Friday, 26 August 2011

Love Relationship-Soul Mate Or Not

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A true love relationship is rare. Finding your soul mate is a wonderful thing to experience. Most of us do not find "the one" to spend the rest of our lives with. So we make do with someone who is close enough.

If you are lucky enough to find your very special someone then make sure you know how to hang on to them. With so many marriages ending in failure if you do not hold on with both hands you may just be giving up the best thing that has ever, or will ever, happen to you.

One of the best things the two of you can do is talk to each other. Face to face, on the phone, even texting and emailing these days are acceptable forms of communication. When you take the time to talk make sure that you will have very few distractions. Talking on the phone during the evening hours is a great time because you are more relaxed and typically distractions are minimal. Talk about anything that comes to mind. Tell stories and just get to know each other.

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Obviously, if you have just met you will want to go out on dates together. Pay attention to the types of things that they like to eat. You can gain a wealth of knowledge about someone by what they order in a restaurant. Make mental notes of special things and learn how to cook them.

Take things slowly. There really is no rush when starting a love relationship. If you know that this person is the one for you then trust that everything will work out the way it is supposed to. Even soul mates can rush into things and screw them up. Take your time and really get to know each other. The rest of your lives is a long time.

If you really want to make a connection, touch each other. Touching helps create a strong bond between you and shows that you care. Don't touch too soon though, that can be creepy. You do not want to scare anyone away so make sure that when you start touching it will be accepted as the beginnings of the trust you will share between you. If another person allows you to touch them then that means they trust you.

Trust is key in any relationship. Being intimate does not just mean having sex. Intimacy starts with touching. Holding hands, walking arm in arm, touching their shoulder as you pass by, all of this and much more is also considered being intimate with your partner. Touch is a wonderful way to communicate your feelings for the other person.

As the relationship deepens ask to see photo albums of when they were younger. Find a comfortable spot, maybe in front of the fireplace, pour each of you a glass of wine and just relax and have fun. If you both bring a photo album then you can see into each other's past together creating an even deeper bond to your love relationship. Then, make plans to meet the parents.

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Troubled Relationship- Get It Back On Track

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If you are trying to get a troubled relationship back on track you need to cut out all the BS, learn to communicate and be more than willing to compromise for the benefit of the relationship. Do not let anything get in the way of fixing the relationship.

Do not take anything for granted. If things are bad enough then the two of you need to find a qualified therapist to go talk to. Do not give yourselves any outs. No more excuses. If you are going to fix this troubled relationship then you both need to go all out and devote yourselves to each other and the fix.

You will probably expend more energy on your relationship than you ever have before. You will finally see that to make a relationship work you need to expend some energy, you just can't let your relationship float on the wind, it will just get carried away by that wind.

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You must take an active role in repairing your relationship. No more passivity. You already know that that does not work, right? So, do the exact opposite of what you were doing. If more people would do this then there would be a lot less failed marriages.

Make counseling a condition that cannot be broken. If you both agree that the relationship is fixable then counseling has to be mandatory. No excuses, no discussion. and no blowing it off to go have a beer with the guys. Have the beer later.

To find a good counselor you could ask someone you know who went through the same thing if they had a good one, If they did have a good experience then get the guys number and give him a call to set up an appointment. If you do not know anyone then look iin the yellow pages to find a counselor in your area.

You might even be able to find some type of support group that specializes in helping put relationships back together. Or maybe your counselor has some suggestions for you in that respect. A counselor that is worth his salt will undoubtedly give you exercises to do while you are out of the office to get the two of you communicating effectively and spending quality time together.

If you want to, it may be a good idea to research the counselor you choose before actually making the appointment. Be sure they are licensed and have experience in the type of counseling you need. Ask for references if you feel the need to. You need an expert to help you through this, do not settle for mediocre. Fixing your relationship is too important.

If the two of you have maturity on your side then the better the chances are of you rebuilding the troubled relationship. The stronger the relationship gets, the stronger the trust and mutual respect will get as well. Eventually the counselor will cut you loose to try things on your own. If, at any time, there is a break down in communication and things start to get out of hand again then immediately get yourselves back to the counselor.

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Thursday, 25 August 2011

Healthy Relationship-Cant Wait To Get Home

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How do you tell if you are in a healthy relationship? One good way to know you are is if you always feel good about going home. If you can't wait to get home after a long days work just to see his or her smiling face then your relationship is probably a healthy one.

Two people in a healthy relationship experience less stress and are more capable of handling a stressful situation when one comes along. Know why? Because they have help, that's why. They have someone who supports them in every way. They zig, the other zags. It is just that simple.

The kinds of things that make a good relationship are effective communication, trust, mutual respect, being flexible when it counts and keeping everything real. If you have these things in your relationship then you probably treat each other as equals and do not experience too many problems.

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By keeping everything real I mean that you should not expect your spouse to do anything you would not do. Being in a relationship is a two way street so do not expect more from your spouse than you are willing to put forth yourself.

I also cannot stress how important communication is in any relationship. This is the basis for keeping things healthy. If you talk about your feelings then there can be no surprises and no one will ever get blindsided. If something comes up that may be a little difficult to talk about find the courage to talk about it. Otherwise it will just fester and soon the good relationship won't be so good anymore.

Part of good communication skills is the ability to listen. Have the courtesy to remain silent when your spouse is talking, do not interrupt and do not try to fix it right away. If a fix is needed then figure it out together. Remain partners at all times.

Disagreements happen. No one is perfect. Handling them with dignity and grace is important. Do not attack your spouse but do not be a doormat either. If you have done something wrong apologize and then work together to learn how to get past it. Having the ability to forgive and forget also is key to keeping a relationship healthy. Do not, under any circumstances throw things back in each other's faces. If you gave forgiveness once then let it go and move on.

Show love and genuine concern for your spouse. Be there for each other to lean on. I have found that a healthy relationship does not mean that each of you is strong at all times. When one of you isn't then the other one must be and vise versa. This is what committing yourself to another person is all about.

Obviously being faithful is also part of having a good relationship. If you have committed yourself to someone have enough respect for yourself and them to remain faithful and do not go pandering about with someone else. This is the worst thing you could do in any relationship and one of the biggest reasons why relationships fail.
These things are all what a healthy relationship is all about.

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Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Communication Relationship-The Most Important Factor

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Communication relationship is one of the most important factors to having that relationship being successful. Effective communication skills are not something everyone is born with, however, but they can be learned. If you are struggling with effective communication in your relationship read on to learn some new techniques.

Learning effective, healthy communication techniques will help your relationship become healthy and happy and when that happens you are far more likely to remain in the relationship instead of your marriage becoming just another statistic of divorce.

Communication does not just mean talking. A very important part of communication is the ability to listen. Sometimes that is all that is needed, just to listen. Your spouse may just need a sounding board to be able to figure something out. If they need you to help fix something then after you listen carefully the two of you can try to come to some solution to whatever the problem is.

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Communication is very complex and includes verbal and non-verbal aspects. Effective communication relationship techniques involved all of them and knowing how to interpret them accurately. Take for instance, if someone is angry, they may glare at you and sit quietly with their arms crossed. This situation is something that needs your immediate attention.

If she is left to fester then she will begin to think that you do not care about how she feels and this will only make matters worse. Reading body language is a skill that you really should perfect. It can tell you so much about how a person is feeling or even if they are lying.

If you are a perceptive person then you can pick up a lot of effective communication techniques just by paying attention to what is going on around you. If you need some help then you can attend a communication class at your local community college. This will cost a little bit of money but may be worth it's weight in gold if it helps save your relationship.

Good communication also means paying attention to the little things and letting each other know they are appreciated. Saying thank you to your spouse should never be taken for granted. Showing your appreciation for something is just common courtesy. Never give up saying the "I love you's" or "thank you's". They may just be the most important part of your relationship. Everybody needs to feel appreciated.

Understanding is also another aspect of communication that can remain underdeveloped. What I mean by underdeveloped is that not enough questions get asked in any given situation. We assume we know what they other is talking about without clarifying. Assumptions only get you into trouble. So make sure you know exactly what is going on. If you don't completely understand then ask questions until everything is clear.

My advice, practice, practice, practice. Learn the techniques of an effective communication relationship and then practice them daily. Soon they will be second nature and you won't even have to think about them any more.

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Relationship Counseling-Four Steps To Know

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Let's talk a little bit today about how to proceed if you feel you and your partner need relationship counseling. There are four things you need to keep in mind during this difficult time.

The first one is choosing the right marriage counselor. If you feel comfortable,and your spouse agrees, ask friends or family whether they have had a good experience with a marriage counselor to help them get through their difficulties. This can be the first step in finding a referral that might be useful to you. If there is no one to ask then do a search on the internet for counselors in your area.

Secondly, if you do find such a person whether it's through a personal referral, off of the internet or through an ad, you must to check the counselor's credentials, see whether or not that person is licensed and if they have the experience working with couples. Ask what their success rate is with relationship counselin and how long they have been a counselor.

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The third thing you want to do is talk to this person by phone. Basically, you are interviewing them for the job of helping you save your marriage. write down a list of questions so you are prepared and talk to them for ten to fifteen minutes to get a good feel for who they are and how they can help you and your spouse. This is the beginning of your professional relationship and a great way to find out if you will have a rapport with them.

If you hit it off over the phone then the fourth step is to make an appointment to go to your first session. The first session with this counselor will give you the information you need to either continue seeing him or her or to find someone else. First impressions are important. If the phone interview goes well then it is promising that the in person first meeting will goes just as well.

Keep in mind that you both have to be comfortable with the counselor you choose. If one of you isn't then the counseling will not work and may even cause more fighting and stress in your relationship.

If you have gotten him to agree that your relationship needs work that is one big step. Getting him to do something about it is another story, however. Many people, men in particular, do not want their dirty laundry aired all over the neighborhood. They just do not want their ego taking a hit, I guess. They may think that someone will think less of them if they have to have counseling even though we all know that is just a bunch of BS.

I do not advocate playing games or trying to manipulate one another but if the male half of your relationship balks at all about getting relationship counselin then, if it is not a problem for you, find an attractive female counselor. He might find it within himself to get to every session and open up a little more freely than he would if you were seeing a male counselor. Just sayin'.

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Sunday, 21 August 2011

Bad Relationship- Noone Deserves To Be Unhappy

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If you are in a bad relationship the best thing you could do for yourself is get out of it as soon as you can. No one deserves to be unhappy. I know you feel like you are all alone in the world but the first thing you need to understand is that you are not alone and there are people and resources you can tap into that can help you.

Use these resources to help you make a plan to get away. Ask family to help you store some things or give you a safe place to stay until you can get on your feet again. If you think you have enough time, try to save some money so you have a little to start you out. If you can't do this and have no family to help there are shelters that are available for you to take advantage of.

Leaving a bad relationship is scary but it will be the best thing you have ever done and will give you the confidence to get on with your life, especially if you have children to watch out for. Be strong and find the courage to walk out the door and do not look back.

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When you are packing, take only what you need and nothing more. You are going to want to get out clean. You will probably only have a small window of opportunity to get away and the lighter the load the faster you can move.

If there has been abuse in your relationship you may need to have some back up when you leave. Ask the police to help you, they may or may not depending on whether or not there have been reports of abuse filed by you over the course of your relationship. If the police won't help, ask family or friends to help you get out quickly.

Once you make the decision to go you do need to move quickly. For one, you do not want to change your mind. Changing your mind only means more abuse and like I said no one deserves to live like that.

Do not let them know where you are going. If they have been controlling and abusive they will try to find you and if they do, they will try to hurt you again, at the worst and at the most they will try to manipulate you to coming back. They will attempt to make promises they have no intention of keeping and when they get you back the next time the abuse happens it will be so much worse than ever before. For your own safety, do not leave any evidence of where you went. And for goodness sake, if they find you do not go back with them.

Once you are away from them for a while and things have calmed down. Find a counselor to talk to. You need to start to feel better about yourself as soon as you can. What happened to you in that bad relationship was not your fault. People change and not always for the better. Let the counselor work with you so you can get on with your life.

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Relationship Advice Online-Narrow It Down For Your Relationship

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There is so much relationship advice online it would take someone years to get through it all. Although with a little research you should be able to narrow it all down to find just exactly what you need help with.

For instance, are you looking to find someone to date and spend time with? If you are you could always try a dating site or two. Just make sure they are reputable sites. Maybe try some of the ones that you have heard of already.

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If you are honest about the information you put in your profile on these sites they should be able to match you up with someone who has the same interests as you do so you will at least have some things to talk about when you set up a first date. In any relationship it is important to start of on the right foot.

When looking for relationship advice online, one major thing you will find is advice about being confident and secure in who you are before you try to have a relationship. If you come into a relationship with a lot of baggage and have many insecurities your relationship will suffer. Maybe not right at the beginning but those insecurities will rear their ugly heads at some point and start to eat away at the relationship.

So, what does this mean? This means you should do what you need to do to get rid of the insecurities you have. This may mean talking to someone who can help, like a counselor. No one ever has the perfect parents and truthfully, our parents can mess us up pretty badly sometimes. So much so that any type of personal relationships we try to have in our adult lives just do not, or cannot, work out for the best.

You also cannot look to someone else to 'make' you happy. Happiness comes from within and if you do not start a relationship happy then after the initial 'honeymoon period' is over and the relationship settles into some type of a routine that unhappiness will be very apparent and you will do all you can to sabotage your new relationship because somewhere down deep inside you really feel like you do not deserve anything good in your life.

You may not even know you are doing it but the evidence that you are, in part, will be like taking the little things that should really not ever get in the way in your relationship and making them huge fights that put you at odds with your mate.

If you put some energy into bettering yourself before you enter into your next relationship then, believe it or not, you will find that the self-confidence you exude will not only attract more members of the opposite sex, it will attract those who are also confident in themselves.

So find a good counselor and research some relationship advice online to become secure in who you are and where you are going in this life before trying to have a relationship with someone else. Be careful here to because there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Do not cross that line, it is very easy to do and arrogance is not attractive at all.

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Friday, 19 August 2011

Relationship Problem Advice-Identify The Stress

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If you need some relationship problem advice, let's take a look at what the causes of your relationship distress may be. Problems in a relationship may start out as minor but if they do not get dealt with in a timely manner then someone's feelings get hurt and they can balloon into a three headed monster and end up being the death of the relationship.

This does not have to be the case. In my opinion the three biggest relationship problems are: Lack of communication, money, and not spending enough quality time together (if there are no children involved), or differences in how each of you thinks the children should be raised (if there are).

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You have got to have a plan of action. Life and marriage just does not happen. You have to put some effort into it daily to keep it running smoothly. If the relationship is threatened in any way you need to nip it in the bud and talk it out with your partner or if that is not possible then go see someone who specializes in relationship counseling.

Prevention is the best way to handle problems. More relationship problem advice to you is if the lines of communication stay open at all times then you can catch the little problems as they arise and deal with them until they get resolved. Sometimes though, things can get a little out of hand and then those are the times when we all need a second opinion, so to speak. Do not hesitate to talk to a neutral third party to help resolve even the smallest of issues if you can't come to a resolution on your own.

If the biggest problem in your relationship is money and all that that entails, then clear lines have to be drawn and each one of you needs to know how the other one feels about saving, spending, budgeting, short and long-term goals, investing. The bills should be paid together on a weekly basis when all the money is in the bank.

Decide on what day of the week to do it and then sit down at the same time each week in the same place each week and pay the bills together. If you make and keep this appointment with each other every week then there can be no misunderstandings. Each of you take what you need for the week right off the top and use the rest to pay the bills on time and in full.

Parenting issues take a lot of communication, too. Ways to raise the children you are planning should be addressed even before the first pregnancy. If there are already children when the two of you get together then there need to be even clearer rules that apply to the children and "step" parent. The "step" parent needs to know just how much authority they have when it comes to disciplining the children, especially in your absence.

I guess what I am saying is that if there is good communication all around then there will be very little problems to worry about. So, learn some skills like active listening so you can carry on a conversation and actually hear what your spouse is saying to you at any given time. Address the problems as they arise so you can avoid the three headed monster and having to get relationship problem advice.

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Thursday, 18 August 2011

Advice Relationships-Use It Or Lose It

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The best piece of advice relationships counselors will give you is to learn to communicate effectively with each other. If you master the art of communication then everything else will follow. You will wonder at just how easy everything else becomes when you give each other carte blanche to say what ever needs to be said.

Just as long as the communication between you stays respectful. Say what needs to be said but do not be mean, nasty, or cruel. That's not communication, that's abuse. If something happens in your relationship that makes you mad then tell your spouse that you are mad but that instead of going off half-cocked, you want to take some time to organize your thoughts and figure out the best way to approach things.

Then, when given enough time, you can calm down and look at things rationally and come back to the discussion with a fresh set of eyes. Anger is blinding and when you are angry nothing can be accomplished to the positive. If the anger stems from something that was hurtful, it is human nature, I think, to want to hurt right back. If this should happen then take my advice relationships can't survive if one of you is always pitted against the other one.

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Sometimes fighting can be a good productive thing to do. But, if it is a constant thing in your relationship then it will wear down the love and the relationship will not survive. Pick and choose which hills you want to die on and which ones you don't. If the fight is about how one betrayed the other then this needs to happen. If it is a fight about the toilet seat being left up, then, not so much.

Most of the time, the mistakes we make are just that, mistakes. Not intentional hurts but still they hurt anyway. If you are the one who has done the hurting, then apologize as soon as you can and as sincerely as you can. a sincere apology will go a long way to fixing a lot of things. Ask what you can do to make it better.

Keep the romance alive. Do things together and do things apart. Quality time can be described both ways. Spending time together is fine but, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Spending all of your time together is just not healthy. So, spend some quality time apart too. This way you will always have something to talk about and new stories to tell.

If you find that life is getting in the way of the two of you finding time to spend together then it would be a good thing to do to set aside some time every week and plan to spend that time together. Go have dinner, see a movie, just take a walk down by the river. It doesn't matter what it is just as long as you are doing it together. If nothing else then to just remember each other's names.

With this advice relationships may have a better chance of survival and neither of you will ever go to bed angry.

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Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Break Up Relationship-Takes Time And Patience

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How do you get over the pain of a break up relationship? One day at a time, that's how. Sometimes, just one minute at a time. With time and a smattering of patience thrown in, you can pretty much make it through anything.

Keep a level head on your shoulders and accept the break up relationship with dignity. Do not do or say anything that could potentially come back to bite you in the rear end. Just accept the reality of the situation, cut your losses and learn to move on.

When the dust settles after the initial break up. You need to allow time for the grieving. You bet, I said grieving. The grieving process can be a lot like it is when someone you love dies. There are certain steps you must take to come out the other side. So let yourself feel the sadness, or the anger and resentment, for as long as it takes to get through it.

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If the hurt is too much to handle then find someone to talk to or go online and join a forum or a chat room about lost loves and get some advice there. In this digital world today this is where most of the "therapy" happens and you can find forums or chat rooms or blogs on any subject under the sun.

If the relationship you were in was the type that made you put some of your friendships on the back burner then go ahead and reconnect with those that you set aside. They will be glad to hear from you. Some of them may have their nose out of joint because they will feel slighted but if you apologize then all should be well and you can back to being friends again.

The same thing applies to your family. Plan a family dinner and cook all your favorite dishes. Make this a real "feel good" type reunion, so to speak. Family is family and they are there for you no matter what.

One more thing to remember, do not attempt to start seeing someone new unless and until you are completely ready to. This sort of behavior can only result in more hurt. For you and the new guy, too. Rebound relationships rarely ever work. Just take your time and learn to be yourself for a while.

Change up your routine. Find something new to do with your free time. Take some day trips to places you have always wanted to go. There is bound to be somewhere real close by that you have never been to before.

Here's what you do, get an atlas or just a map of your area and check out what types of things there are within a 100 mile radius of you house. Make a list and then just start at the top and go on down the list. Pretty soon the break up relationship will be a distant memory.

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Relationship Advice For Women- Shop Around

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If you need relationship advice for women you can find some of what you are looking for right here. Finding the right guy for you can be tough. Your best bet is to make a list of the attributes that you find appealing in a man and then, depending on how long the list is, take the top five attributes and concentrate on finding those in one man.

Steer clear of including physical characteristics in your first five attributes. Looks fade and it is shallow to date a man solely on his looks. Go for things like dependability and a good sense of humor.

Shop around, date several men before making any decisions. Every one is different and, who knows, you might find one that has a characteristic that you did not know you were looking for.

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Maybe you will date someone who is loyal and dedicated to taking care of his mother. If he doesn't live with her then this could be an admirable trait in a man or it could mean that she is a manipulative you-know-what and just feels the need to control her son. Does she call up and make him feel guilty if he hasn't visited in a while? Look out, she may also feel like no one is good enough for her son and will try to drive a wedge between you.

More relationship advice for women includes making a list of the things you like to do and are willing to share with the right person. These are questions you need to ask on your first few dates to get an accurate picture of what type of person he is. Does he think the things that interest you are stupid or does he think that learning new things will be a good challenge for him.

If he is willing to put his needs behind yours at times then maybe he is someone worth considering for a long-term relationship. Also, does he have the capacity to compromise if a conflict comes up. Ask him, flat out, how he would handle a problem in a relationship. You both need to know this stuff and the sooner the cards are all out on the table the sooner you can get on with things.

What about religious views? If you have strong ties to a certain church he needs to know that. He may have his own and you will both have to figure out what to do about this. Strong religious views have ruined more than one relationship, I am sure.

Have a good handle on what your goals are in life. If he has some of the same goals then you are off to a good start. If some compromises need to be made then talk about it and make them. None of this has to be done in the first ten minutes though, have some fun and enjoy each other's company. Some of this stuff will work itself out and you can figure some out just by talking with each other. Do not be pushy, it will all work out like it is supposed to.

The best relationship advice for women is to find a man that will support you in every way throughout the rest of your life, then marry him.

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Monday, 15 August 2011

Free Relationship Advice-Just Do A Little Research

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When your relationship is on trouble, where do you turn? Well, you could go out and get a counselor or spend your money on books and ecourses to help you fix what is broken in your relationship or you can do a little research on the internet for free relationship advice.

Free relationship advice is out there, all you have to do is find it. Your best bet is to sign up to receive email newsletters. These come directly to your email either daily or weekly and can be invaluable when you are trying to figure things out about your relationship.

The information comes in the form of little tidbits and maybe even suggestions you can put into practice in your own relationship to try to make things better. Other free resources include articles, videos, talking to your pastor or someone who has been through what you are going through.

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These resources will help you find solutions to your problems if your relationship just needs to be fine-tuned. If there is a bigger problem like infidelity then you may want to consider professional counseling. A counselor will help you figure out whether or not your relationship is worth saving or not. This can become quite the costly option though.

The free stuff is available to you and you can use it even if your partner is not willing to do it with you. Learn all you can and put it into practice. If it works for your current relationship then so much the better. If not then you can apply what you have learned to the next relationship.

With the right tools you can do just about anything from fixing a relationship to fixing a car. Having the right information will take you a long way and make you strong and happy in your life.

Take what you learn with a grain of salt at first, try different things to figure out what will work for you in your current situation. Not everything that is free will fit, or fix, your problems.

Check out the chat rooms and blogs as a part of your research. Some of these can offer great insights to relationship problems and difficulties and sometimes you can even post questions of your own and have others respond and give their opinion as to what can be done to make things better.

Like I said before, just make sure you take the information you get and ferret out only what you need. There is absolutely no sense asking for more trouble than what you already have. If communication is the biggest problem then learn some good communication skills to use. Learn to read your partner's body language. This can tell you a lot about what they are feeling and how they are acting.

Free relationship advice can be given by anyone. If you trust the source of the information then use it. All you have to do is find what works and then put it into practice. You can save your relationship if it is worth saving. Make a list of what you think the problems are in your relationship and then determine if you want to take the time to find a solution for each of them.

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Sunday, 14 August 2011

Relationship Help At The Touch Of Your Fingertips

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Personal relationships are an important part of life. Everyone needs someone to love. Love makes you feel special, not to mention all warm and fuzzy inside. But, when the warm fuzzies start to fizzle out where do you turn for relationship help?

I suppose the first, most obvious answer is, right here where you are, the Internet. You can find a wealth of information on relationship help right at your finger tips. It really is very simple, just type in what you want information on into your web browser bar and click 'enter'.

You will immediately be brought to a results page where all you have to do is pick the article, just like this one, that you want to read or find the website for the product that you want to buy. Just choose the one that seems to be perfect for your situation and then just read it.

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There are websites solely dedicated to the preservation of relationships. You can find what you need at these websites and even sign up to receive their newsletters by email daily or weekly or however often they offer them. Just the newsletters alone may give you the information you want. All you have to do is create a folder specifically for them right in your email. Then when you get one just put it in that folder and they are right there whenever you want or need them.

Keeping a relationship healthy is easy. If the two of your are compatible, and even if you are not, a relationship should just be easy. Having someone to come home to and share your innermost thoughts and dreams with is a big deal. Sure, there will be a rough patch or two but if the two of you are the adults you think you are then you should have no problems dealing with the problems effectively and coming through stronger on the other side.

If the Internet doesn't do it for you and you feel the need to talk to someone, go for it. What ever you do, though, be prepared to shell out some dough. Buying an ebook or ecourse on the subject or going to a counselor will both cost some money. Either way is a smart move to keep you and your relationship healthy.

Another place you can look is your local library. Check out a book or two on the subject and take them home to read them. Follow the steps they say to take and you should be on your way to a healthy relationship when you are done reading them.

Each of these suggestions will get you to where you want your relationship to be just keep in mind that there will be homework and things to try. Maybe even games to play with your significant other to get you on the right track. Who knows, just have fun with it all. Life is too serious sometimes, do not let your relationship drag you down, too.

Relationship help is easy to find no matter where you look. It seems that it is pretty big business even though the divorce rate is still one in two marriages. Go figure. Do not become a statistic. Fix yours and be happy.

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Long Distance Relationship Take Alot Of Work

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I have never been in a long distance relationship but I think if you are considering one then there have to be clear boundaries and conditions that each of you follow to be able to keep the relationship strong and healthy. If the two of you are secure in who you are to begin with then the relationship between you will be too.

A long distance relationship takes work. Probably more work than a regular distance relationship. Depending on how far the two of you are living apart, seeing each other on somewhat of a regular basis may be quite the challenge.

If the distance is only hundreds of miles then swapping weekends should not be a problem but if the distance is thousands of miles then seeing each other will take planning and saving up for tickets and such.

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There are ways to make this type of relationship work and keep it strong and thriving.

For instance, make sure you both are on the same page. Is this relationship one that will be exclusive? If so, make sure that each of you agrees to this.

Set up times when one will call the other. Make it the same every day and stick to it. Nothing will harbor suspicion more than not calling at the pre-determined time. If an emergency comes up then jot off a quick text to your love and promise to call as soon as the crisis is over then apologize and explain what happened in detail.

The more you stay in touch the stronger the relationship will be in the long run. With so many ways to stay in touch these days i.e., email, text, cell phones, video chat, not to mention the old standby, snail mail. Sending flowers on a weekly basis may not be a bad idea either. Anything to make the other feel like they are always in your thoughts is a good idea.

Keeping in contact on a daily basis will make time go by quicker until you can be together again. Cards and letters will make each other smile and keep the love alive. Care packages and little surprises that come in the mail will keep the relationship moving forward as well. If you are out shopping and you see something that reminds you of him, pick it up and send it to him.

Make plans to get together as often as is feasible. If it is doable, pick a spot that is halfway between the two of you and one weekend a month drive to that destination and stay in a hotel. Do not deviate from the plan and do not cancel at the last minute unless it is an emergency. Trust has to go farther in this type of relationship and insecurities can give life to a very active imagination.

Every move you make has to be completely on the up and up. If suspicion enters the picture at any time the long distance relationship will suffer and probably come to an end. Everything you do has to be above reproach.

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Friday, 12 August 2011

Ending A Relationship With Style

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If the time has come to start thinking about ending a relationship there are some things you need to know to do it in style. Even if the trust and respect between the two of you has been long gone, you need to summon it back up and deal with the break up with some class. You will feel better about yourself for doing this much.

Ask them to meet you in a public place for coffee or whatever and when the time comes to end the relationship just say it and get it out on the table. There may be some discussion as to why you want to break up but if the relationship has been on the skids for some time it may not come as a surprise to your soon to be ex.

Never think that ending a relationship by email, text, or over the phone is a good idea. It isn't. The only time this is acceptable is if you think there will be violence then, by all means, do what you have to do to stay safe.

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If you know for certain that your soon to be ex will not get violent then have enough respect for yourself to break up with them in person. You will know that you handled the break up with dignity and when they calm down they will respect you for it also.

There really is no way to let someone down easy. The best thing you can do is get it all out on the table so it can be dealt with. Do not prolong the issue. Say what needs to be said, excuse yourself then leave. This is best for both of you. There is no need to stick around and get caught up in a fight.

Do not place the blame on them even if it belongs there. Tell them that you just do not think that the relationship is working out and that you would like to move on. Break ups are hard for all concerned. You may breathe a sigh of relief when it is all over but you will also have some grieving to do even if you are the one initiating the break up. Especially if the two of you have been seeing each other for some time.

Tell them that after the break up you will adopt a no contact policy and if they try to contact you do not pick up the phone or answer any emails or texts. If they continue to try to get in touch with you you may have to consider changing your number. Remove them from all of your contact lists and continue to live your life.

Ending a relationship that is no longer working is really the best thing you can do. You owe it to yourself to be happy. It is time to stop making excuses and start living your life the way you were meant to. When your ex sees the difference then they will see that breaking up was the best thing that could have happened for the both of you.

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Thursday, 11 August 2011

Love Relationships Seven Principals To Achieve

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Besides the obvious, compatibility, love relationships need trust, mutual respect, honesty, and effective communication to thrive and be of a benefit to both parties.
You could throw in having the ability to compromise when issues arise and actually being friends with each other as other aspects that are needed in a good relationship, too.

Having a relationship based on these seven principles is what we all dream of achieving at least one time in our lives. I believe they call this finding the "one". That perfect person that each of us dreams about finding to spend the rest of our lives with.

Some of us are lucky enough to find that special someone so we can be content for the rest of our lives. Too many of us settle for someone we can't possibly be happy with just to have someone around. I personally do not think that that is living. If you end up marrying someone that constantly brings you down or holds you back, is it really a good relationship. No, it isn't.

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We all need people around us who will build us up and encourage us when the chips are down. Having someone add to those chips is no good and maybe you should rethink your relationship and move on.

Maintaining good love relationships takes some time and attention but are relationships really as hard as some make them out to be? I don't think so. Maybe I am just one of the lucky ones, but in my opinion if a relationship takes work and is hard to manage, maybe you should get out of it and find one that isn't.

Relationships should be fun and passionate and full of love. You should complement each other well. Where one is weak the other is strong. A good relationship is a good partnership. Partners share everything with each other. Partners have consideration for one another and take care of each other.

I think too many people enter into a relationship and immediately start pitting themselves against each other like it is some kind of competition or something. They have a "what's in it for me" type of attitude instead of adopting a "what's in it for us" type of attitude.

If you both strive everyday to be there for each other and work together to maintain the relationship you will begin to wonder, as I do, why so many people have so much trouble in their relationships. It just doesn't have to be that way. Life is too short to be miserable or unhappy and only you can change it.

We all want to be loved and love someone in return. When there is too much stress and strife in a relationship it does make it too much like work Since there is too much stress and strife in everyday life wouldn't it be nice to be able to have someone you can have as a refuge from it all? That's the way good love relationships should be.

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Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Relationship Breakup A New Beginning

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We have all had a relationship breakup at least once in our lives and they can be quite painful for all involved. After the initial shock of the relationship ending though you might want to look at it like it not being the end of something but the beginning of another something that may be even better.

For every experience we have we learn something from it. That's what helps us increase our wisdom in this life. Take what you learn from everything and use it to further enrich your life. This includes what you learn from things that you fail at. Like a relationship breakup.

I was in a relationship once that was as toxic as they come. But, in the course of the relationship I learned several things about myself that I never knew I had inside me. I found a strength of character that was hiding, or maybe even developed during that relationship. I also found a deep spirituality that I did not know I had as well. The relationship was short lived, only about a year and a half, but the things I came away with will last me a lifetime.

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I guess what I am saying is that even though a relationship may not last at least you can benefit in other ways and try to remember what was good about being with that person. Maybe not right after the breakup but with some time and distance you will be able to see clearer just exactly what you learned during that time with them.

Once the relationship has ended and the grieving period is over, try to learn to enjoy your time by yourself. Learn who you really are not who someone else thinks you should be. If you think about it, if you try to be someone you are not and ignore the warning bells going off in your head then that relationship really cannot last. If you are not loved for who you are then stop settling, break it off and either be by yourself for a while then find someone who will love you for you.

I think it is almost impossible to find someone to love if you are not secure in who you are to begin with. That is why so many marriages fail. Too may insecurities on both sides. Too many people try to manipulate each and every situation to their own benefit when what they should be doing is trying to find ways to compromise when the need arises and make each other happy instead of miserable and even more insecure than when the relationship started.

If more people would just use the sense God gave them and think of the other person a little more and themselves a little less then a relationship breakup could be avoided and more people would consider themselves to be happy. Love is an important part of life and too many people don't know how to handle it, or mistreat it when they do have it. Such a shame.

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Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Relationship Advice

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If you want to be happy in your relationship, let me give you a little relationship advice. C-0-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-E with each other about E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. If an issue comes up tackle it immediately. Every relationship will have issues, no one is perfect and that includes the two of you.

You will hit a rough patch sooner or later. It does not matter what the rough patch is all about, just know that there will be one. Hitting a rough spot does not mean that the relationship has to be over, in fact, hitting a rough spot and making it through will make your relationship stronger and more able to handle the next rough patch that comes along.

Trusting your spouse is very important. It can keep you both secure in how you handle the relationship. Some people trust just as a matter of course and take it away only if something happens for them to feel like they can no longer trust. Some make you earn the trust they put in you and are completely devastated if that trust is broken.

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Some also feel that it is trust, not love, that will make or break a relationship. If trust is not there or has been betrayed then it may take quite a bit of groveling to get it back, if you ever do. Some important relationship advice, be so ready to kiss some serious booty if you are the betrayer. You have your work cut out for you.

You are in love, no one is disputing that, but in all seriousness doesn't it do you some good every now and again to just get the heck away from each other? It should. Go out separately with friends or spend the day with family. Give each other a break and just go your own separate ways like one day a week. You will be healthier for it and will also come back with stories to tell about how your day went. You both will appreciate the other that much more because of this.

When conflict does come up, it is very important to know how to handle yourselves decently in a fight. No finger pointing, or name calling, keep the fight fair. Learn how to compromise. If there is mutual respect in the relationship all of this will be very easy to maintain. Respect will lead to negotiation which, in turn, will lead to a compromise that the both of you can live with.

Being able to compromise in any given situation lets you both have your say and lets you both see that your opinion matters. When what you have to say matters then no one can ever have the upper hand and the two of you can truly call yourselves partners.

Following good relationship advice and dealing with the issues as they surface will help the two of you feel so much more secure in your relationship and the stronger and more secure you are the longer the relationship will last. With just a little work, your relationship can be one of the best around.

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Love Relationship Advice

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You met someone and you think they might be the one you have been looking for your whole life. Now you need some love relationship advice to make sure you don't blow it. There are many things you can do to ensure that your relationship doesn't go by the wayside. Loving someone is not easy but with a little mutual respect and trust you can make it easier on both of you. Love is also not as hard as some make it out to be. You just have to leave all the baggage at the door and deal effectively with anything new that comes along.

Love can be an amazing thing. One minute you feel euphoric and the next scared to death. Eating and sleeping go right out the window. Then the exhilaration of the whole thing comes rushing back and you smile all the time. The love relationship advice you are looking for can help you sort out all the different emotions coming at you and make everything easier to deal with.

When starting a new love relationship you need to be confident in yourself and the fact that you can and will be the perfect partner to your new interest. I do not mean that you have to change and be someone you are not but just have the confidence to stay who you are through the whole thing.

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You need to learn from past mistakes and then let them go. Do not let them get in the way of new experiences, especially a new love interest. Treat this new love as if it were your first love. Do everything you can to keep the romance alive. Try your best to not bring old baggage to this new relationship. You want this new relationship to work out for the best not crash and burn after just a few months, right?

Do not try to be perfect in every way, that can be exhausting. Just be yourself all the time. Also, do not expect your new love to be perfect either. Start out by communicating effectively and then when there is a problem you two can sit down and talk it out like the adults that you are and not behave like children.

It shows a great amount of maturity to love someone unconditionally when the chips are down than when everything is going great. It also shows the strength of the bond the two of you have created together. If one of you runs and hides when a problem arises then your relationship will suffer and may not last altogether.

Love is a choice as is happiness, continuing to love one another during trying times will make you stronger and bring you closer together. Happiness and security comes from mutual trust and respect in a relationship. Choose to be happy and secure in your relationship then do all you can to protect and preserve that relationship. Take this love relationship advice to heart because, as they say, love is what makes the world go 'round.

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Sunday, 7 August 2011

Relationships and Trust

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Trust in relationships is an absolute must. If you do not have trust then you have nothing. Trust can be a very difficult thing to give and that is why it has to be earned. This can take time and if one or both of you have been hurt in a previous relationship then it may take even longer.

Start out by making sure you can be trusted with the little things. Little things consist of keeping promises you make and doing what you say you will do when you say you will do it. If she asks you to pick her up somewhere be there a little beforehand. Do not make her wait, be waiting for her. She will greet you with a smile and a kiss not a sour look and attitude. Which would you rather have?

These little things all add up to her being able to trust you with bigger things, like her feelings. If she comes to you and pours her heart out to you about something sensitive. Listen and offer your shoulder for her to cry on. She may just have to get it off her chest but the most important thing for you to do here is to not go blab to your friends what she has confided to you. Take the old analogy about Vegas. What happens in this relationship, stays in this relationship.

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Trust her with something sensitive about yourself. Sharing personal information brings you closer together. Tell her something no one else knows about you. She will feel honored that you think she is special enough that you can trust her with this information. Showing your vulnerable side is endearing in relationships and helps build the trust that is so important to keeping you close with your partner.

Make good choices. Do things that benefit both of you. Do not be selfish, this will only drive a wedge between you. Think about how she will react when you tell her what you have done. Will she approve? If not, rethink your position. Not that every decision you make from here on out needs to be based on how someone else will receive it, it is essential that you do take her feelings into consideration.

Another good way to build trust in a relationship is to use touch. Touch is very important, and I do not mean just in a sexual way. Hold her hand as you walk or put your arm around her when you go to the movies. Incidental touches build trust on both sides.

Own your own BS. If you make a mistake, man up and own it, then apologize sincerely. Do not place blame, do not make excuses and do not get defensive when she calls you on it. She will see this as juvenile behavior and probably turn around and run as fast as she can in the opposite direction and you can then file this one in the failed relationships column. Remember, to earn her trust you have to be trustworthy.

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Saturday, 6 August 2011

Get Over Love

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Being in a loving relationship is one of the best experiences you will ever have. When things are going good, you feel great, but when they come to an end there is nothing but heartache. Still, you at some point you are going to have to move beyond it and get over love. The love you used to have is gone and you need to find a way to accept it so you can start living your life again.

Before we start getting into some of the steps you can take to get over love, it's important to point out that it won't always be easy.

Your first course of action should be figuring out whether or not things are truly over between the two of you. Just because you have had a heated argument and aren't together right now, doesn't mean that you can't work things out. Perhaps you drove each other crazy, or hurt each other's feelings, but all of those things can be fixed. The catch is that you both have to want to work things out, and be willing to do whatever it takes.

Of course, getting back together is a valid way to get over a lost love, because you are effectively finding them again. Remember, you can't change the other person so they either need to be ready to change, or you need to be able to live with their lack of change. Saying you're sorry and forgiving them for anything they did wrong will go a long way toward patching things up. If there is no possibility of getting back together, then the following advice should help.

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For the time being, you should do your best to remove any traces of your ex from your life. Things like love letters and photographs are obvious, but there are things that are less obvious, such as any items the two of you purchased together. You do not have to throw these things away or destroy them, just get them out of sight for a while. The fewer reminders you have of your lost love, the better.

You will also need to tie up any loose ends. For example, if the two of you had a joint bank account then you need to freeze or close it as soon as possible. Once that's done, you can divide the money up fairly. There may also be various items that you have to sort out. Do your best to remain logical and respectful during this process. If it gets to be too much for either of you then try again in a few days if at all possible.

Now comes the fun part...rediscovering yourself for who you really are. It is really easy to change when you're in a relationship. Not all changes are bad, but they are still changes. This may sound silly to some people, but the best way to get over love is to fall in love with who you really are. After all, nobody would deny that having positive self-esteem is much more enjoyable than wallowing in self-pity.

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Friday, 5 August 2011

How To Be A Confident Girlfriend

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There is a common belief that men and women are equal. Unfortunately, that isn't the truth, at least not in the real world. Now, it's true that they are of equal worth, but society as a whole has not caught up to that belief. There are still men who think women should be weak, and that can take its toll on any relationship. Maybe that's why so many women want to know how to be a confident girlfriend. The good news, as you will see, is that it can be done.

You have to be a confident person before you can be a confident girlfriend. A large portion of confidence is knowing who you are and being happy with who you are. If you fall short in either of these areas then you will not be very confident. So, take some time to get to know yourself. If you don't like who you are, then do what you can to improve it. If there are deep-seated issues, then you may wish to see a counselor to help you get beyond whatever it is that's preventing you from accepting yourself for who you are.

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Once you are confident and comfortable with who you are, it's time to work on being a more confident girlfriend. This may come as a surprise, but most men actually prefer women who are confident. They simply don't have the time for all of the neediness and drama that seems to follow insecure women. So, you can stop acting unconfident and weak right now, especially if you have only been doing it in the hopes that it would make your boyfriend love you more.

Having the right attitude is also a key factor to being confident in a relationship. Too many women are afraid that their boyfriend will suddenly find someone else and leave them by the curb. Here's the doesn't matter. You need to know this: if he dumps you, that's okay. Think about it, why would you want to be with a man who doesn't love you, or doesn't love you for who you are? Of course you may feel heartbroken, but when one door closes all other doors are open for you. There are a lot of guys out there that will accept you for you. Just knowing this fact can help you to be more confident in your current relationship because you will no longer be afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing.

Maybe the simplest way to answer the question of how to be a confident girlfriend is to just do it. You owe it to yourself, and you owe to your boyfriend if you really love him. All it takes is accepting yourself for who you are, understanding that he wants you to be confident, and that there is always going to be somebody out there who cares about you.

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Thursday, 4 August 2011

Signs Of A Cheating Boyfriend

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In a perfect world there would be things like true love at first sight and soulmates. All love would last for a lifetime, and nobody would ever be unfaithful. Love and trust would go hand in hand. But we don't live in a perfect world, and that means things sometimes go wrong. Just the thought of your boyfriend being unfaithful can be enough to drive you nuts. Luckily there are some signs of a cheating boyfriend that you can use to help figure out if he's being faithful or not.

Before we get to the signs, it's important to point out that they are not proof. Any of them could be signs of something else; such as stress or depression. However, the presence of any of these signs should be taken as a cue that something could be wrong. You also need to be careful that you're not misreading the signs due to your own insecurity in your relationship. This is often the case if you have been cheated on (or have cheated yourself) in the past. Do your best to remain objective when looking for these signs of a cheating boyfriend.

Working late - It may seem like this is one of those classic signs, but it's a classic for a reason. A lot of guys will say they are working late so they can meet up with another woman. Of course you shouldn't jump to conclusions, either. If your boyfriend is paid hourly, then you should see an increase in his income if he's really working late. Ask him a few questions about work, then pay attention to his answers.

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Avoidance - If he used to look forward to seeing you, but now he seems distant or like he's trying to avoid you, then that could be a sign. Maybe he's afraid of commitment, maybe something else is going on, or maybe he's cheating and is afraid of getting caught.

Change in appearance or spending more time on his appearance - Some guys already spend a lot of time on their appearance, others don't. What you really want to look for are changes. If he used to spend 5 minutes getting ready and now he spends 45 minutes, then that's a potential sign. Also, if he suddenly changes his style of clothing, it could be because someone else is dressing him.

Knowledge of past indiscretions - While you can't convict your boyfriend based on his past, it certainly can make you leery of what he's doing now. So, if he cheated in the past, it could be one of the signs of a cheating boyfriend. At the very least, you know he has that potential. However, always remember that people can and do change, so don't make assumptions one way or the other.

Odd phone calls, text messages or e-mails - This is not meant to give you permission to go snooping through his private conversations. However, if you are getting odd messages from people you don't recognize, then that's also a potential red flag.

You know your boyfriend best, so use these signs of a cheating boyfriend as a guideline. They aren't enough to prove anything, but they can help you to dig a bit deeper if you have to.

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Wednesday, 3 August 2011

How To Be Nice To Your Girlfriend

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As guys we sometimes get a bit confused as to treat our girlfriends. Maybe it's because we are different in so many ways, generally speaking. Sometimes we try, but they seem to take things the wrong way, despite our best intentions. All you want to know is how to be nice to your girlfriend. You love her and want her to know how you feel in both words and actions.

Not taking her for granted is a good start. This isn't meant to sound harsh but it's true: she is not obligated to stay with you. She has every right to leave you, and could do so at any moment. Now, that doesn't mean you should be constantly worried, or let that though make you jealous, but it does mean that you should value her and make no assumptions.

Even if you're not taking her for granted, you may still be wondering how to be nice to your girlfriend in a way that she will appreciate. Before you can do that, you have to know what things she likes. You also need to know what type of affection she responds best to. For example, you may think saying "I love you" is all it takes to let your feelings be known. But maybe she was raised in a home where affection was shown through physical touch, such as a pat on the back or a shoulder massage. Knowing this will help you in your efforts to be nice. In this case, a foot rub after she has had a hard day will go much further than telling her how much you love her.

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There are also some basic things you can do, no matter how she likes to be shown affection. Treating her with respect is always the right thing to do. Even if you are arguing, you should still treat her with respect. She is a person, and deserves to be treated with common decency. Don't treat her like an inferior, don't talk down to her, and don't treat her like she's stupid.

This is also a perfect time to remember the Golden Rule. In other words, ask yourself how you would like her to treat you. Or, how would you feel if she started saying and doing to you what you say and do to her? Would you be okay with that, or would it rub you the wrong way? If you wouldn't like it, then that's a strong sign that you need to change.

One of the big problems is that you may think that you are being nice, but your girlfriend doesn't think so. When this happens you will need to talk to each other to find out what's going wrong. You're trying to be a good guy, and she wants you to be a good guy, and a little communication can go a long way. How to be nice to your girlfriend really is as simple as that.

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Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Never Cheat On Your Crazy Boyfriend

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There are all kinds of people in this world, and that's what makes life interesting. The down side is that you sometimes run into to people who are somewhat off balance. If your boyfriend fits that description, then there's a good chance that your girlfriends are telling you to cheat on him, to play the field. But a good rule of thumb is to never cheat on your crazy boyfriend.

Let's be honest, cheating and being a "player" is more acceptable in today's society, but that doesn't make it right. Some people will argue that it's okay to cheat on your boyfriend if he's emotionally unstable. The way those people justify it is by saying that he somehow deserves to be cheated on because of his behavior. Wrong!

The problem with the idea of justified cheating is that it tries to fix a wrong by doing wrong. The saying "two wrongs don't make a right" applies here. When you started going out with him, you made a promise to not be unfaithful. Perhaps you never talked about it, but that promise is always assumed in this kind of a relationship. Keeping your word and remaining true are important character traits.

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Now, it may be true that your boyfriend is indeed crazy (however you define that term), or isn't a nice guy, but as long as the two if you are going out, it's up to you to be faithful. Your girlfriends probably just want you to see somebody else, which is why they are encouraging you to cheat on him. Here's what they don't realize: cheating on him will only lead to bad things.

Let's look at the two possibilities and what the likely result is:

1. He will find out. Chances are quite high that he will find out about you cheating on him. How will he react? What are the real odds that he will just shrug it off and be on his merry way? If you already think he's "crazy" then cheating on him isn't going to help the situation in any way.

2. He won't find out. Even if he never finds out, you will always know that you cheated on him. It may feel good or exciting at the time, but then guilt and low self-esteem will set in.

So, what can you do if you don't want to be with him anymore? The main thing is to not let him scare you into staying with him. That is a form of abuse, and you should get away from him as soon as possible. If he's not forcing you to stay, but you want to go your separate ways, then you will have to break up with him. In fact, you can do just about anything you want to, as long as you never cheat on your crazy boyfriend.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Monday, 1 August 2011

Skills To Get A Boyfriend

Get back with your ex

The desire to be with someone is deeply engrained in us. Some may say it is what makes us human and others say it is an evolutionary trait. Regardless of what the reason is, it is a driving desire. If you are a female who has been alone for too long, then learning some skills to get a boyfriend makes a lot of sense.

Before you start learning these skills, you have to ask why you want a boyfriend in the first place. The reason this is important is that it can have an impact on how you go about getting a boyfriend. Let's put it this way: The criteria you would use for finding the guy you want to spend the rest of your life with will be different than the criteria you use to find some guy to have a fling with. Now, that doesn't mean you should lower your standards just to satisfy an urge, but it does mean that you can be less choosy if you are not looking for a lifelong relationship at this time.

The good news is that there are a few basic skills to get a boyfriend, whether for the short term or the long term.

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1. Be yourself. This cannot be stressed enough. It's so easy for us to think we know what a certain guy is looking for. Then, without giving it much thought, we start saying and doing the things we think the guy will like. In reality, this is a no-win situation. There is always a chance that he will see right through what you're doing, and won't appreciate the phoniness. He may not see through it, but you may be guessing wrong as to what he wants.

Then again, he may fall for you completely. So what happens if the two of you hit it off and it turns into a more serious relationship? You would have to keep living the lie, and that simply is not possible. You will either be totally stressed out, or he will find out.

So, be yourself, and let him decide if you're right for him. If not, that's okay; there are a lot of guys out there who will like you for who you really are.

2. Learn to listen. Let's face it, some guys don't like to do a lot of talking, however, that doesn't mean you should fill the space with mindless chatter. Instead, learn how to get him to open up by being a good listener. The other benefit of doing this is that it will give you a better idea of who he really is.

3. Don't come on too strong. This is one of the most important skills to get a boyfriend, especially if you haven't been with a guy for quite some time. You may feel desperate on the inside, but don't let it show on the outside. Just relax, listen and be yourself and you will be well on your way to landing a new boyfriend.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce