Sunday, 31 July 2011

Why Women Leave Men

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If you are a man and worried that the special woman in your life is going to leave you, then you want to read the following information. The question of why women leave men goes back to the dawn of relationships. A lot of guys think they have the answer, but you may be surprised.

The longer a relationship lasts, the more time there is for little things to pile up. A casual remark here, a hurt feeling there, or the occasional funny look all have their way of accumulating. Your girlfriend or wife may not even comment on any of these things when they happen, but you can be sure that they are remembering them. It's like a bank account that keeps a running tally.

Every time you do something to offend her or hurt her feelings, it's like a debit to her account; doing something she likes counts as a credit. The problem is that it takes several credits to weaken a debit, but it's nearly impossible to wipe out all of the debits. The best you can hope for is to keep making enough deposits for her to not bring up the debits.

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That alone can be a problem, but that's not the only reason why women leave men. The other main cause is that men don't understand women. We think we know what they want, but that thinking is often faulty and only leads to more problems. Most men are taught that women are emotionally needy and must have a man around to take care of her. There is nothing wrong with wanting to support your family, but you need to be careful that you don't treat your girlfriend or wife as though she were dependent on you.

Roles are a major factor in any relationship. You need to realize that she is your partner. She is not an object or your mother. Again, there is nothing wrong with taking care of each other, but you need to make sure that you aren't crossing the line into other roles. You also have to be careful that you're not taking her for granted.

There is one more thing that you can do to help prevent her from leaving you. What is it? Communication. Well, to be more precise: effective communication. When you think about it, even an argument is a form of communication, it's just that it's negative. You need to learn how to communicate with your wife or girlfriend, and the best way to start is to learn how to listen. This is often difficult for guys to do, but you have to learn how if you really love her and want her to stay.

It should be noted that all of these things are generalizations. All women are different, and that uniqueness should be celebrated. It can be tricky trying to do things right, but as long as you're doing it for the right reasons; it will happen. Keep working at being a better man for her and then you won't have to worry about why women leave men.

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Serious Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

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All relationships go through many stages, but it's not a good idea to rush into them. This is especially true if your boyfriend and you are thinking of moving on to the next level. The "next level" could refer to moving in together, an engagement, or any other serious step forward. Before you do any of these things, there are some serious questions to ask your boyfriend first.

There are a lot of things that should be discussed at some point, and they become even more important as the two of you get more serious about each other. While the idea that "opposites attract" is popular, the truth is that the more a couple has in common, the more likely they are to stay together. But the only way to find out how he feels about the bigger issues is to ask him. With that in mind, here are some topics for serious questions to ask your boyfriend.

1. What are each of your roles within the relationship? This is an excellent question to ask as it can reveal how each of you were brought up, how you see things now, and what your future may be like. Just the idea of "roles" is repulsive to some people, while others think they should be well-defined. That doesn't mean they are right or wrong, but it is better to know how he feels about things in this regard. You won't agree on everything, and when this happens you need to decide if you will be able to get past the differences.

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2. How will you handle money? It is often said that disagreements about money is one of the leading causes of divorce. Whether that's true or not, it's a good idea to work this out sooner rather than later. Will you pool all of your money and pay bills and buy things with it? Will you pool some of your money? None of it? Who will pay bills? Will you have separate bank accounts? Are either of you in debt now? These are only a few of the money-related questions you should ask before you get too deep into your relationship.

3. Will you have children? You may not have to ask this question in the earliest stages of the relationship, but it is something that will eventually need to be discussed. If you both want kids, are you both able to have them? Is adoption an option? How many children do you want? How soon do you want them?

This list isn't meant to cover everything you should talk about, but it does cover the bigger issues, and can open the door for a deeper discussion. These serious questions to ask your boyfriend may not always be the easiest to discuss, but they are vital if you want the relationship to move forward.

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Why Is My Boyfriend Acting The Way He Is

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People change. That's a rather simple statement, but there can also be a lot of depth hidden in those two words. If you are in a relationship, then you are well-aware of how appropriate this saying can be. However, if your boyfriend has been acting really strange lately, has been trying to avoid you, or is treating you poorly, then you are probably asking yourself "why is my boyfriend acting the way he his?"

If it's any comfort, you should know that a lot of women have asked themselves that exact same question over the years. To be honest, there is a chance that you will never find out the real reason, and that's okay. On the other hand, you are probably worried it could be for any number of reasons, and none of the reasons you are imaging are good.

The first thing you need to consider is that your boyfriend isn't acting differently at all. In other words, the only thing that has really changed is you. Either something else in your life has changed, or you are only now becoming aware of how your boyfriend is acting...even though he may have been acting this way the entire time. Your gut reaction will be that this isn't possible, but take a step back and try to look at things objectively.

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Let's assume that your boyfriend really is acting differently. What you need to do is clear your mind of any preconceived ideas for the causes of his behavior. No matter what you think the reason is, there is a strong chance that you are mistaken. Also, if you have a preconceived idea of why he's acting a certain way, then that can lead to false accusations.

Generally speaking, men don't like to talk about things; they are taught to be tough and not show any signs of weakness. For example, your boyfriend may be worried about losing his job, but he won't want to tell you that he's worried because that would be a sign of weakness. However, he could be expressing that stress in other ways, such as having a bad temper. You see the bad temper and ask why is my boyfriend acting this way.

Your mind starts racing and you may even try to think of what you could have done to make him mad. But the truth is that you haven't done anything; it's his job that's the source of the problem. Things will only get better when you get to the root of the problem.

That means you are going to have to get him to open up about what's really bothering him. Under no circumstances should you start the conversation by saying the four words men dread most: "we need to talk." Just tart a natural conversation in a calm and welcoming way. A good way to do this is to ask a few non-threatening, non-accusatory questions. Once he opens up you will have the answer to your question, "why is my boyfriend acting the way he is?"

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How to Be a Challenge to Your Girlfriend

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Every relationship will have its ups and downs; that's just the way it is. There will be times when the two of you are excited to be around one another, but there will also be times when you feel bored. Boredom wouldn't be that big of deal, except that it can lead to breaking up. So, it makes sense that you can stay together if you can learn how to be a challenge to your girlfriend.

There are many ways that you can do this, but let's talk about the concept of being a challenge. We are not talking about being difficult or being a jerk just to get your girlfriend to respond. A lot of guys think they be a real "challenge" by being mean or confrontational. While there is no question that such behavior will make dealing with you a challenge, that's not what we're referring to in this article.

Instead, we are talking about being a challenge to your girlfriend in ways that keep things more interesting. Remember, you are trying to prevent things from getting so boring that she will seek excitement elsewhere.

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Of course that raises the question of what counts as boring. There is no direct answer that will apply to everybody. You know your girlfriend better than anyone else, so think about the kinds of things she will respond to. For example, if she's a thrill seeker, then a trip to a quiet art museum may not be the best way to rekindle a spark of excitement in your relationship. On the other hand, if she likes quiet things then skydiving probably isn't a good choice.

You will notice that we are only speaking in generalities here. See, even the thrill seeker may enjoy a trip to the museum from time to time. To put it another way, you need to be careful to not get into a rut. And if you are already in a rut, you must do what you can to get out of it.

How to be a challenge to your girlfriend doesn't involve being phony. You still need to be yourself, otherwise things will backfire. So, no matter what you do to, be sure that you are always staying true to yourself. If you try too hard, it may only confuse her, and she may start wondering what's wrong.

There is a common myth that playing "hard to get" is a good way to challenge a girlfriend. It is true that it can work, but it's also true that it is a tactic that is very difficult to pull off. The odds are stacked heavily against this technique, so it's best to avoid it completely.

Think about the things she wants, then give them to her with a bit of a twist. You want her to enjoy herself, but you don't want to be predictable. How to be a challenge to your girlfriend really isn't difficult, but it does take a bit of time and knowing something about who your girlfriend is.

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Saturday, 23 July 2011

Making The Most Of A Bad Break Up

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It is an awful feeling when your relationship ends so how do you deal with a bad break up? You shouldn't just go on with life and pretend that everything is ok. It's not healthy to deny what you are feeling and keep those feelings bottled up. It is fine to let yourself feel the hurt, in fact it is necessary for you to move on with your life.

You should handle your feelings in a healthy way. If you are feeling anger, it is not a good idea to go and threaten or hurt your ex because of your anger. There are better ways to handle your feelings.

It will take time to get over your ex and for the feelings of hurt and anger to go away. You will be able to move on faster if you use the time constructively and use it as a learning experience in relationship skills. This will be a much healthier way for you to deal with the bad break up and will also benefit you in future relationships.

Take a few days to feel your pain, but do put a time limit on it. You don't want to fall into a depression because you can't get over the hurt and pain that you are feeling. You will feel anger at some point and there are some ways to let that anger out without hurting anyone.

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If you are really angry with your ex then take a picture of them and put it on the wall. Buy some marshmallows and use the marshmallows as darts to throw at the picture. Throw the marshmallows as hard as you can and while you throw them yell at your ex and tell him/her exactly what you think and what you are feeling. Let it all out! It might sound silly to throw marshmallows at a picture but it really is a great way to get out your anger and frustrations. You may even find yourself laughing and much happier when you have finished.

If you find yourself laughing after the marshmallow challenge then you know that your troubles aren't that bad and you will get past them. You will realize that you will survive and that you can handle what you are going through. Breaking up is not the end of the world, but a new beginning. If the relationship has broken up then chances are you just aren't meant to be together and now you can move on and find the real love of your life.

Don't rush out and start dating straight away though or you may find yourself in another bad relationship because it is a rebound relationship. Take some time to enjoy life being single and enjoy who you are for yourself and not for someone else. You will be much stronger now that you have used this bad break up as a learning experience and have improved your own self esteem and confidence. Your future relationships will be much stronger and happier.

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Friday, 22 July 2011

How To Get Over Someone When A Relationship Ends

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It is difficult to know how to get over someone when a relationship ends. Break ups can leave you feeling devastated and unsure of what the future holds.

After a break up some people will cry, scream and be completely and utterly miserable. They might even vow to hate the opposite sex forever and vow never again to fall in life. Other people will handle a break up more effectively and after a brief mourning period will get on with their life.

Either way there will be feelings of hurt and anger to begin with. If you choose to move on and get on with your life you need to learn how to be single again and how to be happy on your own. It will take some time to get over your ex but it will happen.

You do need to go through hurting stage before you can move on so take a day or two to cry and feel bad. As much as it isn't nice to feel this way it has to happen. Just make sure that the hurting stage doesn't go on for too long as the longer you cry and hurt the longer it will take to pull yourself out of this stage and move on.

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When you have spent a day or two in the hurting stage, you should then start to clear away anything that reminds you of your ex. Clothes, photos, cards, jewelry or anything you have that reminds you of your ex must be either give back to your ex, thrown away or stored away.

Once you have finished getting rid of all the reminders you need to get out of the house. Call a friend and go meet them for lunch or a coffee. Go shopping and buy yourself something new or just go for a walk in the park.

You should keep away from your ex for a while. Don't call them or text to them even as a friend, this will just drag out the healing process. If this relationship is truly over then there is no point dragging things on so adopt a complete zero contact policy.

Try to find things to do to keep your mind off the past. Join a gym, take up a new sport, try your hand at a new hobby or get a great book to love yourself in. While you are alone, this is your chance to do the things that you love and not have to worry about what your partner thinks. This is YOU time! Make the most of this time to live life and enjoy doing the things that you love to do.

When you are enjoying yourself on your own you will soon love life and be happy again. You will become optimistic about your future. You shouldn't just rush out and find someone else to date; a rebound relationship is not a good idea. It is best to move on and be happy on your own and then when the time is right you will meet someone new and you will be in the right frame of mind to begin a new relationship.

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Thursday, 21 July 2011

Simple Tips On How To Deal With A Break Up

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Are you still in pain following a relationship break up? This article will share with you some helpful tips on how to deal with a break up and move on with your life. During this painful time you aren't always thinking straight and may do or say something you regret later. These tips will help you through the healing process and avoid doing anything that you are going to later regret.

The first feeling following a break up is one of hurt and you should take the time that you need to feel this hurt. You may want a few days where you just stay home, do nothing and see nobody. You might not feel like cleaning the house or visiting friends and that's fine. This is your time and you need the time to process everything that has happened. There are some things you won't be able to avoid; you shouldn't avoid going to work if it will risk your job. Do the things that must be done, but anything else can wait.

This hurting period shouldn't last too long though or you could find yourself becoming depressed and that can be really difficult to pull yourself out of. Allow yourself a few days to feel hurt and then get up and get moving again. You still might not be over your ex, but you need to move onto the next stage. You need to continue with your life while you continue the healing process.

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Now that you have had some down time you need to start taking care of yourself. You need to start eating a healthy diet again and start exercising. Even if you didn't eat all that healthy or exercise before, starting now is a good way to help you through this healing process. You may feel like doing the opposite and going out and drinking and sleeping around, but although this might bring you some short term relief, it will make you feel worse long term. Getting your life on track with a healthy diet, exercise and enough sleep will be much better for you long term.

Now you need to accept that the relationship is over. You need to think about what the relationship was really like and what troubles you had. Obviously the relationship had issues or you would still be together. Maybe the two of you really aren't that good together or perhaps one party cheated on the other. Whatever the reason for the break up, there was a reason. The relationship is over and it's time to accept that and move on. You should avoid your ex for a while at least as if you see them you are just being reminded of what you lost. You should avoid them completely until you are over them and feeling much stronger emotionally.

Lastly, remember that healing takes time. Don't expect to be over your ex immediately, it will take time. Try to move on with your life and go out and do things that you enjoy and before you know it you will find yourself having fun and having a smile on your face. Even though you are feeling bad now, you will soon be happy again and moving on to a better future. How you deal with a break up really does make a difference to how well you do in your future.

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How To Save My Marriage

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If your marriage is having problems you may do some research on how to save my marriage. One thing you will learn is that to save your marriage you need to have good communication. When you first start dating you talk about things all the time and even when you are first married the communication is usually quite good. Somewhere along the way though communication lines tend to break down and this is when your marriage can get into trouble. It isn't that difficult to keep the communication lines open really so that is the first change that you need to make.

To save your marriage you need both partners to want to save it. If you want to save your marriage but your spouse doesn't, then you are not likely to be successful. To get the relationship back to a good place you both need to work at it, you can't do it all by yourself.

Communication sounds easy but isn't always as easy as it sounds. There is a big difference to general day to day chit chat and really talking and listening to one another. When you talk about things that are bothering you, you need to try and listen to one another and try to understand the others point of view. You also need to talk in a way that expresses your feelings without the other person feeling like you are attacking them.

You can invite your spouse to dinner so that you can both sit down together and talk about what is going on in your relationship. It will take some work on both parts, but if you are both willing then you should be able to save your marriage.

To save your marriage you should try to spend more quality time together. When you have children and you work long hours it can be difficult to spend time together. You tend to lose the spark that you once had and you may feel that you are more like roommates than two people in love. Try to set a time each week where you can go on a date and just spend some time alone together.

Your sexual relationship might not be as good as it once was either. If you have lost the spark in your marriage then you may need to work at getting it back. You will both need to put the effort into this too. You need to make your sexual relationship romantic again instead of feeling like it's just a chore. Buy some new lingerie and have a nice candle lit dinner. Romantic music can also help the mood and make it more enjoyable. You need to start enjoying each other again like you did when you first started dating.

If you are prepared to make some changes and your spouse is too, then perhaps all that research on how to save my marriage will pay off.

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How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

It Will Take Work But You Can Save Marriage

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If you're marriage is in trouble you can save marriage from divorce if you are prepared to put some effort into it. Marriage is a partnership and it takes both partners to make it work. Remember the reason you got married in the first place - you found someone that you want to grow old with and make a home and have a family with. You found someone that you love.

So when everything started out so well, why has it turned bad now? Whose fault is it that the relationship hasn't turned out the way you dreamt it would? Does it really matter whose fault it is? Even couples who are so in love and have a strong relationship will have difficult moments to work through in their marriage. Marriage isn't always easy and sometimes you have to work at it. There is hope of saving your marriage if you both want to.

When a marriage goes through a difficult period there is usually not much communication going on between the partners. To save your marriage you need to open the lines of communication and take back control. You can't just live day by day hoping that things will sort themself out, you need to take control and fix your marriage. If you don't nurture and work at your marriage, you will lose it.

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To work at your marriage effectively you need to talk about things. When you leave things without talking about them then there can be many misconceptions or misunderstandings. Each partner looks at things from their own perspective and doesn't really know how the other person feels. They may misinterpret things that are said or done because of the way that they are thinking. You need to talk to each other and listen to one another and try to see things from the other person's point of view. Good communication is essential to saving a marriage.

You love each other once and that love is probably still there, buried beneath the stress of life's problems. You get caught up in the day to day running of life that you let love slip by. You spend all your time working, paying bills, running the kids around and you just don't have enough time to spend with each other. When you first get married you don't think of the future and all the extra, stressful things that will come into your life. Although marriage may not be exactly as you imagined it, you can work toward getting that fairy tale marriage back.

First you need to talk about the problems in your marriage. Tell each other how you perceive what is happening and how you feel about it. Take the time to really listen to your partner and try to understand how they are feeling. By talking about things you can clear up any misconceptions or misunderstanding. Next you need to make a plan on how to save your marriage. Sort out finances by making a budget and sticking to it. Schedule a time in your week for you to spend time together. Start dating again, once a week go out for dinner or go to a movie or just go for a walk down the beach. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you are doing it together. Eat dinner together as a family at the dinner table and not sitting on the sofa watching TV.

You can't just go on as you are hoping for some miracle to happen to save your marriage. You need to make changes in your life and start to work on saving your marriage. If you really want your marriage to work you can save marriage if you put in the effort.

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Monday, 18 July 2011

How To Deal With A Boyfriend Break Up

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Have you just broken up with your boyfriend? Are you spending your days wondering if you can get him back? This article will give you some helpful advice about a boyfriend break up.

The first thing you need to do is decide whether the relationship is really over or if this break up is just a temporary split. If the relationship is really over then you need to acknowledge that so you can move on.

Of course it is going to take time to get over your ex as he has been a big part of your life for a long time. There are things that you can do to try and reconcile with him if you believe that is what you really want.

If you have realized that you are not meant to be together, that the relationship is truly over, then there are steps that you can take to bring closure to the relationship and your feelings.

It will help if you can talk about your feelings. Keeping your feelings bottled up will only drag things on longer than necessary. If you can communicate your hurt you can begin healing and move on. You can do this by:

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- Talking to friends or family who are there for you. You might find that some of your friends are not up to the challenge of helping you through a break up, but a true friend will be there to give you a shoulder to cry on.

- Talk to a therapist about your feelings. You can visit a therapist on a short term basis just to talk about your situation, without needing to share your feelings with anyone you know personally.

- Write about your feelings in a journal. Even writing your feelings down can help release them and allow you to move on.

You will need to get rid of anything that belongs to your ex. Keeping his things around the house will be a constant reminder of him so it's best to get rid of them. You can give things back to your ex or just throw them away. If there are things that you just can't bring yourself to throw out then put them in a box and store them away.

Next, you need to make some plans for how to spend your time. When you were in a relationship you probably spent most of your time together so now you need to learn to go out and do things on your own. Look at this as a chance to do your own thing and to be able to do what you want, when you want.

Don't sit around the house feeling sad and depressed about the break up, you need to get out and enjoy yourself. Join a gym or start a new hobby. Go out with your friends or visit your family. There are so many things that you can go out and do instead of just sitting home feeling sorry for yourself. You will soon find that you are enjoying life and missing your ex a lot less.

Before you know it you will be enjoying life and not even thinking about your ex. You may even begin to develop feelings for someone new. Life will go on and this boyfriend break up will be a thing of the past!

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Sunday, 17 July 2011

Do You Need Break Up Help

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If you think that your relationship is about to break up help is there to give you advice on how to handle a break up in the best way. You don't want to break up with someone through a text message or even over the phone. You also don't want to break up with someone in a public place or when you are with friends. This person is someone that you have cared about so show them a bit of respect and break up with them in an appropriate way.

If you are in a situation where you have a violent partner and the news of a break up may send them into a violent rage, then it would be acceptable to break up with them over the phone or in a public place.

When breaking up with someone try to be honest as they deserve to know the truth. However, if you have met someone else and that is why you are breaking up with them, you don't need to share that with them. Break ups are painful and you don't need to cause them any more pain than they will already feel. If you are seeing someone else, try to keep it quiet for a while so it isn't obvious that you were seeing them prior to breaking up.

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Don't just rush into a break up; think about what you are going to say beforehand. Even if you are sure this is what you want, you will probably still feel a little nervous. Don't let your partner talk you out of breaking up if you are sure that this is what is best for you. If you think about what you are going to say and be prepared then it will be easier to be confident and stand your ground.

When you have broken up you need to give them space. Don't start calling them to see how they are, even if you still care about them and are concerned about them. Calling them will only give them false hope that you may be able to reconcile. Even when you are doing the breaking up you will still feel some sadness and a sense of loss, which is to be expected. You may need to change some of the habits you had and do things differently so you can move on.

If you are not seeing anyone else, then you should try being single for a little while and be happy on your own. You will be more successful in a relationship if you are a happy person on your own. You need to adjust to life without your partner and you don't want to rush into another relationship on the rebound.

It's tough breaking up with someone regardless of whether you are doing the breaking up or not. Unless the relationship was really bad and you hate your ex, you will feel some sadness at the end of a relationship. Follow the tips above to give you the break up help that can keep your split respectful and amicable which is the best outcome for both partners.

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Saturday, 16 July 2011

Stop Unwanted Divorce

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If you have been through it, divorce can feel as final as someone close to you dying even if you were the one who initiated it. If you were not the one to initiated it and it was all of a sudden handed to you on your doorstep, there are ways to stop unwanted divorce. You will have to muster up all the patience along with some determination you have ever mustered up before in your life because this will probably take some time.

First, do some soul searching and try to figure out what your specific role is in the failing relationship. This will be one of the most difficult things for you to do especially if you were blindsided by receiving the divorce papers. It has to be done so take this first step to stop unwanted divorce before there are anymore arguments and the blame game gets rolling. The more you figure out about yourself and your strengths and weaknesses then the easier time you will have trying to fight this.

Next, go talk to a professional. That's what they are there for. There will be no judgments or stigmas for trying to help yourself so make this a priority. It doesn't even necessarily have to be a marriage counselor either, right away. It can be your pastor or even a grief counselor. Stay away from family or friends who might have their own opinions and try to project them on to you. This may not be what you need to be hearing right now. You need to concentrate on resolving your current problems not something interjected by family or friends.

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Remain upbeat and hopeful. Do not give up, even if things look bleak. Even in the worst of marriages there always still is hope that things can turn around and this is where that patience we talked about comes into play. Be patient and understanding any time you talk to your spouse. Agree with them when they start to tell you what they are feeling. This is the best thing you can do to get to the real reason they want out of the relationship.

Agreeing with them will show them you may still have some merit and that maybe they are making a mistake by divorcing you. Showing them this side of you may be very new to them and they may even ask you where it came from. You can always say that it was always there and this was just the thing that pulled it out of you. You might just make them fall in love with you all over again.

Keeping them confused and continuing to show your love and devotion to them may just make them change their minds and want to make the relationship work. And wouldn't it be so cool if you could say from now on that it was you who saved your marriage from divorce. Stop an unwanted divorce by following these suggestions and remaining calm, cool, and collected.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Friday, 15 July 2011

Stop Your Divorce Reviews

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Stop your divorce reviews refers to several sites online that review books on this topic. At these specialized sites you can find reviews on books on divorce all in one place. Basically one stop shopping. Make sure though that the sites you choose to get your reviews are not slanted in one direction or the other and offer you the best divorce review books out there.

The stop your divorce reviews sites you find should tell you that the books they review are not biased in any way and that they will guide you toward the books that will truly help your situation. It wouldn't hurt either if they offered a money back guarantees on the books they sell. You need to be able to trust the information your are getting in this trying time and not have to deal with someone else's BS.

All you need are the right tools to assist you. The wrong tools will only make things worse in the long run. If you needed a screwdriver to tighten a loose screw you would not try to use a saw would you? Nope, I didn't think so. Find the right tools and you should be well on your way to fixing what is broken.

The books you find should be chock full of great ideas and should also be easy to understand with tips that are easy to follow. Sometimes you find material written by experts that you can't make heads nor tails out of because they are full of technical terms and big words that you just do not get.

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The authors of these books should know their audience and speak to you like you are human and in need of simple things to do and say to try to repair your marriage not damage it further. Not everyone thinks alike and that is why these books are so popular, to help you get to thinking a different way about marriage and love.

All of the techniques they talk about and show you should be backed by real-life testimonials of the people who have been helped and the results of that help. How many marriages has this author been able to help? One, ten, one hundred, or more. They should tell you their success rate for saving marriages. If they can't then find another book. Your situation is unique and should be treated as such by everyone concerned.

The review site should have some type of rating system in place to rate the books they have on their review list. One to five stars, for example with the best book rating five star and on down from there. Now, do not think that just because a book has been rated with five stars that it is the one for you. Has your type of situation been addressed in the book? If not then you may want to go on to another stop your divorce reviews until you find what you need.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Thursday, 14 July 2011

How Do I Stop My Divorce

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If you are thinking to yourself,"How do I stop my divorce?" then keep reading. This article will give you some pointers on things to do that will actually work. We are going to start by telling you all the usual things that people say when someone's marriage is in trouble.

First, say you are sorry. If you are the one who messed things up to the point of divorce then man-up or woman-up and own what you did. Do not ever play the blame game. It's no one's fault or it's everyone's fault, take your pick. This is the first step in finding the answers to the how do I stop my divorce question.

Next, if you have been in touch with a lawyer then I would suggest that you contact them and cancel everything. No more meetings, no more documenting everything, no more feeling like someone is looking over your shoulder and into everything you do in your life.

When it comes to having contact with your spouse make sure you never beg them to take you back. This is hands down the wrong thing to do. Because they won't and you will just look pathetic and needy. You want to put your marriage back together you need to appear strong and capable of handling anything and everything no matter what your role was in the marriage to begin with.

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So, speak with them but keep everything light and do not get into any heavy stuff, especially over the phone. Do you know what they will be doing on the other end of the line? They will be rolling their eyes and making their fingers into the shape of a gun and pretending to shoot themselves in the head because you have become way too much like work and they do not have any time for you at all any more.

You could try to ask them out for coffee or lunch, too. If they accept once again remember to keep it light. If you have taken some time to make things about you better you may have run into some information that told you that you could try some reverse psychology type stuff on your spouse.

When they make a statement, agree with them. They have to have been right at some point in the marriage so let them be again, now. If you want to reduce the level of stress in the room and at the table then try this. Whatever comes out of their mouth, agree with it. Even if they say what a jerk they think you are, agree with it.

People in a relationship just want to matter. They want to have some say in things and that their opinion is important, too. I do not care if you have to fake it till you make it, so to speak. You need to peel their negative feelings off like and onion and if you can do that then you can find the nice loving person and their feelings underneath it all. All they want is for you to want the same things that they do. Try it, see if it works to answer your, "how do I stop my divorce", question.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Stop Divorces

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There are no set in stone ways to stop divorces from happening. They happen all the time and some of them for good reason. But, there are ways to minimize the stress involved with them. Divorce is difficult for both of you and decreasing tension and stress is very important to getting the whole thing settled amicably.

First, just to let the dust settle, get some distance from each other. This will let things like anger and hurt subside and maybe let you both see things objectively. For the first couple of weeks do not have any contact unless absolutely necessary. Let cooler heads prevail so the next time the two of you meet up then you can have a civilized conversation.

At this time you can tell each other you still love each other but really, in the grand scheme of things that really is a mute point. Sometimes the "I love you's" really do not mean all they should but if you want to throw one in there every now and then I guess it can't hurt.

If you do let cooler heads prevail and then want to get serious about talking about how to stop divorces devastating, hurtful effects then do so. But, do it in a quiet setting that is conducive to keeping things calm so you can both remain rational and sane about what you really want to do.

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Maybe it would help to keep a tally of each others reasons, like pros and cons, for staying married or getting divorced. These things, written down in black and white will help you both see where the problems lie and maybe even how they can be fixed. Not that it is the do all, end all but without all the BS between you, you might just be able to see that it is a relatively easy fix.

After sitting down together, if things are still up in the air, it might behoove you both to agree to get some outside counseling. Do not make the mistake of running separately to family members or even mutual friends. They will feel like they are supposed to choose between you and they also will impart on you their opinions of the situation which could possibly widen the gap between you. Find an impartial professional to help you sort things out.

A good counselor will encourage communication and help you learn how to be a couple. I think that is the biggest problem among married people who end up getting divorced. They never learned to be a couple and manage their lives together. Human beings are inherently selfish and one wrong slight can set you firmly on the path of becoming even more selfish and looking out for yourself instead of what is best for you both as a couple. Honesty, communication and striving to always improve what you have is essential in keeping what you have. A marriage, like anything worth having, is a work in progress.

If you do not want your marriage to become a statistic then put all your energy into repairing it so you can stop divorces destruction.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Stop Divorce Now

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One or both of you started divorce proceedings but now it's been a little while and cooler heads seem to have prevailed and you both are considering reconsidering. So after the process has started how do you stop divorce now? If you both are on the same page then you need to sit down with each other and figure out if this is the best course of action.

I am sure that your lawyers would disagree and also try their darndest to talk you out of stop divorce now but if your marriage was meant to be then nothing anyone could say would make a difference. They are just letting the lack of making a buck do their talking anyway.

Sit down and figure out what led the both of you to the decision to file for divorce in the first place. Many times it was just some misunderstanding that got way out of control and things never should have gotten as far as they did down the divorce court path as they did to begin with.

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Maybe instead of rushing right out to a lawyer, the two of you should have just talked things out and maybe gotten a counselor instead of lawyers. Marriage is work and if one or both of you wasn't making the effort then things start to slack off, little things start setting off big bombs and all of a sudden you both start thinking that it is over. Not in most cases.

Counselors can help sort through all the BS so the two of you can get back to the two of you and leave all the crap behind. And if you have family members trying to "help", well, that is just a recipe for disaster and divorce. Keep family members out of your business. Tell them nothing.

Try this. Put everything bad aside for now and play the "remember when" game. Reminisce about the start of your relationship and how you talked about anything and everything under the sun. Talk about the good times and then the bad times will start to seem so petty you will probably begin to laugh at the absurdity of it all and maybe just decide to forgive and forget.

Forgiveness can go a long way to helping a relationship get back on course and get healthy again. Even if the problem was an infidelity. Yes, that's right, an infidelity. Now, I'm not saying that all marriages could survive an infidelity but if it was minor, say nothing more than a wayward kiss, then things could be worked out.

You both could very well stop divorce now by learning that honesty is really the best policy and communication is key to maintaining your relationship. If you have lost the ability to communicate effectively with each other then have a counselor teach you new ways to get the message across to each other. A good counselor will give you exercises and homework to learn new strategies of communication so your marriage can stand the test of time.

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How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Monday, 11 July 2011

Stop Your Divorce Save Your Marriage

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If you have been married for years and things are just not like they used to be, you may be considering divorce. You may even have taken that first step and gone to see a lawyer. This can be a confusing, scary time for you and if you continue to be unsure of which way to go, rest assured you can stop your divorce save your marriage and continue on the path to living happily ever after.

There are some things you will need to accomplish this. A strong will, determination, commitment, a solid support system and most likely, counseling. With all this you can get beyond the problems in your marriage and stop your divorce save your marriage.

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The lawyers and the courts are filled to the brim with people saying they are divorcing due to irreconcilable differences. Do they have to be? Maybe you can be the couple who sets the new standard of having reconcilable differences. There are too many people who just give up on their marriage and don't want to put in the work anymore. If this is you then go ahead with the divorce but, if you find there is still some love left after all these years and you can still communicate on some level then there may be something there left to fight for.

I guess it all depends on what the issues really are that are causing the difficulties. Money and the lack of communication are two of the biggest reasons I think that people end up wanting to go their separate ways. These can be expanded to one or the other feeling controlled and ignored by the other. You may have started out as a team but somewhere along the line the one who makes the most money seems to always wear the pants in the family.

If the two of you agree that neither of you wants a divorce then start this process by sitting down and talking to each other and setting some ground rules. Then agree to see a counselor. If one of you can't seem to get there right off the bat then the one who wants to go should start seeing someone. Find someone that is a good fit for both of you so when the reluctant one comes around you will have success and not another thing to fight about. There has been enough fighting.

If a counselor is out of the question then make an appointment to see your pastor. He or she will guide you through these tough times and help you come out the other side a better and stronger couple for weathering this bad patch. Maybe just being reminded of the happy years you had will be enough and if this is the same pastor who married you he or she can help you see that what you have is worth all this. Reading a couple of scriptures and a reminder of your vows and the love that was once there may be just the ticket to stop your divorce save your marriage.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Stop Your Divorce Ebook

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Ebooks are everywhere these days and are on every topic under the sun. Pick a topic, any topic. Stop your divorce ebook? Yup, you can find them too. There are so many ebooks about saving relationships, dating, how to behave in a relationship, etc, that you will have hundreds to wade through when you start looking. Someone always thinks they are an authority on something.

All you have to do is type stop unwanted divorce ebook into you search engine and then just start going down the list until you find the one that is best for your situation. If that particular keyword doesn't get you much by way of results then just do a broader search for self help books on marriage. You will find what you need somewhere. You just have to target the right keyword.

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There are websites that also offer things like email series that will come right to your inbox. You will receive tips on how to make things better in your life and your marriage. If there have been a lot of little hurts that haven't been addressed over the years and now they have morphed into one big bundle of hurt there are ways to sort it all out and get rid of it. No matter how long they have been there or how big they have gotten, you can find the help you need to make things better.

Do not think that it will just happen overnight, though, because it won't. This is going to take some dedication and perseverance. I do not care if you have been married for a couple of years or for many, many years there is always hope for the two of you to continue to be happy with each other.

You just need some good advice to follow and it is out there. All you have to do is know where to look. With as many reasons as there are that marriages go bad find a site that addresses them all or at least most of them. You might find something that you didn't even know was a problem and will then have the tools to figure out how to fix it.

Having the right tools for any situation is the most important factor in just about anything that you can do in your life. If you didn't have the right tools then you would not be able to fix your car to make it run right again, would you? The same thing goes for your marriage. The right tools can go a long way to keeping things on the right track and keeping the two of your together for the long haul.

Just get all the information about how to have a good marriage and become an authority yourself. You will have the knowledge and can maybe even help someone else save their marriage down the line, if it all works out for you. Then maybe someday you could find yourself writing your own stop your divorce ebook.

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How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Stop Your Divorce Book

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Do you want to be one of the one out of every two marriages to fall apart? If not then maybe you could find some help with a good stop your divorce book. You could then save yourselves from becoming just another statistic.

So, those vows you took, did you mean them or were they kind of, "Well, yeah, I do for now until something better comes along"? That, my friend, seems to be the way too many couples approach their marriage.

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Another reason too many marriages end in divorce is that the whole marriage thing gets taken for granted. Marriage is work people and anyone who thinks otherwise is doomed to fail. Marriage is not going to always be like the dating and then the honeymoon. Soon after, the
Honeymoon will end and reality will set in.

When that happens then the real work begins, too. There has to be daily communication between you, not to mention respect and trust. If you have taken your vows seriously then there should be only slight problems

Before you even get married there should be clear, set ground rules for everything. That way there will be no misunderstandings and making mountains out of molehills. If this does not happen then things will soon start to spiral out of control and you will find yourself at the library looking for a stop your divorce book. A book from the library will tell you all the things you are reading here and so much more.

Before there are any children brought into the marriage, especially if you rushed into things, learn to live together and make the household run smoothly. Do not, under any circumstances bring a child into the midst of your stupidity with the hopes that everything will suddenly be ok, it won't. The only thing that will happen is that now there is a child that will be hurt beyond belief when the two of you do split up.

The statistics on children of divorced parents is underwhelming at the least. They are more likely to suffer from depression, start smoking or drinking or doing drugs, or all of the above. Not to mention they are more likely to be unable to maintain their own relationships and marriage also. And how would you feel if they didn't "choose" you to be the parent they wanted to be with. It would just add more stress and strife to an already bad situation.

I usually do not like to recommend specific material in my articles but this is one time I will make an exception. I you want the title of a really good stop your divorce book, go to the library and check out the author Homer McDonald who wrote the book called, "Stop Your Divorce". In this book he tells how he developed the theory that simply agreeing with your spouse can help save your marriage.

Arguing only fuels the fire and makes you look desperate and needy. This will only drive the other away faster. So agree, agree, agree. Don't be a doormat but you know what they say about attracting more flies with honey than you do vinegar.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Saturday, 9 July 2011

How To Stop My Divorce

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Admit it, you did something stupid and now she says she wants a divorce. She is tired of all the crap and doesn't want to deal with it, or you, anymore. You don't want one and are now scrambling for ways on how to stop my divorce. You are desperately looking for something to say or do that will change her mind.

Let me tell you something, everything you are considering trying will only continue to push her away. Don't send flowers, ok, they are nice but she will only see them as some sort of manipulation. In reality, that is exactly what they are, a manipulation. You cannot manipulate yourself back onto her good side. It will never work, she will see right through it.

So, where do you start how to stop my divorce?

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First, stop fighting and arguing. You are never going to get her to change her mind this way and she will just dig her feet in and the resentment will keep building. You can't talk someone in to feeling a certain way when they already feel another. She is justified in the way she feels and doesn't want to change. Talk is cheap and she knows it.

She also does not want to keep hearing "I love you" all the time. Whether it is true or not she is convinced that she no longer loves you and has shut all her feelings off except the ones that will see her through a divorce. She thinks it is over between you and is preparing herself to start changing the way she looks and acts in life so she can survive. This may seem a little selfish but this really is a natural step to take to have a smooth transition between married life and single life.

Oh, and do not ever try to reassure her that you have or will be "changing" your behavior. Again, she will not believe you and really is an attempt on your part to continue trying to control the situation. You can't and depending on what you did to prompt her into asking for a divorce then she may think you have lost the right to control anything anymore.

If you want her to do a one-eighty then you need to be as agreeable, and as sincere, as you can possibly be. Let her be right from here on out. That's all she probably wanted from you in the first place, to just be right some of the time. When one of you controls the other by shooting down every idea, or comment, or suggestion and always has a "better" way of doing things it gets real old, real fast. If you want to win her back start making her feel like her opinion is the one that means the most.

You doing a one-eighty and learning these different tactics is the only way you will be allowed back in her life. She did not marry you originally to be under your thumb all the time and be controlled like she doesn't have a brain in her head. She married you because she loved you and wanted to be your equal partner in the marriage. So if you stop fighting, arguing, telling her you love her and showering her with gifts, or reassuring her that you can change and stay positive and let her be right and agree with everything she says from here on out then you will have learned a valuable lesson in how to stop my divorce.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Ways To Stop Divorce

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There are plenty of ways to stop divorce if the two of you have changed your minds and decided to stay together. If you have been separated for a while and live in a state where you had to file separation papers, they are already on file with the court pending your divorce. If the state you live in does not require separation papers to be filed your process will go a little smoother.

In states requiring separation papers be filed, if you want ways to stop divorce and to get back together then you must now sign a piece of paper that says you want to revoke the separation and then get it notarized. Then you can be free to move back in together and begi your life together all over again.

If, however, there was a petition for dissolution of marriage filed with the court during the separation by one or both of you then you will have to petition the court to dismiss the petition, then go before the judge to have the settlement agreement revoked as well.

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You can choose to leave it at having the judge dismiss the petition for dissolution of marriage but if you do not get the settlement agreement revoked then if things eventually do not work out between you then you will be bound by the original settlement agreement set in place by the court.

Leaving the settlement agreement in place means that if there is another break down of communication then one or the other can have contempt motions filed against them by the other. It is in your best interest to try to work on making things better between you instead of heading for divorce court.

In states that do not required separation papers to be filed but you have petitioned the court for dissolution of marriage then all you need to do is ask the judge to dismiss them then get on with your lives. If no court papers have been filed then just get on with things like you normally would. Nothing further needs to be done.

If you relationship inevitably does not work out then you already know the step to take to file for dissolution of marriage and you can file a new petition. Remember, though, that if you have both hired a lawyer to watch over your best interests then you could be shelling out quite a bit of money during these times. So, make up your minds about what you want before hiring an attorney.

Laws for filing separation papers and divorce papers are different in every state. Make sure you know what your state requires. You could call and ask a divorce attorney beforehand to get your facts straight. A family law attorney can tell you what the process is for filing and then undoing a separation. So, what does this mean? Find an attorney to talk to before you do anything. Even for ways to stop divorce. The subject of this article is meant for your information only and is written by a non-attorney. The information in this article should not be used as legal advice.

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How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Does My Boyfirend Really Love Me-Dont Struggle Over The Answer

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People never truly understand one another, after all we are not mind readers. This is why doubt can settle in the minds of people in a relationship. You want to believe your boyfriend loves you but there can sometimes be that little nagging doubt in the back of your mind.

That is a problem a lot of women face, they are unsure of whether or not their boyfriends truly love them or not. They are left asking themselves "Does My Boyfirend Really Love ME" and struggling to come up with an answer.

They do not struggle because their boyfriend may not love them and they are having trouble coming up with ways to say otherwise. They struggle because how do you determine whether or not someone loves you? It is an easy question to ask, not an easy one to answer.

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There are four good signs to look for that can tell you whether or not your boyfriend loves you. These are no exact nor will they all apply, but they can be a good place to start when trying to answer this question.

1: Look him in the eyes. A man who loves and respects you will not look away and avert his gaze, he will look you straight in the eye. This is how he conveys you are his equal and that he loves you, if he refuses to look you in the eye when expressing his love it may be because he is lying and would feel bad by looking you in the eye when he said that.

2: Men respect the people they love. Respect is an important aspect of relationships and you earn it as your man falls for you. If he could not respect you he very likely would not have fallen in love with you. Part of respecting someone is being honest and open with them. You do not hide or lie to those you respect so he should be willing to share his thoughts and concerns with you. As well as hear out your own concerns and support you when you make a decision.

3: A man who is in love will always make time. People inherently want to be around things they love, it is just human nature. This holds true with men just as much as women so if your man truly does love you he would want to spend time with you, and as such would make time. If he always has something else going on or constantly comes up with excuses, this may be a sign that he does not love you.

4: He will remember your special day. We all have special and important days, be it anniversary or birthdays. If your man loves you he will remember those days and make sure to acknowledge them as best he can.

Now remember that all men are not the same, they may show some of these signs such as not looking you in the eye or forgetting important dates, but that may not mean they do not love you. Some men may simply be too shy to look you in the eye, or forgetful to remember what the date is.

You know your boyfriend better then I ever could so it is at your discretion whether or not these signs truly apply. But they can prove to be a fairly good guideline to help you answer whether or not your boyfriend loves you.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Life After Infidelity-You Decide If You Can Save The Marriage

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A marriage is a very important and sacred pact between two people. We are raised to believe that once those vows are taken we can trust our spouse for the rest of our lives. However this does not always go as we might hope.

Since none of us are able to read minds we can never truly know someone. On top of that people change over time, so the person you fell in love with may be someone entirely different today.

Even if you both love each other, times change and you might grow bored with the same old routine. This is the reason for most affairs, one spouse simply grows tired of the dull routine and wants to try something different.

While it is far from acceptable it is understandable and understanding is the first step to healing your marriage. While a lot of people would end their marriage after this act of betrayal, people often still love each other and might want to salvage their relationship even after this mistake.

But how can you trust them ever again after they back stabbed you like this? You swore to be faithful and they went off with someone else. Well there are certain things you can do to help mend the wound.

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First of all, do not accept excuses. Just because you are willing to forgive and move forward does not mean you should just forget it and let them off the hook. They screwed up, big time, and they need to own up to their mistake for your relationship to work. If they want your relationship to work then they will do this, otherwise they may not be as serious as you are.

Another part of not accepting some half hearted apology is to remember the old saying "actions speak louder then words". If your spouse is truly sorry and wants to make amends, they will cut off all contact with the person they cheated with.

If they refuse to do this, or continue to see the person, then they probably are not as sorry as they led you to believe and you might want to simply cut your losses and move on with your life.

Also, do not belittle yourself. A lot of people blame themselves for their spouses affair, thinking they must have done something wrong to drive their partner to such lengths. Do not do this, it was their mistake not yours. If they had a problem they should have talked with you about it instead of running off into someone else's bed.

Lastly, whether you forgive them or move on, always hold your head high. You are not at fault for this and you deserve better. Whether you get that from your spouse or someone down the line is up to you. There is no law saying you have to stay with them if they refuse to change. Be understanding and cooperative, but never be a doormat.

As long as you try your best to make things work, and as long as your spouse realizes their mistake and tries as well, things will often work out in the end.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Monday, 4 July 2011

How To Say Sorry To Your Boyfriend-We All Have To Once In Awhile

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Relations require a lot of work and can be wonderful things. But sometimes we can argue and have fights. When this happens both parties get mad at each other and there is obvious friction.

When this happens you probably want to apologize to your boyfriend. Whether you were to blame or not sometimes it is good to just say sorry and move on.

If this is the case you may asking yourself how you go about apologizing to him. Well there are a number of things you can do to Say sorry to your boyfriend and to make it seem sincere.

If you do not apologize after doing something wrong it could severely damage your relationship. Even if you do not break up it can put a very big fissure between the two of you and cause a lot of tension which will just build up until the next fight.

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Saying sorry to your boyfriend can be hard, especially if he was at fault. But even so there are things you can do to help make it easier and increase the chances of him accepting your apology.

1: Make sure to give him some space. Sometimes people just need to be left alone to be mad. If you try to act too soon it could just spark another fight and undo all your efforts. So giving him some time to cool off can greatly increase your chances of success.

2: Let him vent. This is another important thing you have to do. Even if you give him some space and try to talk, he might start yelling again because he is mad. It is human nature to get defensive and retaliate when threatened. Resist this urge as best you can. Let him yell and get it all off his chest, listen to what he has to say. He will calm down and be more willing to talk it over with you.

3: Be sincere. People can pick up on subtle traits and body language which can give you away if you are lying. If you are sorry then say sorry, otherwise it might do more harm then good. Apologies only mean something if you actually mean it.

4: If all else fails, come up with a more long term plan. If nothing you do seems to make a difference, and you are serious about saving your relationship, then you may have to take the high road and work at it. Do not become pushy or needy in any way, shape or form. It is human nature to withdraw or retaliate when pushed so if you try to pressure him about saving the relationship or about how you will change, it will only put him off.

As well avoid any and all arguments. Even if it means being a little yes man and agreeing to everything he says. He needs time to come around and you have to walk on egg shells during this period.

But do not confuse that with becoming a doormat. If he takes advantage of your behavior and tries to milk it for all it is worth, then you might not be able to salvage your relationship. There is walking on egg shells and then there is allowing him to take advantage. You have to draw the line and if he takes too long, you may want to just walk away.

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How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Life After Adultery-Dont Let It Defeat You

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Saving a marriage after adultery can be a very hard and time consuming process. You spent all that time together, loving each other and pledging to be faithful to each other only to have that trust get betrayed. Most marriages end after an affair because it is just so hard to ever trust that person again.

Despite having an affair, some couples still very much love each other. Affairs are nothing more then a symptom of a deeper underlying problem. The first thing you need to do is find out what that problem is, what is causing you to stray from your marriage.

The thing is that as we get older we change and we may acquire different tastes or grow tired of the old. This is where affairs usually take place, once the marriage has settled into a routine and the offending party simply grew bored of it all.

It is understandable, if not acceptable, why the offending party would cheat under those circumstances. As cruel as it may sound, we all grow bored if we do the same thing over and over again. This applies to marriage just the same as it applies to everything else.

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The first thing you need to do after adultery, if you wish to save your marriage, is to forgive the offending partner. This likely will not happen over night and it will be very hard. They betrayed your trust and it will take a lot of time and effort on their part to earn it back.

But once you have forgiven them, you can move on to fixing the underlying problems that led to the affair. This is a crucial step. If you do not fix the problem them history will likely just repeat itself. So it is vitally important that you find out why they cheated, really get down to the root of the problem.

Once you have discovered what exactly it was that drove them to cheat, you can work on fixing it. In most cases an affair happens because one of the people involved has grown tired of the routine sexual activities. If this was the case then you might want to sit down with your partner and discuss ways to spice up your love life.

If you can just make changes to the areas the offending party has grown tired of, it can go a long way to prevent them from every straying again. So if it was them growing bored of your love life, then make sure you fix that and talk with them about it.

If it was not something related to your love life, then it may be trickier to fix. Even if this is the case the fundamental points still hold true. Talk with them and find out specifically what they thought the problem was, and why they cheated. From there you just have to make steps towards changing those aspects.

No matter what the case may be, life after adultery can be hard and emotionally taxing. What you need to remember is that you should always do what is best for you. If you feel you can forgive them and continue loving them despite their betrayal, then go for it. However if you do not feel you can forgive them, do not feel guilty or ashamed, they betrayed you so it is your right to walk away.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Relationship Edicate-Do You Have It

Get back with your ex

We all strive for a relationship with other people, whether it be as friends, family, or lovers. Humans are social by nature and we generally do not like being alone. But there are some relationship edicate that we have to observe, otherwise our relationships may take a turn for the worst.

Generally a good rule of thumb is also the golden rule, do unto others as you would have done to you. Basically if you would not like being stood up on a date, or being lied to, it probably is a good idea not to do these things to others.

Always show respect for others, respect and trust are the foundation for a good, long lasting relationship. If you do not respect the other person, you will probably not treat them as they deserve to be treated. Since people do not like being mistreated or looked down on, your relationship most likely will not last.

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If you do not trust the other person, this as well can lead to problems. Trust is paramount for a proper relationship since if you can not trust them, then how can they be considered a friend or a lover?

Relationship edicate extends beyond simply showing respect and trust. Like all forms of etiquette there are various things you should observe. Just as you should use the proper fork at a fancy restaurant you should make sure to abide by social rules as well.

A relationship is a give and take ordeal, you give to your friend or lover, and they give to you. But you need to know when to give and when to take, since like with everything else there is a time and place. If you give too much you can come off as overbearing and make the other person uncomfortable.

On the other side if you take too much you can come off as selfish or needy and this will just drive the other person away. It requires proper etiquette to know how to moderate yourself properly and to achieve the right balance.

Compromise is another thing you should keep in mind. Not everyone sees eye to eye on every little thing. Compromising is what allows most relationships to work. One of you may want to see one movie, while the other wants to see a different movie. You could compromise and agree to watch one movie now, and then watch the other movie next time.

If you can not come to an agreement that can lead to resentment since it looks as if you are simply selfish and always want things your way. Sometimes it requires one of you to step up and admit defeat. If one of you does that, the other will probably follow through.

It takes two to fight so as long as someone is the bigger man (or woman) and simply goes with the flow it can make things run a lot smoother. However that does not mean you should always do this, as I said it is a give and take, if you always back down then they take while you give. Both of you have to give in once and a while.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Friday, 1 July 2011

Relaitonship Breakup Advice-Sorry Nothing Makes It Easy

Get back with your ex

Breakups can be tough on both the person getting dumped and the person doing the breaking up. You spend all that time and effort into building a relationship with the person and in the end it was all for nothing as the whole thing comes crashing down. This can be hard no matter how you look at it.

Relationships can fail for any number of reasons. People are different and they can change over time, the person you got involved with may not be the same person they are today. Or maybe it was something as simple as you getting bored. No matter the reason breakups can be emotionally taxing ordeals.

Now do not get me wrong, not all relationships end due to disaster. There are plenty of times where the two people simply agree it wont work and go their separate ways. This is the best possible breakup since nobody is really left feeling hurt.

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Unfortunately it does not always go that way and you may be left feeling hurt and used. This is typically where people need some relaitonship breakup advice to help them get through this troubling time.

Some of the things you should keep in mind is that you should never beg your ex to return. You may still love them and they may still love you, but if they feel this wont work out, then there is not much you can do or say to change their mind. If you persist all this does is make you look pathetic and annoys them.

Hold your head high and do not stoop to that level, while it may hurt it is best to simply accept their decision and move on with your life. Dwelling over what happened will not change the past, and it will just keep you from moving forward.

You should also try to reflect on the relationship and try to determine where it went wrong. Regardless of which side of the breakup you were on, you can still find the problems. If you were the one at fault, own up to your mistakes and try to fix them so that you do not repeat them in your next relationship. If they were at fault try to avoid hooking up with someone with similar flaws, otherwise you will just end up repeating history.

Another good relaitonship breakup advice is to try and get away after a breakup. A nice vacation or simply spending the weekend somewhere can do you a world of good. It helps take your mind off the whole thing and can uplift your spirits. It is not wrong to want to avoid pain, so distracting yourself from the emotional trauma of it all is a good thing.

In the end, simply remember that love is about trial and error like everything else. We do not know every single thing about our partners so we wont know if we are a good match or not. Simply keep on the horse and keep searching for your true soul mate, and if you hit a bump along the way do not let that discourage you.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce