confident to get him to beg you to take him back.

5. In the beginning of the break up do anything you can to keep your mind off of things, start a new class at the local community college or take up a new hobby.

6. Start a workout and diet regimen. I do not know anyone that can't stand to lose a few pounds or at least tone things up, especially after the holidays.

7. Learn new techniques for handling stress and anger so when the two of you do get back together then you, at least, will not make the same mistakes again. See a counselor if you think it would help.

8. Make a plan but do not rush things. Plan what you will say when you two start talking again. Rehearse in front of the mirror a few times to make sure you have everything down so there will not be any awkward silences during your meeting.

Following these 8 ways to get him to beg you to take him back should be a step in the right direction for the two of you getting back together.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Friday, 7 January 2011

Love Spells For Getting Ex Back - Then Hold Him

Get back with your ex

Anyone who has lost a love knows that the pain can be almost unbearable, so bad in fact that you may be tempted to try anything to get them back. Something that you may not consider in normal circumstances may make perfect sense at this difficult time. There are love spells for getting ex back that may help.

It's a very tough thing to get your head around when your ex leaves you for another. It's bad enough that they aren't in your life anymore, but knowing they are with someone else so soon is almost impossible to bear.

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Here is love spells for getting ex back that you can use right now...

First, assemble the needed materials: a dozen roses (pick the thorns off on the full moon and let them dry until the new moon), rice paper, violet colored ink, a fountain pen, two pink candles, a picture of yourself and one of your ex.

Now that you have everything assembled, and you know that your heart is in the right place: you are not using this spell to manipulate or control your ex or to force them to do something against their will, you are ready to go.

Take the roses and arrange them around your mirror. Invite the Goddess and the God into your heart and light the pink candles. Place the candles on either side of your mirror.

Next, use the violet colored ink and the rice paper to write a letter to your 'Dear Beloved'. While writing glance into the mirror and admire the great, and attractive person you are. Write the letter from the heart, with love, respect and with the full belief that your ex and you are meant to be together and that he is still in love with you.

Once you have written the letter, sleep one night with the letter under your pillow. There are a lot of people who swear by this method, if you prefer a little more 'hands on' approach you can also try talking to your ex.

Sometimes a simple conversation spoken in a calm, loving manner and admitting the mistakes you have made, and the changes you are willing to make can be all you need.

It is important to take your own flaws and faults into consideration, do not accept total blame for everything, in other words, do not be a door mat, but admit the things you did that were wrong and be willing to change them.

Once you get to that point, contact your ex and let them know that you have figured things out. Try to spend time with them if possible, it is always better to show someone that you have changed than to try to tell them you have changed.

Actions really do speak louder than words. Maybe some mutual friends will put in a good word for you too. That can make a huge difference.

This is just one of many love spells for getting ex back that you can use. There are other spells too, but using a spell or trying some other techniques, you can still find a way to reconnect with your ex.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Best Ways To Get Your Wife Back And Keep Her

Get back with your ex

I can not really tell you the exact best ways to get your wife back, because I do not know you or why your wife left. What I can do is give you some ideas that have worked for thousands of men and more than likely will work for you too.

Of course, you may have to modify this advice a little depending on your specific situation. But for the most part, this information has helped save a lot of relationships and may well be able to help you too.

For one thing, you have to explore the relationship with your wife and try to identify what went wrong. The two of you were in love and compatible at one time, weren't you? Well, what changed?

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In most marriages the changes happen slowly and kind of sneak up on you so answering this question may not be as easy as it would seem.

I'm not talking about what the two of you fought about, that is different in almost all cases from what actually happened to make you start to resent each other. I seriously doubt any marriage on the planet fell apart because the husband forgot to put the toilet seat down, or because the wife left her lingerie hanging on the shower rod.

These are the things that get on your nerves when you are already mad or upset about something else. But what was it that lead to that resentment? It was probably more than one thing. In many cases a couple just starts to drift apart. They get focused on kids or work and do not connect with each other.

When they finally do try to connect they find that they are almost strangers. They just do not get the other one, they are not on the same page the way they once were.

If that is the case than it can be changed. The two of you can reconnect but only if you are both willing to spend the time and try. It probably won't be easy, but as long as you both want it badly enough you can do it.

I know we all like things to be settled quickly and if you are in pain you no doubt would love to find
best ways to get your wife back quickly. The truth is though, that there are no quick fixes.

Another thing you can do while you are working all this out is to try and breathe. Try to take some time and calm down. Live your life. It is important to find the problems and find the solutions to those problems but it is also important to give yourself permission to slow down and be calm.

Actually, that can be vital to the success of your plan to get her back. If you come off as a desperate spaz you will only scare her off further. You have to let her see the strong, confidant, yet humble man that she fell in love with.

That coupled with your new found insight can really make her want to get back with you, and that can be one of the best ways to get your wife back.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

New Advice Tips To Get My Girlfriend Back - They Work

Get back with your ex

Chances are if you are reading this article you are in pain and you are suffering. Many guys need to find some new advice tips to get my girlfriend back, and even though it may seem impossible and it may be a challenge, many guys succeed at getting their girls back every single day.

Some of the best things you can do may seem deceptively simple and you may be inclined to ignore them, but don't. They really can help. One of those things is to live your life with a positive attitude every single day.

It is easy to lose sight of the good things in your life when you are in emotional misery, but don't let it take over your life. If you do you will not only be even more miserable but to be honest, you won't be someone that your girl will want to be around.

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If you give in to your misery you may actually just push her away more. A better and more productive tact is to focus on finding solutions to the problems that plagued your relationship.

This may not be easy. The bigger of a jerk you were, the less likely you are going to want to face up to that fact. But if you don't, if you stay in a state of denial about the things you did wrong, you will never make things better and you might as well ignore this new advice tips to get my girlfriend back because it won't work anyway.

Your relationship is over because something went wrong. If changes are not made than those things will just continue to go wrong or your ex simply won't want to go through the pain and get back with you.

If it is hard for you to be honest with yourself ask your friends for their opinion, or better yet ask your exes friends. That is probably the most honest opinion you will get and it can be a real eye opener.

Of course, if you just fly off the handle and get mad if you hear something you don't like not only will you have ruined any chance you may have had to get back with your girl, but you probably shouldn't even try.

If your first response is denial and anger do your girl a favor and leave her alone. Let her find a guy who is mature enough to face up to his flaws and who is willing to fix them. Harsh, but true.

If you were the one who dumped her and you now regret it, it may actually be harder to work things out. If you tell her you were wrong she may be happy to hear it and take you back with open arms. But she may also be really pissed at all the pain you put here through and may not trust you again.

Whatever situation led to your breakup, this is some good
new advice tips to get my girlfriend back and if you follow it you have an excellent chance of being back with your girl in no time.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce